FFXI Is It Worth It In 2021? | Ginger Prime

FFXI Is It Worth It In 2021? | Ginger Prime

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FFXI Is It Worth It In 2021? | Ginger Prime Gaming
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Is Final Fantasy XI (FF11) Worth it in 2021?

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#ffxi #ff11 #isitworthit

0:00 Introduction
1:00 Awesome Video
9:00 The Really Cool Stuff
15:00 Even Cooler Stuff
22:00 Wowza!

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@blakkr0bb - 01.06.2021 01:39

as a summoner in FFXI I would definitely love a graphic overhaul or remake

@Gunplabro - 01.06.2021 02:17

I wish they would allow you to bundle your FFXIV subscription with this game so you can go between them and exoerience the old game.

@gizmomogwaigaming7904 - 01.06.2021 02:39

I loved this game. I think the biggest thing I miss out of this game nowadays is how you were really leveling everything about your character. The different skills, jobs, reputations (admittedly these were troublesome), and the story.

@seabelleliz751 - 01.06.2021 03:20

My first MMO, 1st PC game, best social experience, met so many people.. Selbina ferry :(.. Miss my Beastmaster so much.

@phia9896 - 01.06.2021 03:22

Does the trust system function on Wings? I work odd hours sometimes and can't always play for long periods in a party either.

@Milestones365 - 01.06.2021 03:47

FFXI was great but looking back the story was weak and VERY difficult to progress through. I'm more interested in moving forward from XIV (MSQ and Hildibrand only) on to XX and beyond

@korev0x949 - 01.06.2021 11:39

Hopefully it will do well enough to make se realize that older mmo systems and difficulty are still wanted. I think if you don’t wanna no life an mmo then it’s not as good.

@themyriasphereorigins1707 - 01.06.2021 16:56

I loved ff11 but now not enough hours in the day to play the original ff11 the hours it took to shout for the party in Dunes and beyond then to get full wipe from gobby bomb ahh good times

@takashii5512 - 01.06.2021 23:07

i would love to get back into this game i was a huge player for 11 yrs before i went over to ff14 i would love to get back to it and join your private server, do you invite people to it?

@brycekillor318parker6 - 01.06.2021 23:17

I don't know if I want to hop back into xi. the strongest aspect of trying it on a private server with 75 cap is the leveling. I don't really want to to go into end game. Ultimately, I think my time to move on was when I quit retail in 2020.

@gannon767 - 02.06.2021 15:31

Textures, lighting effects, menu systems, would be enough for me. Some current add-ons that should be standard, quality of life additions. What ever changes the must never change, is the life long investment the long term loyal base has.

@DrinkingMidget - 02.06.2021 20:12

Combine the subs like in Everquest subs do would be great.
I would love to see a FF11 not as a remake because they would change to much. But I would love to see a HD update with a new graphical engine.

@decadencerisque301 - 03.06.2021 07:53

I enjoyed playing 11 but was also incredibly frustrated with it at the same time because after a certain level (10? 15?) you just couldn't solo content at all. At least, not unless you had all the appropriate jobs, subjobs and gear, and as a new broke player at the time, that wasn't happening at all.

@carlfogelin1388 - 03.06.2021 08:43

I played on the private server ERA for years. Yes there's nostalgia but more to the point, FFXI is just a good game. Yes I have played current retail too. It's good, but I like the old 75 cap era better. A friend and I might try out WingsXI. It's tough because we've done almost everything on ERA (the only hnm I don't think we've killed yet is PW), but WingsXI just sounds closer to what I remember back in the day. As to an official classic XI, I'd subscribe to it in a heart beat. XI was my first mmo and while I've played dozens since, I find myself gravitating back to XI every once in awhile to experience it again.

@NvrFinal - 03.06.2021 14:51

Currently a retail player. Added HD textures and got the 60 fps going. Feels like a new game. Game needs a HD remaster with more QoL improvements and will bring a lot more people back or new players. If runescape is still going strong so can FF11. All falls on square.

@tennotsukai87 - 04.06.2021 00:16

If you like blue mage, ffxi all the way!

