Forgive me
Not a believer
Metal maniac yes
only here to say music is one team where everyone matters.
One of my top 5 bands in this world ever! THANKS for posting! God bless you Kirkpatrick r.i.p!
ОтветитьTrue metal never dies! God bless all
ОтветитьR.I.P Ted forever
Melhor pedal da batéra in the world
Seu jeito de tocar é inigualável, não a toa que sua maior inspiração é ninguém menos Que Mister Neil Peart
Ответитьfavorite TQ song to this date
ОтветитьLook the music itself is brilliant , the singing however is not, that's just truth not hate.
ОтветитьEXTRAVAGANT THANK YOU💖🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
ОтветитьGod bless you, Ted, Aaron, and Luke! (Luke, I know you're not in the band anymore, but I enjoyed the ride, bro) Forgot how much I liked this song until I just chanced to look it up right now. Came across some pretty mean comments on it below, but hey, God's got to be pleased with it; and that's what counts.
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Carta de los elementos (Lincchostbllis)
Palabras y música de Kirkpatrick.
Dame un l - litio, dame un n - nitrógeno, dame un c - carbono, dame un ch - cloro, dame un h - hidrógeno, dame un o - oxígeno, s-t-b-l-l-i-s
Carta de los elementos.
La tabla, colgada en la pared de la escuela - aprende cada elemento, la regla de oro
Escrito en piedra, nos dijeron que era verdad, que cuestionarlo te haría ver como un tonto
Recientemente se hizo un descubrimiento impactante, algunos datos se desordenaron en la tabla que obedecimos
Se encontró un error en el peso de estos diez, así que destruya la tabla - comencemos de nuevo
Líder: Guerra
Dios vive, Dios es verdad, Dios respira, Dios es verdad.
Dios ama, Dios es verdad, Dios vive, Dios es verdad.
Energía de celosía, propiedades orbitales, alótropos, isótopos, partículas vaporizadas.
Energía de red, propiedades orbitales, alótropos, isótopos, radio covalente.
Carta de los elementos.
Líder: Bruce Franklin
h li b n o c si s cl tl - - Lincchostbllis
(litio (li), nitrógeno (n) carbono (c), cloro (cl), hidrógeno (h), oxígeno (o), azufre (s), talio (tl), boro (b), silicio (si)
Hannah Kilburn, Grace Kilburn & Simi • voces de porristas
omfg i am very stupid when i listen te intro i think they are a band of k pop
sorry maybe they are my favorite band of metal now
I frickin love this song and frickin love this album and frickin love this band, BUT...... chlorine is Cl, not Ch
Ch doesn't even exist lol
this singer lacks the range of the first guy. they just dont have it anymore
Ответитьi could not be let Down by this cd. I love this song. wish i had it.
Ответитьthis is excellent heathen trash metal
Ответитьyou dont have to sell a tourniquet cd this cd grows on me it becomes a matter of taste
ОтветитьChart of the Elements is bringing science illiteracy to Christians as some churches would argue how science and The Bible are always in conflict as that is something the King James Only Movement often preaches when they preach vehemently against Evolution. I read one of their sermons where they bitch about having The Bible discussed in literature class and reading "Sermon on the Mount" for a literature subject as I had read articles about Christians having their Bibles taken from them in a public school. I was involved with FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes before becoming a Christian as I was a hardcore Atheist at the time.)
