EU4 1.33 vs 1.32 full combat width morale vs discipline

EU4 1.33 vs 1.32 full combat width morale vs discipline


2 года назад

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LonelyProphet - 06.09.2022 10:42

Can we just talk about how insane battles lasting months is in the first place? The only place where this would make sense is stellaris.

Shagon91 - 06.04.2022 22:11

so can anyone xplain to imbecile like me, how the fuck should I compose my army or what to focus at?

Big Bob
Big Bob - 03.04.2022 22:12

finally sweden is on par with prussian ideas. 20% less moral was holding them back

the_phobia - 03.04.2022 07:16

This change is really good if they were looking to prevent blobbing by essentially draining the manpower pool completely even if you spank a nation with tech, morale and discipline disadvantage. I can't see any reason to take an idea other than quantity for 1st idea. And I guess they don't need coalition mechanics anymore since manpower will limit expansion

James Moran
James Moran - 27.03.2022 14:33

I have played a couple aragon runs since this patch and its been absolutely brutal , used the classic no cb on byz so I can clap the ottomans but even with a massive alliance by the time im out the war my manpower in completely drained and I get the pesants war disaster everytime

Bartek Krzysik
Bartek Krzysik - 19.03.2022 15:08

OMG how many army tradition you get on 1.33

Bady - 18.03.2022 18:14

You should do it with different dice-rolls than 1 as well. You might get very different results and conclusions.

Vincrand - 17.03.2022 16:39

My take on this, based on your expirement is that it depends on the situation what is better. Discipline does basically the same as the fire and shock pips so to keep it simple, when I say that morale is more/ less important then it's in both the case of unit pips and raw stat. Morale is better for winning battles, but is worse for trading manpower. After a winning a fight you can wipe the retreating stack that just lost. You want to do this as much as possible if you have to fight and you also don't want it to happen to you. So when fighting as/ against a smaller nation you'll want to have the morale. If you have a good amount of forts (giving you room to retreat when needed without being wiped) and you fight enemies that are big/ have a lot of forts then the war will be fought out over many battles and morale will be less important.
Even though morale has been nerfed it still very useful in the early-mid game. Late game when fights are between empires morale gets less important.

Turkepic - 17.03.2022 14:11

I kind of disagree with your last statement. I think what Paradox made basically comes down to: Morale wins battles , Siege ability saves brain cells and manpower is even more overpowered now.

Xzardas - 17.03.2022 08:14

so far i noticed that wars turned into meatgrinders due to longer battles, I was crushing ottomans as france and still lost over 300k manpower despite having more than 3x the troops at mill tech 16 where western tech is suposed to no longer suck.
Oh, and Poland is completly broken now, with national ideas unlocked and without any mil ideas you can easly pulverise armes of twice your size with less than 20% lost soldiers on your side even if you don't go 50/50 cav ratio.
With 50/50 cav ratio noble ideas and happy cossacks may God have mercy upon the europe cause you are more broken than ottomans at mill 5.
All thanks to absurdly long battles and shock damage translating to morale dmg completly crushing enemy armies

LiezAllLiez - 16.03.2022 22:52

Im really worried about how this all pans out. The change, in the grand scheme of things, doesnt look like it made all THAT much difference, apart from battles lasting longer. Theres also the issue ive come across, where ive sent a stack of 28k against a rebel stack of 32k. In 1.32, my stack would have won. Hands down. In 1.33 the result was me getting a message, after ive panned my camera away, that my stack was WIPED (no, i kid you not). Theyve fought to the last man and got grinded into dust. Something is very wrong here, since if this happened in 1.32, my losing stack would just break and run, not fight to the death.

The whole system needs a fair bit of tweaking, before it starts making sense. Get on it, Paradox.

Plebis Maximus
Plebis Maximus - 16.03.2022 22:36

Those 2:1 losses are crazy, especially now with the longer battles. You're going to bleed if you can't keep up in discipline.