@ibrahimkhalil-pb5qc - 04.06.2021 05:25

well one of the drop in ffxi was one thing your using in this video just wanted to note and that was level sync it was made to help but it did more harm coz people abused it

@Extention6 - 06.06.2021 11:48

I want to play it but the launcher is so frustrating
They need to redesign it so bad

@Mike-uo2gg - 08.06.2021 11:47

Ffxi mobile thats what would bring me back even if I had to start again

@KiLLERJA0 - 13.06.2021 08:43

I'd only play again if we got a lvl 75 era server.

@RavenCroftLoft - 13.06.2021 10:46

What’s the endgame like I’ve wanted a dangerous mmo world for a long time. Sometimes I’ll hop into a Everquest project 99. There’s such a huge market that hasn’t been tapped into for games like this man, a dangerous world that you don’t just scale over and rip through at max. The game is only alive because it’s a separate sub I think though they still update the game and that takes money it’s not like other mmo classics that have been dead for years.

@CorrupTed666ersdg - 14.06.2021 06:24

In this Era of mmorpg I think ffxi classic remake would be huge in the community but only a dream for now

@makopowered5106 - 18.06.2021 07:24

Wings is not classic ffxi. It's pre modern, post Era classic.

@sartharyon - 21.06.2021 13:40

Make FFXI work on PS4/PS5 and make the FFXIV subscription work with FFXI, and I'll happily play FFXI beginning to end after hearing so many good things about it!

@nibu8743 - 22.06.2021 06:01

I wish FFXI would come back to consoles somehow :(

@michaelgabany4152 - 22.06.2021 17:09

This was also my first MMO. Do you know of any way I could play on my MacBook?

@themod0518 - 30.06.2021 16:37

The problem is the game has essentially become "Pay-to-Play. You log into Asura and all you see is Yell after Yell for people offering you EXP, Clears, Gear, etc.. For a price. And it's a price that's not easily obtainable unless you play 90 hours a week or Operate 6 characters. Yes, there are still groups that get together. But those are far in few and won't take you if you don't meet certain gear criteria. Gear criteria you have to buy from other players to obtain. Takes the fun out of it.

@redinthesky1 - 30.06.2021 18:12

Recapturing how amazing FFXI was at that perfect time is quite a tall order, and there are a few private servers that I believe do it better than it can be expected that S/E themselves could.

Perhaps if Square Enix came out with Final Fantasy XI classic and remade the whole FFXI game with 14 (or better) graphics there would be enough hype to get the numbers you need for this games classic party system to operate. But part of the games problem has always been balancing XP gains.

Personally, I think they should look to the private servers for inspiration on ways to make thier game work better, and try and make a slightly tweaked version of classic FFXI that allows for a somewhat feasable solo experience without allowing people to break the game in monotonous ways.

But in the end, unless a miracle happens, your best chance for that overwhelming nostalgic FFXI is a private server.

@RedLinedGamer - 07.07.2021 22:33

How do you get on a private server? I loved the game till aby came out.

@killiandw - 13.07.2021 23:52

moat carp in the desert best fishing spot.

@bigdaddygibbs251 - 16.07.2021 23:35

I always thought they should do like WoW + WoW Classic. One sub let's you play both

@EdibleOneNine - 22.07.2021 02:39

Doons, welcome to it! Always great memories. It's basically you stuck with 5 other randoms/friends for hours just chewing the fat while EXPing.

There is a person working on HD packs named Ashenbubs, he's pretty good at it. He plays on wings too.
You probably already knew this since this was posted a month ago but I still admire stuff like this.

@tpar83 - 01.08.2021 01:44

best combat system in a MMO. I used to love FFXI’s slow paced combat, hence why I was so frustrated with 14

@matthewanderson3860 - 06.08.2021 19:17

I would love to see a remake for both online and single player. Just upgrade the graphics and take away the experience drop for dyeing and lessen the rest time. I love the game an now that i have seen this video i want to play right now. it was just life that took me away from the game in the first place.

@maxgalea8216 - 10.08.2021 05:34

I'm missing that first run to Juno at lv20 before level sync. And leveling WHM just for the tele.

@Ephremjlm1 - 10.08.2021 17:57

Hey Brian, I'm super late in this response so I'm not sure if you are going to see this but I figured this was worth the discussion.

In regards to what may be right or wrong I think you are correct in saying that it is RIGHT that one subscribes to retail if they are playing on a private server, but I WHOLE HEARTEDLY disagree that we SHOULD subscribe if we play on private servers. Here are my reasons why.

