FINALLY! Pole Garage Build/Concrete Overview - NNKH

FINALLY! Pole Garage Build/Concrete Overview - NNKH


1 год назад

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@michellejeter9167 - 20.03.2024 02:30

This video was very informative.

@crangel381 - 07.04.2024 20:33

Should’ve called Ryan from Victory Outdoors Concrete 😂😂

@kenbaker1353 - 09.04.2024 18:58

Appreciate your video showing your building going up. I love it. I love building videos specially you mechanics that deserve a new building. Love it put out excellent content.

@boylejohnstone1 - 09.04.2024 22:05

Absolutely loving your channel smashing life and making great memories. Garage build is awesome wish here in the UK we could build this size of garage without the hassles of planning etc.

@adasterdezaster2865 - 19.04.2024 01:21

Man I'm so jealous!

@joecallahan3379 - 21.04.2024 07:17

Water holes and not finishing the saw cuts not a great job, but it will work

@GrantLaBrash - 07.05.2024 01:36

Hi Chris, just a shout out from Vancouver Canada 🇨🇦
I stumbled across yours and Jen's channel few weeks back and been hooked ever since. Such great content and advice, last summer I sold my shop 40x60, and miss it tremendously
Keep up the great work!!!

@swesr - 14.05.2024 04:08

you forgot the best part... the sammich! How was that provolone? who never said lol

New shop looks great.

@Jim-qc4nb - 17.05.2024 01:22

The only reason I watch NNKH is Gus... ❤

@wayneg296 - 27.05.2024 19:59


@tyleremenhizer6325 - 29.05.2024 14:13

Went back to this video to get ideas on building mine. Definitely gonna take some advice and things you pointed out.

@stevemoore7274 - 06.06.2024 06:29

Hi Chris. Just keep following your instincts. It is a no nonsense life too. Been enjoying your videos and life does moves in and out of your stories you tell.

@Daryl3737 - 11.06.2024 23:13

Awesome video! Love it!

@jasonmueck2272 - 19.06.2024 13:32

This was an awesome video from start to finish. Just because I want to put up my own pole garage in the future. Thanks Chris

@dancoelho8988 - 25.06.2024 04:13

Your back must be killing you. More power to you

@no_nuts - 28.06.2024 04:27

Comment # 1500

@andrewperdue7087 - 12.07.2024 23:44

That’s one big ass sandwich😂

@belterheadin3570 - 02.08.2024 09:20

hahahhahahahaa Chris you crack me up, the extra weight of the ponding technique drooped the pad! hats off to you pal for gettin' it done!

@carldrexler7883 - 07.08.2024 07:11

No such thing as an Italian sub with mayo, has to be olive 🫒 oil if it’s to be Italian 🤨

@carldrexler7883 - 07.08.2024 07:28

Do you have a job?

@Phillip-s5k - 26.08.2024 02:32

I get my sandwich dry , to taste the meat and cheese

@eiguch - 29.08.2024 00:28

i am new to this channel and love your show !!

@sunilphalakdhari3869 - 07.09.2024 22:06

Still can't get over that most of your buildings are made from wood. Astonishing, in South Africa for a garage or warehouse like your building, we would use metal for the structure and metal / aluminum for the skin.
Or what we use the most, concrete and bricks to put up a building. And even would your flooring, a ready mixed concrete floor would have been poured on and just have to dry and cure. And especially when you have much severe climate that us....concrete and brick seems a stronger better option

@KristyDawn7771 - 14.09.2024 09:15

Chris, the garage came out fantastic! Two things that I want to say: 1) I wish I was a master tech like you. I'm not even mediocre. 2) I am extremely envious of you. Not only are you a master tech with your own profitable business, but you have a fully stocked garage for your jobs and projects and, if I may say, you have a fantastic better half. Very pretty, adorable and she's not afraid to do household plumbing, I.e. install a toilet and fix a busted pipe. Please continue doing the videos keeping us inspired and entertained.
God bless both of you!

@prmayner - 19.09.2024 19:30

I built a 24x24 back in 94 but I poured the pad then put up the walls, for curing I used an oscillating lawn sprinkler. Wish I would have built a 40x60 lol. never big enough. Looks good.

