Politics for earthly human desires corrupted the whole World.
ОтветитьNext eternal life is not in the heart and mind of people. They choose an earthly life full of lies and deceptions.
ОтветитьBismillah . . . ! Muslim known to most people is not by Allah's SWT Truth: Islam Religion by the Quran Alone. Allahu'akbar!
ОтветитьNo money no honey😂😂🎉🎉
ОтветитьFilipinas are awesome! I married a Filipina in 2003. We had a beautiful daughter now 20. My wife got cancer in 2017. We battled her cancer, but it won. The Lord took her last March. Im devastated, depressed and feeling empty. If I ever marry again, I will marry a Filipina. Im 54 feeling lonely. When it's the time to start over, I hope i will find a sweet Filipina who I can spend the rest of my life with
Ответитьgrandfather lol
ОтветитьFor me age is just a number
ОтветитьNo matter where you get married in the world 50% fail. If you marry there you marry her family which is a big deal because you will need the money to support a lot of people you don’t know
ОтветитьBy the way 🎉not money not honey for Lolos 😂😂
ОтветитьYou can say what you want, a man in his 60s with a child in her teens or 20s is sick, and an abuse of power. An educated Phillipina girl, with prospects, almost always says, they would only marry within their own age range. Girls who says age doesn't matter, is only doing so to escape their poverty, I don't blame them, I blame the perverts taking advantage of them.
ОтветитьAnything 30 plus years gap is 99% financial for the women. These women are so disgusted with seeing their husbands’ naked bodies.
ОтветитьI think Filipinas should go after foreigners who are closer to their age
ОтветитьYou Filipino woman only want to marry a foreigner for a better life in a western country and money for your family. Marry an older man, go to his country, divorce him, get a job and support your poverty stricken family back in the Philippines.
Folks never ever ever marry a filipina gold digger. This happened to me and I have never married again
Most filipinas who marry aging foreigners usually come from poor families . Well educated filipinas and those from well off families do not fall for foreigners particularly old men . These filipinas who succumbed to foreigners despite the big age gap do it for money, they see it as a way out of poverty. Marriage between a filipina and foreigner of the same age, socio economic status and educational attainment poses no doubt. Many of your descriptions seem sugar-coated maybe because of insufficient research on your part, and many of your observations cannot be considered generalizations about the Philippne culture.
ОтветитьPhillipino women are gold diggers and cheating for money
ОтветитьAge gap is scary what is happening with their parents it’s all about money
ОтветитьThey break lots of people home never trust them all about money
ОтветитьBecause they are rich and good...
ОтветитьA very strange age yikes!!!!!
ОтветитьWhy you old men marry very young Filipina ??? Pathetic
ОтветитьYo it about money 💰 🤑 💸 because they think he is going to die quicker than her
Ответитьthink it would be better or Western men to marry rich filipinas with college or university degree, then they know taht her filipina did not marry him because of his money.
ОтветитьIsn’t it very obvious? It’s because of economic benefit. Every woman in the world needs to have some if not the most financial security for when they raise a family. They can’t get that from a countryman her age. Or has anyone ever seen a young beautiful and rich girl going after a man 40 yrs her senior out of love and attraction????
ОтветитьYour taking some 1 from poverty! or just above that level! ✌️
Ответитьi had NO intention of marrying again. ,after
ОтветитьPhilippina girls are just Smart
The older the man the faster she get his MONEY. ❤
Im filipina and this so true
ОтветитьI'm 72. Getting married to 33 yo Filipina who looks 17, in 2 days. We have been living together on Cape Cod all summer (K-1 Visa). My only mistake was not to go to the Philippines sooner!. I taught high school for 33 yrs. At 83 lbs, this is more like bringing home a middle school girl! Neither of us have any children. This is not a sham, it's for real! Spend a winter there if you can!
ОтветитьIt's all about money 😂💰
ОтветитьFirst if all the foreign men does not have the capacity to find a woman of their race; the Filipino woman who marries an older foreign man just like the foreign man can not find a man from her own race who is willing to be her husband
ОтветитьI would love to have a filipina wife, but have no clue how to go about the process, I am an older retired man and would prefer a woman closer to my age around 55 years old, I would want her to look somewhat attractive, but her inner beauty is more important
ОтветитьBetter life?..coming to live in the United States.Better future.A lot of them are extremely poor?
ОтветитьI am 27 years older than my wife we've known each other 17 years or more and have been married 16 years this June with a 12 year old child now. I see so many relationships with older men and younger philippinas and the man does not do anything to save for when he might depart this earth and maybe leave her with nothing and no prospects cause she has gotten older. I went into my relationship knowing this from the start. My goal was and is to make sure she is taken care of once i am gone I've invested the time we have been together so if I do pass she will be just fine and have a large living wage so she can live the way I've set her up to live up to now. And our son has been given the best education possible thru a private school. My wife is a house wife she has no job experience so this was my job and my goal she has been a wonderful mother and wife and seeing her and my son happy was the goal in our relationship, Also ive invested enough that my older kids in America will also be taken care of when i am gone. I love my family so i have prepared as all men should for their families.I met her in the Philippines and ill retire in the Philippines because i will not take her from her family since i know family is everything to her and our child.