The arguments between Christianity and Science were a thing in the 1990s as Young Earth Creationism was subject matter for a band Bruce Franklin provided the lead guitars for as they were secular labelmates with Tourniquet. Industrial Thrash Metal band Generation as they were produced by the Under Midnight members as this was a side band that Yonderboy's lead singer provided the vocals for. Ceasar was a critic of Theistic Evolution as I was starting to lean into the Theistic Evolution movement as I didn't buy into the literal reading of the Genesis creation narrative, as I reaffirmed my faith in God I would explain that this is allegorical as Tourniquet uses allegory and symbolism in their lyrics like their secular cousins Death/Doom metal band Novembers Doom and Earthen Grave which also used Edgar Allan Poe style horror lyrics as Tourniquet introduced to Christian Metal. They weren't afraid to be a little dark in their delivery as they like Believer introduced a thought provoking delivery like secular thrashers Anthrax, Metallica, Megadeth and Slayer (the Big Four as Ted cemented his connection to Megadeth with their previous outing. Working with Marty Friedman caught my attention as he upped the anti with Moth and Rust Destroy -- I wish Ted brought Marty and Bruce as members of the touring band so they can reprise their parts on the album. Their 2000s era masterpieces and this album set the bar high for Ted as many will be asking how is he going to surpass it -- one idea is bring in a female lead singer that has operatic vocals as I pointed some of Tourniquet's voiceless material to Tarja of Nightwish fame. I also pulled out Trilogy of Knowledge from Believer for her. Her choice of covers are pretty hilarious when it comes to her vocals as they don't quite fit the song she's covering. Still of the Night by Whitesnake with her vocals are pretty funny as it's a bluesy metal track as David Coverdale was rooted in blues rock like Black Sabbath was. Danzig has introduced bluesy solos to Goth and Dark Metal as he was the first heavy metal band that was rooted with Goth undertones. Hearing Mother in 1993 changed how I did my vocals as I used to try to sing like Ripper and Halford. She came from a church music background as it's noted she's a Lutheran and does solo gigs in churches on Christmas. Ted has written for female vocalists on his solo outings as I referred my friend Gwen Bartolini of Grigori 3 for a possible vocalist for Onward to Freedom -- when I heard Gabbie Rae I thought Gwen would been too angry for the delivery. On Your Six she shows a higher range for her melodic vocals as she's a progressive metal singer her vocals are designed for prog metal as she's rooted in darkwave. She in her demo years had Evanescence spinning in her jeep's CD player early on as she drew comparisons to Lacuna Coil. Grigori 3 combined a wide range of heavy metal and progressive rock influences with classical and Goth metal to create a punishing Industrial Metal sound that gave a new spin on Industrial as they introduced Melodic Industrial Metal along with Fashion Bomb as their lead singer is classically trained as he can scream like Marilyn Manson as the second album sets them apart from their tourmate. )
Pathogenic Occular Dissonance matched Alice in Chains with dark subject matter as they also took cues from their secular contemporaries at the time (Pantera's Vulgar Display Of Power) with some of the groove metal elements. Ted gave this style a classical twist as he was rooted in doom/stoner metal (the drumming came from this style as he's able to play very slow and heavy.) I figured out Tourniquet's horror influences in the early 2000s as they were not only influenced by Edgar Allan Poe but Mary Shelley as Frankenstein is her creation.
There are ministries that introduce science to Christianity in cool ways such as Reasons to Believe and Old Earth Ministries. I left the church because I became frustrated with the Young Earth Fairytale the congregations were preaching. Luke's shouted vocals echoed on this track create a neat effect. Prior to this album being recorded Luke would follow a website called "I fucking love science" which is the lighter side of science as they introduced humor to it.
I came from a public school background and rooted in biology as that was a class excelled in at the end of my sophomore year. This track is a long time coming as they might have stepped on a few toes in the 1990s if they wrote this back then. It sets the tone for the rest of the album. Bruce Franklin's solo on this track is a bit faster than when he played on his previous Tourniquet outing. The cheerleader vocals was a unique touch as it would give you a chuckle I found that part really funny.
to matt w I don't hate you .now that is said let me just say this liberal educators didn't care a damm that there might be a creator so a faithless generation was born and now we have kaos because of it yes god is everywhere but he calls his people to speak up not shut up this world has seen to much apathy already and the horror of it because of the church not standing up for righteousness wouldn't you agree.
ОтветитьEra isso que eu espera deles!
ОтветитьPathogenic is still my #1 Album overall. Perfect Night for a A Hanging is my favorite song (from Collected Works). Antiseptic Bloodbath was okay, but nothing caught my attention to the point of wanting several re-listens. Despite that, they remain a highly original band.
ОтветитьOne of the things I like most about Tourniquet is the extremely wide variety of song topics.
Ответитьwow cutting edge,always changing.Sounds classic!
ОтветитьNão se deve defender animal mas pessoas
ОтветитьDelícia de som. :3
ОтветитьGoofy lyrics. Not only by presentation but the message too.