1. From a business standpoint it sets a precedent when a company sees purchases of one of their mmo's but doesn't see sub money coming in. Remember their used to be a MASSIVE vanilla WOW server back in (I wanna say) 2016 and Blizzard shut it down. Those people didn't all the sudden decide to settle on retail WOW, so it forced Blizzards hand in creating vanilla servers because there was more money to be made there. The same EXACT thing happened with old school runescape. It stands to reason that if people show enough interest to purchase their product but just not subscribe to their servers, that there would then be a business interest, as well as supporting data for Square Enix to bring back at least one vanilla server.

2. To piggyback off that previous reasons, an argument could be made that there just simply isn't enough data for SE to support them putting in the dev hours to make a vanilla server, so if we want that we would need to put the squeeze on them. That being said I am very positive SE does look into private servers and they keep tabs on them in case they grow too large or they start to compete with retail. (THIS IS ANECDOTAL), I have personally played on a ton of private servers going back to 2011(darkstar etc.), and the way this works is that SE used to just flat out shut them down, but then the person who had the server would then just ship that server to the next person who would then rename the server and then the cycle would start all over again. Now the word on the street is that SE reps have gone through at least most of the private servers and said that because those servers weren't competing with retail that they could stay up. Also apparently there was an added benefit for SE in that it led people to continue purchasing the game(though now a days an argument could be said that you dont have to for certain servers). However if they added too much content or started making profits off of those servers that they would be sent a cease and desist. This is something that I have personally heard from MULTIPLE server owners in the past, so unless they all had some server owner meeting to discuss an elaborate lie I think it might be logical, especially if it takes the burden off of SE to get that job done.

In conclusion I think if private servers got big enough, SE would have no choice but to NOT ignore it and then they would have to make a vanilla server of their own. Like I know it would catch their attention if content creators were playing on relatively populated private servers, but no one was on theirs. There would be an incentive to get that done. Unfortunately I think that would mean that most of if not all of the private servers we love would get axed. But then again they could just ship the servers to other people in their tight knit groups and start the process all over again.

Although in one final point I'm not actually sure they WOULD make a vanilla server now that I think about it. A few weeks back Yoshi P. himself said that even if SE decided to stop retail FFXI, that they would keep the servers up as a thank you to the players. I thought this was odd because it sounded like he was insinuating that the company would just allow those private servers to use their resources and packets for whatever they needed. And if Ninja cant convince them to do it then idk maybe it really is a pipe dream.

@Jormungadr - 16.08.2021 14:43

I always thought they needed a list of missions and party content that you mark down your name for as interested so people could PM or leave message. Would have saved hours of shouting in whitegate and jeuno

@redcloud16 - 22.08.2021 14:52

I had tried FFXI many times over the years, the first time i got pretty far but never realixed you were forced to party, and me being a solo player I found it impossible after a certian point and quit. I came back years later in college, and got decently far but again, didn't realize I had to party to continue nad gave up again.
I returned to it a THIRD time, starting fresh, my interest raised by the inclusion of 11 characters in other IPs like Dissidia (Shantotto/Prishe/Kamlanaught/etc; they reignited my interest)
This time I had a better handle on what was going on and they have the Trust system now so I can easily solo a lot of stuff, especially with the game being a bit sparce with players. I got into two linkshells but they arent so active anymore.

That being said the story is amazing, and I find I am burning through my summer days in 2021 on this game like the best games before it, staying up until the sun is rising, then getting back on as soon as you wake back up. I am having a blast but... I do wish I had stayed with it the first time I tired it way back in middle school/high school.
I want nothing more than for SQenix to give the game a massive face lift without touching the core gampelay systems.

Freshen up the UI; give us a choice of a classic UI mode and a modern MMO UI mode; general resolution upgrade to everything; consolidation and optimization of things like inventory, quests and missions, currencies (like the way FFXIV has an easily accessible button to view all currencies with instantly recognizable icons); a more optimized UI, a FFXIV style world map; something like the tutorial tool tip pop ups in FFXIV; a customizable UI like FFXIV again; a streamlined story experience; make the gameplay a tiny less clunky and laggy and more responsive....I could go on.

