Magmar is my favorite pokemon for some reason, so I appreciated this greatly.
ОтветитьWe should start a “to be honest” counter 😂
I love your videos tho brotha…love how your videos are so long yet feel so short 😮
Hearing Zapdos Galar instead of Galarian Zapdos really triggers me for some weird reason LOL
ОтветитьDoes anybody else try to clean their screens in his videos? I keep thinking its lint.
ОтветитьIn SWSH I bred for a competitive Magby, got lucky and got two in a batch. Was so surprised so now I have two shiny Magby with perfect stats 😂❤
ОтветитьWolfie: I think I'm going to lose... yeah I lose I made a bad move I suck... OK I lost, this went really badly, worst play ever, I see no way to win.
Also Wolfie: wins anyway
ОтветитьI recommend using a team I made! Using Haunter with the ability Levitate for it's weakness to Ground type attacks. With the item Iron Ball. Using the moves Rest, Trick, Destiny Bond, and Sunny Day/Rain Dance. Using a Wide Guard pokemon to protect it while it is slow and use Trick or Destiny Bond on a pokemon threating your team. But, I can't think of teamates so i'll let you decide!
ОтветитьGotta love how Wolfe shares the knowledge
ОтветитьThe first mainline game I ever played was Platinum. I was a really dumb kid, so I struggled really hard and never beat Cynthia. The only Pokémon I remember having are Torterra and a level 80-something Magmar.
Thank you for redeeming our boy.
bro said among us -_-
ОтветитьI love watching wolfey play cuz he uses fun pokemon
Ответитьdamn u used to look like prime hugh jackman.
Ответитьwhat was the blurred out pokemon around 5 minutes?
Ответитьis amoongus really that good in rhe comp? if you lead with Glimmora to poison the enemy mons… you can no longer put them asleep. Doesnt this make a Amoonguss less usefull since spore can less often be used?
Ответить"If I had enough PP I would get guaranteed suckers"
ОтветитьI miss my belly drum slurpuff 😢
ОтветитьI love your vídeos 😂
ОтветитьPlease put all your tournaments in here I love just listening to your thoughts during them so I wanna go through them easily
Ответить"If I had enough pp I'd have a guaranteed sucker."
ОтветитьCrazy how he makes long content everytime yet consistently getting million of views
ОтветитьI love that my boy Magmar gets a niche over the abomination that is magmortar
ОтветитьThe worst decision you ever made in vgc was to cheat
ОтветитьI love this video since Magmar is my favourite pokemon ever since the anime episode where Charizard faces Magmar inside a volcano
So happy to see it getting some love here
magmar just looks so much better than magmortar.
ОтветитьIt’s fall 2024 and magmar is a top threat. Wolfe wasn’t wrong, he was just 10 years early lol.
ОтветитьI love Magmar so much. Ty for bringing light to my boy
ОтветитьTurns out you can't mix up your team with let's say two Incineroar with different stats and moves. Official Pokemon rules state: A competitor’s team cannot contain more than one Pokémon with the same National
Pokédex number.
Am I the only one who doesn’t like the addition of terras? It doesn’t makes sense and it looks dumb
ОтветитьCringegambit 💀
Ответитьpeople just dont know, hes just way ahead of his time
ОтветитьThe last gen I actually played through and did competition in was 7, but I'm catching up to come back into SV and Legends AZ, one dumb question, why is Chien Pao, (idk about spelling, but the weasel tiger sabertooth lol) why he so big? He's like dragonite size! It's like a weasel or a big cat, 😅 it seems so odd to me.
ОтветитьSo why Magmar but not Magmortar?
ОтветитьMagmar is equal to
using the fast-growing hierarchy with respect to this OCF
and this system of fundamental sequences. The term was coined by Denis Maksudov[1].
The 3 parts of the name, "bi", "tetr", "em", and "ar", mean
, "
", and a collapsing function
for Mahlo cardinals. So the full name indicates the ordinal index of the number.