I Love Amala!!!!!!
my Q is, how would an event like this being one person or more go over, at harvard ?? or someother lefty bullshit Big university ?
ОтветитьLmaoo her humour😭🤚🏼
ОтветитьAgain I will say what a beautiful person you are I am just recently seeing your video's and I continue to see a beautiful person a smart person a intelligent individual. I will say because I don't believe in politics I am wondering when you will see the trick, you can usually see it when you have went from one party to the other then realize mmmm is there perhaps another view.
ОтветитьAmala is amazing 👏
Less than half the age of Kamala and has no formal political training/experience like Kamala has had her whole career but Amala is far more intelligent and a much better speaker
People should identify themselves by their names not by the color of their skin
ОтветитьAmala than totally forgot about Nigeria why?
ОтветитьI listened to this entire thing and kept an open mind.
Here is one thing I will say, "TRANSPHOBE". When this was said, she followed it up with "there are sets of reasons why she's passionate about this accusation".
No. Be open, honest, and vulnerable.
Pick the word. Defensive. You are defensive about it and it's okay.
We don't need to avoid this word because all it does is reinforce shame.
Shaming a person who is trying to defend themselves.
See, when we avoid saying "i'm being defensive about this. I'm very hurt by it. It's shaken me to my core and brings out feelings of suppression and silence" we are play ourselves into thinking we are strong, when in reality - strength is the last thing neeed.
BE DEFENSIVE ABOUT IT and then calmly shift the lens. People defend themselves because what is thrown at them, can hurt and destroy them.
:) Show them the impact of what's being done to you <3 it reinforces vulnerability and the need for kindness.
When ppl see things they don't normally see it makes them curious..when I see it I always notice and I make sure I always smile at the parents and children not because I'm uncomfortable but cause I'm proud to see it. But I'm not going to say anything. Some things go without saying. But assumptions make an asshole out of u and me...duhhhh
ОтветитьAfter watching numerous videos on Amala in the past week, I find myself in agreement with some things, or at least she’s opening my mind up to things. However, I never see her address her party’s view on women’s rights, specifically abortion. That’s why I always vote democrat, because abortion should be legal and safe. Even if I believe in her views, I will not change my party, flaws and all.
ОтветитьThe Obama administration was the biggest missed opportunity of all time. Instead of continuing to unify us all, Obama was set on bringing back racial divide . If there was any criticism it was racism. If there was any political satire, it was racism. If you said anything derogatory at all about him, or anyone of color, it was racism. It has gotten so bad when a black customer has to wait too long for a the barista to make a coffee, it is racism. Barack Obama has turned the word racism into the most over used word in America.
ОтветитьAll this Woke shite will take 5 to 10 years to show the damage done in
ОтветитьOne big problem today is many people black and white think modern day people should make up for something that happened before we were even born to people who weren’t alive then either. You can’t change history by changing today . Lots of horrible things have been done to all our races in history. Some more recent some hundreds or thousands of years ago. But we can’t fix it now it’s over. Let’s work together to make the future better for everyone. History is the past, we can try to change the future but we live in the present. Let’s remember why it’s called the present because that’s what it is. A present
Ответить“We can fight later” 😂 Oh Amala you are so patient. I cannot handle the level of ignorance in this world and admire your empathy and understanding in the face of it all. Thank you for fighting the good fight.
ОтветитьI've been a fan for a couple of years. Amala is all intelligence and class.
ОтветитьIt's almost criminal how this young woman was raised. I'm white and my husband is not. We have two children and the only thing we have ever told them about it is that we're fortunate we live in a time when it's okay for people from different cultures to get married. We're fortunate and appreciate that. That's it. We say nothing else and not surprisingly not once have any of us ever had a question, an issue or a problem.
We do speak a lot about what we value in a person - integrity, honesty, helping others, etc. That trumps everything
Whatever you focus on, gets bigger. It works that way whether it's a new car you're thinking of buying, or racism. If we'd stop, the issue would dissolve. Kudos to this lovely young woman for her words ❤
Ответитьto the guy that asked you what to tell his friends that he spent the money to get you there and what does he say to them? You say GROW UP! You say you are in college yet you are asking like a preschool student. You tell them if you don't like it you don't have to be here or speak with me but that says far more about you.
ОтветитьThe problem with this chick is she says she left the left but then moves to the right? Why such a drastic move why not just be normal.i doubt her right wing honesty.
ОтветитьIf ur mom is white why the hell do U care about being black so much and why does she?
ОтветитьThe left are just racist people who hate all European Americans. These leftist white racists even hate themselves for being Caucasian.
ОтветитьI can't have sex because all women hate white men, even though they claim me to be the oppressor. Hypocrites! I am the victim.
Ответить“You’d be more effective if you did less trolling”…huh? “My other question is”….. huh that wasn’t a question. She’s a jerk.