@johnballentine282 - 29.09.2024 16:55

I really liked seeing the extra care and attention. Getting a new shop/garage is expensive. Might as well enjoy the process.

@fgb3126 - 30.09.2024 09:10


@johnskidmore9020 - 12.10.2024 14:24

kamala had three years to cut tax's n she didn't

@JohnCole-sp2gl - 22.10.2024 19:08

This. Guy. Is. Good. Knows. His. Shit. Oya. Later

@BrianHelmick - 31.10.2024 07:44

All the work you did to make it right. Tell the concrete boys to flatten your pad. That’s not right.

@bobsyeruncle4841 - 01.11.2024 13:25

sweet garage

@arphaksad01 - 07.11.2024 17:33

Amish at work. Nice

@chefjimmie1 - 08.11.2024 08:08

You know the difference between you and the rest of the world Chris? Most people look for the quickest, easiest way to get a job done, usually settling for an inferior finished product but you do the opposite. Your mind keeps thinking of ways to do a job that will make it perfect no matter how much effort you have to give to the job. You’re a very rare individual and that’s why you have so much knowledge about so many different things. I wish I would’ve had a few like you in my career in management. Turns out I had none.

@KindCreature1 - 14.11.2024 21:12

Hi Chris, this is my second time watching this video, and enjoyed it very much. I sure like Gus, the celebrity wonder dog! Mike in Oregon

@godfrey9769 - 18.11.2024 06:18

Chris do at all even dancing, too 😂 I love it brotha

@tedwilliams8766 - 19.11.2024 20:08

chris, i just found your channel a few weeks ago and been really enjoying it. the thing i like about your channel is its scatterbrained and real which connects with most people especially with those of similar interests. if you keep making vids, ill keep watching no matter when you put them out. deal?

@allanstallings9408 - 22.11.2024 21:57

You two are the hardest working couple I know...and your video's are very entertaining, informative & I love all the variations of the life you and Jen are living...

@davidpatton2690 - 24.11.2024 02:22

I enjoyed your concrete tutorial, very interesting. I had no idea it was so involved!

@Life101-enjoy - 25.11.2024 13:16

Don't sweat the depressions (40.10). I don't recall ever seeing a concrete pad that is perfectly flat. And what the heck; it's covered by a roof, walls and a big door. And if water does pool in places, just squeegee it out the door.

@sunnylane336 - 06.12.2024 23:54

Don't be surprised I'm watching this... , you're Jack of all trades, and learning, and I'm following all along. 😊

@gr00vechamp - 26.12.2024 01:12

I'm sorry, Chris, but as your friend, I have to tell you about your top 4 dance moves survey comments.

1. Worse than Elain's moves on Sienfeld.
2. A desperate cry for help.
3. Looks like an epileptic doing the macarena.
4. Makes Raygun look like a gold medal winner at the Olympics 🏅 🏆.

@viktorermolaev65 - 26.12.2024 15:38

Хороший гаражик получился! Как отапливаться будет?

@Couch71R - 29.12.2024 17:34

I ordered the hyperlights from the Jungle company and they are very bright and even have a few wall light outs are bright

@thomasS.91061 - 01.01.2025 14:24

Put a light felt carpet in and beware of getting dirty. 🤣

@احمدالنصراوي-ج8ع - 19.01.2025 18:28

شغل روعه

@scottiejr80 - 26.01.2025 03:21

When my wife and i move to that area, i'll be hiting you up to help with renos! 😂

@Алабай-е9ч - 01.02.2025 01:52

Била у меня кубота норм апарат.нормально вы там отжигаете osom.

@FassEddie - 12.02.2025 05:52

The hoagie man was right. I gave up mayo on hoagies and never looked back! They’re way better without it.

@WilliamNelson-s3t - 14.02.2025 14:06

Don’t worry about the stupid comments you’re doing a great job. Good interesting videos. I like the way you mix up your content

@robertpoliti7284 - 06.03.2025 03:52

nice out building,sir.