I am loving this game so much, I just finished Rise of the Zilart and am on CHpater 2 of Chains of Promathia and I'm obsessed with continuing. I wish my linkshells were still active, theyre a bit dead now, but alas. I revamp is my dream, to keep its idenity while freshening it up for a modern audience, itd be so good.

I think they should make it so, if they DO do a revamp, they should make it so it works like WoW and WoW Classic, where a sub to one includes full access to the other.

ALSO a revamp of playonline and the account process HAHA, for both games.....a unified Final Fantasy Online launcher would be super ideal......but I am just rambling on about pipedrams at this point lol

I need people to play with! Find me on Cerberus! Name is Cylva!

@fgc_7433 - 01.09.2021 05:54

I honestly want a re release with just HD textures. I feel it would lose its feel If it looked like ffxiv. And release it for PS5 with crossplay. That would be a dream.

@Krucifus - 29.09.2021 19:06

FFXI has always been more about the journey than the destination, in my opinion.

@unexplainedaf7469 - 05.11.2021 09:01

Is that the mmo that had a super convoluted log in process?

@ahmki52298 - 07.11.2021 07:43

Was my first mmo with my dad, he passed away almost a year ago if they bring this game back it would be truly incredible I would love to experience it again. Itd be awesome nostalgia.

@stevenshih5320 - 30.12.2021 22:13

Nope, nada, zip, bad idea. I was there during the NA launch and those were the good times, but let’s face it, it’s time to move on. Grindy mmo are no longer valid commercially and are a relic of the past. If you think it will survive the market today, it is just nostalgia speaking, not your logical mind.

If you miss FF11, the servers are still running and the game is still available, go play it then. But be advised it is just a shell of what it has been, and the good old days just aren’t mainstream now.

@snowf6307 - 21.01.2022 12:49

Is it strange that I started FF XIV at the start of the pandemic...made it all the way to 5.0 while following the story (read and watched everything) but then became unmotivated to grind out to Endwalker? I've already seen streams of 5.0 to the final scenes of Endwalker and I just don't want to play XIV anymore. I was satisfied experiencing the story through someone else playing

I'm very happy to close the book here and I've already started FF XI (I'm level 40!). I know most players interested in the story don't stop after finishing Shadowbringers 5.0 but I really wanted to finish the Hydaelyn / Zodiark arc and I do feel guilty about dropping XIV all of a sudden just to be a Mithra wandering around Bastok.

My main reason is because I feel like FF XI does jobs / class fantasy better than XIV. The combat is slower and refreshing. I never got to experience FF XI growing up so why put my time towards something that will feel like homework (Endwalker) when I can try something new. Anyroad I'm very glad you made this video--I do think any game that makes you happy is worth it no matter how old.

@laughingsquid2983 - 13.02.2022 08:19

The beginner experiencing is spending 2 hours trying to get a 10% from bees as the first quest of the first part of the story. That's garbage. Giga omega copium please play a good game

@vanduezen3037 - 08.03.2022 17:26

Combine the subscriptions but more importantly for me bring back the controller overlay.

@dontcare3 - 15.03.2022 05:27

private might sound good until you realize you are putting hundreds of hours of your life in the hands of people who browse/moderate reddit... think about that.

@kenshinhimura9387 - 17.03.2022 22:02

Just join Wings private server. It is the classic lvl 75 cap that the vast majority of players feel was the peak of this game. I have been playing on this server and LOVE it. None of that garbage abbyssea and dynamis that completely ruined the base game especially for new players.

@nathanlee6099 - 03.04.2022 19:27

The remake would need to be exactly like the original game but with better graphics and maybe HQ versions of the same music. This game was perfect. FFXIV doesn't give me the same feeling as XI. For years, players (the loud ones) have been screaming for "fast combat, fast-travel, fast everything," and they literally shot themselves in the foot. It was FFXI's slow nature that allowed for that deep sense of community and friendship. Those who never experienced it, will never understand. FFXIV feels like its on a track, whereas in FFXI, anything could happen. I'm a firm believer that it's those unscripted moments that make an MMO truly immersive and fun.

@LionessPaladin - 05.04.2022 02:32

I enjoy FF11 as it is right now playing solo w/trusts reminds of FF12
but I would love a fresh and populated server to play on with actual people