ОтветитьI look like Brad bit, ok ladies line up
ОтветитьAfter 24 years if sexless narriage i deserve better
ОтветитьAnswer: For money and or security. I just saved everyone 17 minutes of their lives. You can thank me later.
ОтветитьThey only want money and moving their children into a life they can’t give them alone . My kids Dad ended up marrying our daughters friend 30years age gap. He is confused why his daughters are so hurt and lost that their Dad could leave them and hurt them so much . She ( the girl) only cares about herself . I will always see Filipino as crooks
ОтветитьDude ! "She's" got a mustache ----- later! this is weird 😮
ОтветитьShe and her entire family are in need of financial aid so she will accept it ..its her way out of poverty ..
ОтветитьLDR are stupid! my bro met his pinoy and married 2 weeks later !
THE CATHOLIC CHURCH HAS A "ENGAGED ENCOUNTER " AND IT IS highly recommended you both participate BEFORE marriage it is scientifically proven to improve communication and prevent arguments ! and those who take it stay together !
get real ! the bible says the MAN is in charge and head of the family do NOT seem like far too much a wimp or simp she should just implicitly obey you and trust you will do the right thing ! ( MAKE SURE YOU DO ! ) you just need to be a benevolent dictator !
never understood why ANYONE would hook up w/a single mom ? and already married ? they are BAD news ! who wants failure a used up woman who failed @ marriage , had kids out of wedlock! they are desperate!
why you should verify your Pinoy you MARRY is a virgin!
easy enough !
my relative suggested they both" get medical check ups !" LOL ! he paid for it ! he arranged ahead of time the Dr would verify her virginity ! ( being careful ) the doctor assured him he would not go assertively inside w/a speculum and break her hymen! ( yes she had one! ) He broke it after they were married to her, it was a special gift to give her husband on the wedding night ! her family ( and her ) were proud she waited she was good educated catholic girl fr the provinces ! YES there are Millions just like her ! waiting ! yes even nowadays STILL! really ! it is true !
they waited until the wedding night ! and have been happily married 31 years! YOU COULD? SHOULD DO LIKEWISE!
PS yes they had two sons ! both now mid -late 20's both graduated fr U of AZ now successful careers!
MOST pinoy will want kids ! expect that ! you should NOT be selfish HAVE KIDS ! if they already have kids ? they darn sure better be willing to have YOURS! do not hook up w/ the keeper of selfish womb !
everyone should just be catholic ! 90% of pinoy are it is best church and they do not believe in divorce so it is more likely you will STAY married
btw THAT THING ABOUT SUPPORTING THE WHOLE FAMILY is bs YOU FIND A GIRL WHO's family ALREADY HAS SUPPORT LIKE A OLDER BRO/SISTER WORKING OVERSEAS AND YOU JUST TELL HER " WE ARE not A BANK FOR YOUR FAMILY! we GET PRIORITY ! " if you do help ? make it like hand up NOT a hand OUT ! one guy i know bought a tricycle for them now they own 3 jeepneys! see?
and YES , you are safer w/ a girl who has NO family in USA or your country! so noone to leave you to be w/
If you do not like girl who is tattoo? just tell her it is a deal breaker , you do not like it !~ and say you will offer to pay to get them lasered off it is easy to have done .
again,like in ALL things ! she should obey her husband w/ out question but yes you can be kind and explain WHY ! ( if you want to )
YES! do not limit yourself to one pinoy or fall in love until you have met THERE! & a lot of women and dated many and until you have met in person and spent time together
I recomend you have a dozen or more women you have talked to do not tell them you are coming do not have one meet you @ airport meet all of them and one or more you will have chemistry w/ so concentrate on them gradually saying goodbye to the ones not good enough !
it is highly recommended you hire a PI ( private investigator ) and get the girl checked out he will go interview her neighbors and they will gossip tell all often EG they will know if she is married , has kids and forgot to tell you ! my bro did this as president Regan said " trust but verify " he found one was married ! one had kids ! they were ashamed and dishonest . LIARS and dishonest girls MUST be dumped straight away! you cannot trust them!
Age difference starts showing when the younger part, mostly the Lady, has her sexual needs unfulfilled...When the older part, mostly the man, is getting old and needs help. The woman is still very much younger and things mostly go south then...
The biggest reason for a young woman to marry an older man is the financial/material security.
And NO young woman has the forseight to see the difficult times that will be coming sooner or later....Simply cz she ain´t been around long enough menaing a logical lack of life experience.
Honestly, it should be handled as a business contract. Love comes later. Marrying for love is a western philosophy. It’s a childish, princess, fairytale. Marriage is contracts and agreements (first).
ОтветитьReally great content and production! Well done sir!
ОтветитьThis is the best video ever heard about the philippines' women and foreigners' relationships.