Christian Americans whining about "god and prayer taken out of public schools" are being ridiculous, insecure and selfish. First things first, there isn't a power on this planet that can take god out of any place. Since when would any god obey man made laws? Remember, "god is everywhere". Secondly, there isn't a power on this planet that could stop anybody from praying if they wanted to. FORCED PRAYER has been deemed unconstitutional and taken out schools, and rightfully so. Essentially, the Christian Taliban are getting butt-hurt because the government isn't endorsing and enforcing their particular brand of ideology. Well too bad, America isn't a theocracy and Christians aren't the only citizens paying taxes.
For a lot of Christians, secularism is a dirty word. This is absurd. Anybody who is anti-secular are ANTI-FREEDOM whether they realize it or not.
Finally, about science. Science is about knowledge and the pursuit of knowledge. Positions and views are always going to continue to change and expand as long as new information and discovery's occur. Trying to discredit science by pointing out past errors demonstrates a skewed and ignorant perception of what science is in general.
Pena que essa banda é cristã. Apesar de ser apaixonado pela época do Gary, a banda toca demais, mas muito mesmo... Quem sabe um dia ouviremos um Tournquet sem ser pregação.
ОтветитьThis album was a massive letdown for me...the first poor Tourniquet album....being a fan since 1990 i thought they could never do anything wrong, but sadly this album was average at best....Never thought i'd sell a TQT cd but i did with this album.
ОтветитьLo v e.i t. O. Z. C a r t a s c a k a rc om e i. P u t. M y. G0o d. B r o w n. A l l o n.
ОтветитьR ea l g o o d. W e. A l l. L i k e i t Clin played last year old
ОтветитьOk I figured out the song by looking up the lyrics. In schools they teach students that to accept this chart as absolute. However, recently scientists discovered some errors. On the other hand schools take Jesus, Christianity and God's Word out of school and these are absolute truth. This is what the song is talking about. It says God is truth. Thank you Jesus !!!
Ответитьi agree FED BY RAVENS... ist best song ever.
ОтветитьThis is the worst song Tourniquet has ever released. It is so bad it makes me cringe, from the anti-science to the wahooing part. The only good thing that can be said about it is it's on the same album as one of their best songs ever, Fed by Ravens Eaten by Vultures.
ОтветитьIf you have a desire not to get this album then knock yourself out. But please don't insult the band and speak of them in this way.
ОтветитьAll these people who are knocking the new Tourniquet album, have you ever stepped into a studio to record? have you ever thought that that the musical complexity on this album is a culmination of years of experience? personal taste is one thing but insulting the band is another. You are are proving yourselves to be children of this generation, void of etiquette let alone respect. Do you have ANY consideration for people's honor? Do you?? I suggest that you keep your insults to yourself.
ОтветитьHe does sound different.
ОтветитьListen to him, especially compared to the first three albums. He's a joke.
ОтветитьWhat is wrong with the singer?
ОтветитьPhysics of Christianity - Frank Tipler
ОтветитьTeddy K's drumming: he's still got it... and then some
ОтветитьI've always found this band interesting, but until they get a new vocalist it's very hard for me to take Ted and company seriously. I won't be buying a "new" Tourniquet album anytime soon, and this one is no different.
ОтветитьI don't think so. I think that it is hitting at a greater meaning: Our scientific understanding is based on basics, just as everything "according to a general idea of physics/chemistry" is based on the elements, so if we discover that what we have based our "faith" on is faulty, (An error was found) then we come to realize that we believed a "lie." But the truth that God is, God was, and God is to come is always the truth, regardless of what we (humans) try to create.
Ответить>Nothing comes from nothing. Quantum physics has absolutely no problem with something coming from nothing. >The laws of physics say that all these mathematical constants must be extremely accurate for our Universe to have life No, dishonest creationists say that that. There's no evidence that the constants could have been different from what they are.
ОтветитьIs this song seriously criticizing the periodic table of elements?
ОтветитьMakes me think, science doesn't have all the answers and never will. And those who turn to a "god" are just looking for the easy way out. Science has answered more questions than any religion has, and while doing so, opened up many more. Religion, just shuts down any progression in thinking and expanding the mind. Thankfully more and more people are waking up from the lies and hatred that comes from religion. With that said, go listen to some good music. The Project Hate, as it hates on your god
Ответитьmy first reaction to this song: whoop whoop! tourniquet is back! haha, i love every part of it, only its originality already is amazing
ОтветитьAhhhhhhh, does someone need a hug? LOL Typical worldly person with no faith in anything im willing to bet. how sad it must be to be you