Blessings love 💗
ОтветитьWhat kind of synthesizer was used here? Thanks.
ОтветитьAbrir las puertas de la riqueza y de la salud consendame este milagro nuestro señor amen.❤❤❤
ОтветитьQué el universo abra las puertas a la vida ❤❤❤
ОтветитьIs there a reason why this type of melodies make me very nostalgic. The weird thing is im not sure about what. Is a weird feeling as if i was missing another life that i cant remember is a very strange feeling ive had since i was very small.
ОтветитьHey you. Yes you. random person that I will never meet. I truly hope that you will find happiness in life. Today is going to be a great day 😍
ОтветитьThe visual gate to oneness, I felt needed a drawing into how spirit draws us to that wholeness instead of it being non-local.
ОтветитьGreetings fellow Earthling. 😊
Here's a ceremony for the shift from human consciousness to be Earthling connected consciousness. 😊
From the mother earth, through us her children and onto the Great Spirit beyond, may the life force and healing energy of the air, water and earth that we share, flow through our bodies to heal our hearts and minds with Love for all of Creation.
Living the biological molecular experience as this flow of consciousness releases the human to be an Earthling.
My distinction is that the human feels separated and competitive with themselves and everything else around them. Fight or flight mentality.
An Earthling lives as the connected global flow of air, water and earth. Awareness of the billions of years old that these molecules are and how connected they make this whole planetary experience. We flow about 3 or 4 kgs of air, water and earth through us every few minutes, hours and days.
When we shift this understanding from the mind knowing this Truth to bring this to your Heart and begin to live as the co-creator of your life.
Try using the ritual when you eat your meals. Or if you feel separate or confronted by some parts of your life. Try a months worth to break your old separate mind that only ate because you were bored or it was time to eat. Now you can eat with a spiritual connection to the Planetary Oneness Consciousness.
Any one wants to chat more about this please make contact. 😊
Love All Ways. Love Always. 😊This realization and tool for Earthling Consciousness allows you to use your life experience as a co-creator of this planetary experience. Instead of the outside world feeling separated and competitive the Earthling sees the Connectivity and begins to live in the flow of chaos with love and not fear. We, the expression of the Planetary experience, can only heal with Love instead of All the other separating emotions.
This change in the way we, you, act and react to your life experiences from now on can come from the fear based human or the connected Earthling. This is our, your, choice in every moment of your life. 😊 ♥️
The full ritual is :
From the mother earth, through us her children and onto the Great Spirit beyond may the life force and healing energy of the air, water and earth we share come into our bodies and fill our hearts and minds with Love for All of the Creation. From the One, through the One and to the One we Know and Love the Great Spirit's guidance with Our gentlest breath and our deepest meditation.
Om Shanti shanti shanti.
That's the whole awakening that I believe humanity needs Awaken to.. Itself in Oneness. 😊♥️
ОтветитьWhat beautiful comments. What awesome people you are. I'm hoping this will calm my tinnitus which is Raging in my head if not I'll still be at peace and happy just a little noisy noisy. haha
ОтветитьTo All reading this ..Hello to Good bye... I'll see you in my dreams❤
ОтветитьThx all ❤. You too.
ОтветитьFor what you are seeking has been waiting for you ❤
ОтветитьAre these genuine sounds
I would hate to think this is damaging us
ОтветитьIt has a very ethereal sound. Almost as if the sound you would hear during a dream. I hear a relaxing part that transcends into uplifting tones. This would be nice background music if you're working on a project. 😊
ОтветитьDoes anyone know of a frequency or sound that helps with tinnitus? I've had it for years, and the only thing that helps is listening to the sound of cicadas. Unfortunately, they're only around in summer. Are there any other sounds that help?
ОтветитьThere is someone I really love but can't start a relationship with..
I pray, I want to meet her and get her to come one step closer to me..
One night this video was playing in the background and I saw her in my dream..
it was like a miracle..
Ответить💜 thank you for all you do and for opening up and being vulnerable. You’re fabulous 💜
ОтветитьDeclaró al universo con toda mi fe espíritual poderosa aseptar cada luz. Universal agradezco con toda mi fe activo y reafirmó luz divina ansestral Dios bendiga siempre soy luz sly Magna
ОтветитьGracias por todo el esfuerzo para enseñarnos un abrazo fuerte y feliz 😊 ánimo y adelante felicidades ❤🎉
ОтветитьThank you so much for this calming music!
ОтветитьAham Bramasi Aham Bramasi. I call in the highest timelines for our children and the planet. Peace, harmony, abundance, balance, prosperity for all who can see it and align with it. 🌿
ОтветитьBlessings 🙏💞❤ love peace joy to all
ОтветитьThis music lit up my heart chakra especially reading all the comments lifting everyone up! Thank you for sharing this energetically charged music so that we may all elevate and help Earth do the same!.❤
ОтветитьTrust me as a Master of spirituality, what you experience in spirituality is indeed very real - I too have overcome severe trauma and dealt with it in the grace of the true force of existence (some call it god or angels). I like to refer to the light within and out as Christ Sophia! I am directly connected to these entities, and am on a Ongoing path to salvation and true enlightenment! God bless dear children of earth! 💙😊
Ответитьwe are making it, one day at a time
ОтветитьPlease pray for me and my husband James because our 25 year marriage just came apart. My husband James and I have been separated for 36 days. Please pray for Almighty God to do a miracle in Jesus name. Thanks. God bless you.
ОтветитьThank You so much for this, my cat and I love it, my cat will come up and lay by me close to my phone just to listen to it, Love and Harmony to all❤❤❤
ОтветитьBoas vibrações a todos que estiverem ouvindo.,
ОтветитьHigh frequency relieve me set us free
Our spirit listening cheering clearing negativity bigamy the bigger me eventually. I can’t see only feel and hear the energy of the entities.
Many Blessings 🦋💜🙏🏼
ОтветитьSunt Recunoscator Pentru Toate Binecuvintarile Din Viata Mea Multumesc Multumesc Multumesc Cu Iubire Universului ❤❤❤
ОтветитьHello to you lovely people watching this meditation, I hope you have a blessed day and life❤ thank you for posting this meditation it is beautiful ❤
ОтветитьIt envelops me. 💖
ОтветитьLast den Stern der in euch erleuchtet nicht verdunkeln - denn jeder besitzt in sich ein Stern - du muss ihn nur zum leuchten bringen - dann leuchtet auch der neben dir und so erhellen wir die Dunkelheit