ОтветитьIm watching this for like 100 time and i just heared this in the end music "after after see you never....." And btw that was 6 months ago😭😭😭and bro the amazing digital circus have 350 mln views or Smth and bro only 33mln ppl saw this banger. Even less becouse everyone watched this like 10 times lol
ОтветитьI'm sad that murder drones has to end
ОтветитьDose it have to end pls make more Glitch
ОтветитьAinda eu rir muito no finalzinho muito mesmo😂
ОтветитьNa batalhar J dei o 20 20 20 drop kik😂
ОтветитьGoodbye murder drones :(
ОтветитьI literally watched all episodes this evening, and this evening is the very first time I watched murder drones however I wish there were more episodes of this
ОтветитьPlease make more murder drones
ОтветитьI remember when this first came out❤ I was so excited I would never shut up about this and everyone thought Was weird for liking it but I told them to shut up and freaking watch it 😍 and I remember when episode 7 came out! :)
Edit: I really think they should keep going with the season😢
It took me like 3 hours to Binge all The series since I was crying
ОтветитьWhat happens a end
ОтветитьHello uzi......
This is gonna hurt when this episode is gonna eventually turn one year old it’s already been 5 months
Ответитьi think this series has alot of potential for atleast another season. come on glitch you gotta continue this its amazing
ОтветитьSay anything about this serie, but that was a good fight
Ответитьis the song when V and Jay fighting in any playlist or something? i can't find it anywhere
ОтветитьNO IT'S OVER 😔
ОтветитьPlease make it again 😢😢
ОтветитьWhy in the end😢
ОтветитьDid anyone see the T-posing Kahn
ОтветитьC'est vraiment dommage que sa c'est arrêter la, je pensais qu'il aurait une saison 2 , et aussi qu'il aurais du mystère a résoudre, mais j'aime bien cette épisode 👍
ОтветитьRewatching it 6 months after and still is the best animated series I have seen like this. Truly a masterpiece.
ОтветитьMan ive done a marathon of the full season. THAT WAS A ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS JESUS CHRIST. The action, the bonds, the twists MY GOD it was great. all of them in 3 hours and even trailers included. Man, i want more of these N, Uzi, V and others jeez.
ОтветитьWhat a great series, it's a shame it came to an end :c
ОтветитьHalf a year already, lol
Ответить2 зезон пжжжжж эта серия крутая а в 2 сезоне думаю будет круче 😊
Ответитьthis was great. great animation great characters great story honestly i loved it this is better then most shows today
ОтветитьI think you mean Episode20 of those will be sick
Ответить.......... Goodbye Murder drones...... I am really sad....