EYE SURGERY & THE BIGGEST REGRET OF MY LIFE: The Most Detailed Video about Eye Surgery with Results

EYE SURGERY & THE BIGGEST REGRET OF MY LIFE: The Most Detailed Video about Eye Surgery with Results

Anna Goldman

1 год назад

4,469 Просмотров

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@kjellmoen9305 - 30.04.2023 19:53

Jeg er glad på dine vegne for at det gikk bra!

@MrGreyGh0st - 30.04.2023 19:59

I totally understand why you don't like wearing glasses but you are very pretty either with them or without them.

@GiuuseppeGuido - 30.04.2023 20:02

Congrats for overcoming your fear and definetely you are an inspiration to others!

@lesteravecilla6433 - 30.04.2023 20:12

What What What!!!!

@Miguel2000-x6p - 30.04.2023 20:25

Hi anna I hope you feel well the eye surgery took 6 minutes and that's all what can I say I can see with one eye because the right eye I can't see only I can is my right eye is blurred I dealt living with one eye which I can see everything hopefully you will get well anna

@bobbieboothroyd8531 - 30.04.2023 20:43

I'm glad it went well for you I have keratoconus which means my cornea comes to a point and are rugby ball shaped so Lazer eye surgery wouldn't work for me but their are other ways but my eye doctor said it's best to stick with the vision I have until it gets worse. But I'm pleased yours went well. You look fine with or without specks

@josephlilly8314 - 30.04.2023 20:55

Anna, thanks for this video. You are very brave! The details of how you found the London Vision Clinic and found the courage for your surgery you give us are helpful and inspirational!

@krizzimoney4890 - 30.04.2023 21:03

Anna trying her best ❤❤

@dbf05 - 30.04.2023 21:13

I'm really happy that it went well for you. I tried to get laser eye surgery but the muscles in my left eye were too weak. Got refused treatment as there was too much of a risk of it going wrong.

@zengwenyoga2894 - 30.04.2023 21:16

I went through all of the same thoughts you did. 10 years later, now, I am so thankful that i did it!

@jrgenbaadsgaard-jensen7739 - 30.04.2023 21:45

Dear Anna - Congatulation!! You are brave. A realy good video👍😉😎

@ambikagupta3147 - 30.04.2023 21:51

Your eyes and voice are most beautiful godgift, they make together your unique personality, I ai love both your eyes and voice and your anything. I am your big fan and my one eye are always ready to donate for you anytime, your mad fan

@overwolf394 - 30.04.2023 23:26

Congratulations! You are very brave, I wish you a quick and easy recovery! Thank you for your videos and for you ABSOLYTE positive! ❤❤❤

@alekseyromanov9593 - 01.05.2023 09:17

As a 24 y.o. man unavoidably starting to have some (hopefully not so serious right now) aging problems with my eyesight, I was scared to death even watching this

P.S. Your glasses look fine and you're so cute wearing them

@timothy4545 - 01.05.2023 10:17

I understand, I had cataract surgery in both eyes, I was scared to, but now, I have 20/20 vision, glad I got the surgery.

@pataudi8025 - 01.05.2023 10:41

This reminded me of my Lasik which was even an more daunting experience than this. It was 2010 if I correctly remember that I got it and it had newly arrived in India and only the top hospitals would have the machinery required for it. I really got it suggested by most of my 'education handlers' since I was gonna start ground training and before that to clear the medical checks it was important I had a 20/20 vision. So while travelling to Germany, where I had to start my medical checkups, I reached Mumbai and had the procedure there. And I remember the magic of opening my eyes after it was done still so I know how it feels in that moment. Yes before the surgery I had the same questions as you had because again, it's a matter of our eyes. Well although never recommended, I completed the pre op that very day in 4 hours and took the flight to Munich that same night.

Also curious as to your glasses prescription before you got the surgery.

@pataudi8025 - 01.05.2023 10:41

This reminded me of my Lasik which was even an more daunting experience than this. It was 2010 if I correctly remember that I got it and it had newly arrived in India and only the top hospitals would have the machinery required for it. I really got it suggested by most of my 'education handlers' since I was gonna start ground training and before that to clear the medical checks it was important I had a 20/20 vision. So while travelling to Germany, where I had to start my medical checkups, I reached Mumbai and had the procedure there. And I remember the magic of opening my eyes after it was done still so I know how it feels in that moment. Yes before the surgery I had the same questions as you had because again, it's a matter of our eyes. Well although never recommended, I completed the pre op that very day in 4 hours and took the flight to Munich that same night.

