i want to ask how many max hp% stack she gets,
the max i got was 3% of enemy max hp
ОтветитьWhat's the Emblem?!!!!
ОтветитьPharsa can't run even though she has gained movement speed, unlike other heroes.
ОтветитьPharsa: BOOM BOOM 💥💥💥 BITCH
ОтветитьHey, how do you make your perspective more wide like your gameplay???
Ответитьthat's nice. just need good teammates
ОтветитьWhy is the spread out effect gone from her ult animation
ОтветитьI once used a build, which was Magic Boots, 3x holy crystal, Magic Wand, and Wishing Later. Managing to take down a pro-Alucard with Athena's shield😭 EVEN WHEN IT'S ACTIVE.
Ответитьlove the build
ОтветитьMe with SP pharsa : nah seiya you dont know how painful her 2nd skill with that green bastard item
ОтветитьEyy my main hero❤ tnx.
ОтветитьI also like that build, except I opt for pure magic power such as holy crystal and blood wings to maximize Pharsa's scaling and to proc Wishing Lantern more often.
Ответить"MY WORLD IS THE SKYYY" absolutely nukes the enemy team
ОтветитьSo easy to cancel her ult ...
ОтветитьFk magic power
Im gonna hp base dmg + cdr🔥🔥🔥
Your pasive skill cooldown 1 3 sec?
ОтветитьBird blowjob.
ОтветитьMoonton really needs to fix that Pharsa Collector skin. That skin is lame compared to current Collector skins. Pharsa's skin should have special VOs and skill sound effects. Pharsa deserves better.
1. Ulti and escape skill(4th skill) cool down is too long.
2. Skill Casting time is slow, and its annoying to use
3. Ulti range is shorter easy to be target by enemies , and easy to cancel her ulti.
Marksman or assassin can easy kill her, with just 2 hits, she's dead before she even finnish casting her first or second skill, or even using her escape skill.
ohh no my secret build on pharsa abuse ulti :>
ОтветитьNo, Wishing Lantern is not that great on her. Because WL's damage is based on CURRENT HP, meaning when the small projectile hits not when the original damage was dealt, it ends up dealing very little damage for heroes that can quickly deal bursts of damage, like Pharsa (she can hit you twice with her ulti for 50-60% of your HP in the time Wishing Lantern's projectiles reach you, and only THEN Wishing Lantern will add its damage).
Sure, trying it on a training bot with 10k HP might feel decent, but in a real match unless you are facing multiple Tanks then you are better off building Holy Crystal (and get the missing 10% CDr from emblem) to burst down squishies faster.
My build for pharsa when i bully enemy mm and mage
-Arcane boots
-Lighting Truncheon
-Blood Wings
-Sky piercer
-Holy crystal
-Genius wand
The problem using pharsa is your team mate
ОтветитьThat Khufra is a monster. Also I don't think the ice wand is good?
ОтветитьI wish they add a saber skin to pharsa
Orbital strike
The ally assassin watching his prey get ulted: ALL OUR FOOD KEEPS BLOWING UP
ОтветитьHororo try this build on harley ( cd boots, calamity reaper, lightning truncheon, pandora, holy crystal, divine glaive), Mage emblem focusing on magic power .... You don't even need to use first skill just ult then basic attack...
ОтветитьDoes wishing lantern work on lunox?
ОтветитьHororo Chan, I found an interesting bug
I found an Aamon bug where his ult will deal more than 12k+ dmg on a dummy, see if you can achieve this with his usual build,
if you can't, I'll tell you, just ask
dont expose my build I've been using cdr build since moonton buff her ult cd and noone uses it then 😂
ОтветитьHow do you play with wide screen?
ОтветитьPharsa is really annoying rotate and large area and dmage.
ОтветитьBut in a ranked match, there will only be a high HP enemy most of the time.
ОтветитьEhh, her ults long range burst doesn't go well with wishing lantern's passive since its based on current hp. I feel like burst build would be better, you shouldn't even pick her when there are mostly bitch bulky heroes on the enemy team.
If only wishing lanterns passive was 6-5%max hp based like it used to be..
I think this might work on Kagura too, I wanna try it now
ОтветитьBest vs High hp enemy with high magic def, but less efficient against assassins and squishy burst hero.
ОтветитьMy build for Pharsa is kind of a mix between burst and CDR.
Magic Pen Boots
Enchanted Talisman
Lightning Truncheon
Blood Wings
Wishing Lantern
Divine Glaive
Holy Crystal
After this build is complete, i sell my boots for a defensive item esp. during late game (Winter Crown or Immortality)
This build already has 40% CDR on its own plus another 5% from emblem, making it 45% CDR
My emblem can be either Mage or Assassin Emblem
Tier 1:
Magic Pen (if Mage Emblem)
CDR (if Assassin Emblem)
Tier 2:
Mystery Shop for discount, but I also use Weapon Master sometimes, but it's almost always Mystery Shop
Tier 3:
Magic Worship, but I also use Impure Rage
That's all. Felt cute while sharing this lol hihi
"those who know 💀" ahh thumbnail 😭😭
ОтветитьIf you make a tier list impure rage is godly tier S+++++ high above all other emblem tbh
Ответитьi played 20 matches with 12 mvp i play kagura...atleast i get win without mvps
Ответитьwhat i love about pharsa is her damage scaling doesn't go below 100% lol
Ответитьhow is your view so tall? my game is wide but i dont see as zoomed out as you
Ответитьml needs to give hororo a 100% cdr item already
ОтветитьI just wished her ult cd would be reduced. Like i get it its already fairly low cool down. But yoy have to understand that old pharsa literally can spam ult because back then her ult cd are 6-11 seconds at the time.... And the fact her flying form hasss such a loonggg cooldown