ОтветитьThe kid who thinks systematic[sic] racism exists because of the stats he read about St Louis needs to listen to her. She knows what she’s talking about.
ОтветитьQ&A devolved into speeches. She deserved better moderators. She’ll get there. She’s too polite. Where’s your question, blonde dude?
ОтветитьThank you for using your voice and speaking out. You are wise beyond your years and well-informed. ❤
ОтветитьIt is sad we feel the need to pick "sides". I have both left and right hands they are connected by my middle of the road brain. I do not shun one side for the other.
ОтветитьSame thing happened to me. At a union conference. A facilitator grabbed the mic and stated in front of 5000 unionists “ if your a white straight male, please go to the back of the line , allow minority persons to speak first”. My jaw dropped. I became a conservative that day. I was 49 years old. I’ve never looked back.
ОтветитьBecause you're smart and clever ;) <3
Ответитьyou're just getting older.
ОтветитьIs there still a left side of politics/ culturalism when everybody is leaving the left?
ОтветитьI'm jealous of how aware and intelligent she is at such a young age.
ОтветитьThe reason I'm suspicious is anyone that age is aware that abortion is core issue for each party, so she had to have supported abortion and now she is suddenly against it? I can't help but wonder if she is just grifting because there's money to be made as a conservative minority influencer.
ОтветитьThe guy in suit gave a speech. He didn't care about the answer.
ОтветитьAnything anyone says (or doesn't say even) can be construed as being racist.
You can't even ask "Where are you from" without trigger some racist black lady who thinks you are racist.
Such is the twisted world we live in.
What’s her stance on abortion rights, and a woman’s right to choose? Feels like she avoids this topic..
Ответить"I'm in no means an intellectual" clearly...
ОтветитьI’m sorry, the problem is slavery and Jim Crow laws weren’t that long ago. Some of those people raised their kids in those beliefs and rightfully so Black people raised in those times taught their children to be weary of white people. My grandmother passed recently but she told us all the time, she had darker skin siblings and she was able to come in the front door from school or when coming home but her darker siblings had to come in the back. She actually went to a segregated school. It’s just like if 10 people in hoodies hit you in the face you’re going to be cautious of people in hoodies. If the police, like in the past, stopped our parents and grandparents just because they were black while driving there is no trust. Also, I’m from La Cygne, Kansas. I’m 30 but as a kid there were people still getting lynched like driving down the road we saw bodies twice hanging from a tree. Racism is systemic and in your speech racism is cultural. It’s American culture. Reality is Black people have a legitimate reason to be afraid of white people, but white people kinda do too. It’s like now they recognize they did wrong things and understand we have a reason to be afraid and upset.
Also, man there was was a great question I wanted to hear an answer to but he asked like 3 at the same time right before the guy said 3 more questions. He asked like about the Republican lies and ignoring. I think the question was like the election being rigged lie that so many people came out about on both sides.
Just one more thing, the rate of fathers not being in kids lives is a result of our history of racism. The past things this country has done owes black people, is that not true. Is the answer just change the laws and we’re sorry, we don’t do that any more?
Amala is beauriful.❤❤❤
ОтветитьI just want to say, even though I am only 20 minutes in so far, this young lady is very well spoken. It's refreshing. I could never. I would be st-st-stuttering up a st-st-storm. Lol
ОтветитьThe left are such an anti progressive group. Stopping people from reaching their potential by boxing them into a group and scarring them with imaginary prejudice. Sick people
ОтветитьThat's the problem with the know it all mindset. Having an issue with click bait and just refusing on "principle". That is your open minded Gen Z er 😂 people are too overly concerned about their own needs, they forget that other people exist also. That's the victim mentality and need to have moral superiority.
Homeboy was trying to be a victim so bad🤦🤣🤣
In regards to the gap... Maybe you should look into how people spend money too 🤦 when you give people money, they expect it, and it affects their efforts across the board also... But yea keep subsidizing🤦🤦🤦
22 years old, speaking mind on a big stage, respect.
ОтветитьIt's so sad that people with different views get 'cancelled'. Especially in schools and uni's they should be open for debates, different speakers and point of views. How else do students learn how to critically think and debate on topics? Cancelling comes from fear.
ОтветитьI switched my voter registration from democrat to republican this last election. The left went too far when they decided to push trans ideology on school children. Finding Amala's channel helped me navigate my own political awakening. Her story, her insight, is so valuable. Mind blowing that she's so articulate & intelligent & wise at just 22 years old.
ОтветитьAmala is so well spoken in every video or interview I watch of her!
ОтветитьBecause they were causing too much drama, black people killing "whites" just became normal because they know more about it than the people that dedicated their lives to it since that's their role in a sense I got nothing else to do with the resources and environment I was raised and according to my identity