Also curious as to your glasses prescription before you got the surgery.

@cherryzhuzhuloveslemontea - 01.05.2023 11:05

I want to share my husband's experience. He was very short sighted from young about 1000 degrees for each eye. He needed to become one with his spectacles to see the world until the invention of contact lenses.
Contact lenses made his life a lot more convenient. But after many years of wearing contact lenses, his eyes started to become sensitive and got irritated easily. He thought that he would be going blind soon.😢
Finally, the invention of laser eye surgery era, he decided to go for it. During eye check up before the surgery, eye doctor found out that my hubby has cataract for both of his eyes! The culprit of his poor eyesight!
My hubby, in the end, did his cataract surgery and gained his perfect eyesight! Thanks to this laser eye surgery invention! Although, he didn't go for the laser eye surgery. 😅

@raulvictorrosaa - 01.05.2023 15:24

May have missed, but you forgot to tell us how much it costs 😄

@eddieraines2844 - 01.05.2023 16:22

I'm so happy for you. So glad it worked out.. With or without your glasses you are beautiful. Also may I add an amazing woman. Good job as always.

@MeganHitachiin - 02.05.2023 17:38

Thank you so much for such a great video. I go in for my surgery next Thursday and I am both nervous and excited.

@shakpro4296 - 02.05.2023 19:52

Announcement: Anna now has superwoman's eye sight. Yes, 👀!

@shakpro4296 - 02.05.2023 20:07

What I think? Straight to bed after laser eye surgery, no drink? Like something so strong its called whiskey... my mind is blank🤐

@torgeirbrandsnes1916 - 02.05.2023 21:37

Great vlog as always! I have Cerebral Palsy, and I have had over 20 surgeries done to my body. I wanted to be a pilot. What stopped me? I am color blind and I do have vision in one at the time. Yes, I love you too world. Congrats to you. I worn glasses from the age of 17. i wanted to have it. All my heroes had glasses. No problem. Now I am over 50 and ANYTHING with a distance of an arm or less. Hopless! I can not focus. Lol! That is the age that kicks in. You will get there to my love. Keep up the good work and be safe! Luv ya!

@Aiziee - 06.05.2023 16:34

How smart really? People with near-sightedness has a benefit when reaching 45-50: Their sharp sight between 10-30 cm will remain intact because the near-sightedness (minus-sight) cancels out the inevitable long-sightedness (plus-sight) that comes with age.
As for people with normal vision, your near sight will now start diminishing from 10-15 cm range and increase as you age beyond 45-50.
And you probably will not buy glasses to compensate for that, because you will instead go for glasses that makes it possible for you to handle the mobile, read a book or look at a computer screen, i.e. for ranges over 25-20 cm.

But neither can avoid having to use two sets of glasses in the long run: Near field and distant field. (Progressive lenses omitted).
However, near-sighted people will not need a third set of glasses or extra remedies for a 10-15-20 cm sharp sight.

BTW, it helps to wear a cap to keep rain away from the glasses.

@shainka - 11.05.2023 10:34

I love your accent💗

@TheManuel012009 - 14.05.2023 04:58

I had laser eye surgery in 2009 and it’s been very helpful. You have an anaesthetic during the scrapping and the laser procedure. It was incredible in the end. I do have floaters which I’m looking for solution in the future. Great job Anna

@jhors7777 - 14.05.2023 17:24

Thank you for posting this interesting video. I also had Lasik surgery and it was a success for me as well. Best wishes from Minnesota.

@chungus_khan - 20.05.2023 21:09

So glad it worked out for ye, beautiful! Was a little worried!🫣

- 24.05.2023 06:40

That's good you came through successfully

@marcotulliopenovi8063 - 08.06.2023 02:33

“Who Dares Wins” the motto of the British SAS in WW II is perfect for you 🙂👌

@happytrails125 - 26.06.2023 00:53

I have cataract surgery in a few days...I feel better about it now Thank you for sharing 😊

@christineribone9351 - 31.08.2023 03:09

It's summer. Why are you in winter clothes??

@DJDeeJay-y8k - 06.05.2024 04:54

Never get laser eye surgery and avoid propaganda like this. Many suicides and many life ending complications.
