Who's this Bernice and why does Hank have such a crush on her?
Ответитьso, who stole the bananas...
Ответитьthat's not a banana that's a chomchom
Ответитьam i tripping balls or did i just see a tiny man run across the lamp?
ОтветитьTell me how you missed a golden opportunity to say the man stole the bananas and “split”
Ответить'We are all largely the product of the stories we tell ourselves'
Man that was deep XD
I swear if it weren't for these crash courses, I wouldn't survive Psych. Love it! Keep it coming!
ОтветитьThis episode is a perfect example of how the justice system baffles me. In the court room, eyewitness testimony is looked at as a very strong form of evidence, but in the sciences eyewitness testimony is probably the lowest form of evidence. Imagine trying to prove a scientific theory and your main evidence is because I saw it, you would be laughed at until you brought back some charts or data to back up your hypothesis. In the courtroom however, eyewitness testimony is considered one of the strongest forms of evidence, and no one even seems to consider how easily it is to trick our senses, or how inaccurate memories can be, not even mentioning the person possibly having motive to portray things a certain way or strait up lie.
ОтветитьIm pressed that I was able to remember it was an armadillo before he said it 😅
ОтветитьHaving just(an hour ago) been scanning through the videos of this series, I was subject to this effect. I remembered the begging and where I stopped much better than the middle.
ОтветитьHands Down Best Channel!
ОтветитьI really dislike how you said at the end that Bernice is a nice lady. She almost caused an innocent barista to go to jail. She's not a nice lady. We are not defined by the intentions of our actions, if that was so, Hitler would be no worse than any exterminator, because his intentions were the same. We judge Hitler based on the consequences of his actions. The barista was arrested, taken to prison, and dragged through a criminal trial where he had to pay for lawyers. Bernice is a horrible person. You don't get to get away from the morality of your actions just because you didn't mean any harm
ОтветитьWhy is it always Bernice?
Also, wasn't it chomchomps???
The French/Spanish memory interference! So many times I've said, "C'est muy bien. Wait..."
ОтветитьTrying to learn as much as about memory so I can prob one of my friends to help them
ОтветитьBest crash course yet!!
Ответитьretroactive learning, so that’s what that is. i sometimes can’t fluently speak my native language after learning to speak english.
Ответитьi am really starting to hate bernice
ОтветитьThis happens to me all the time I try very hard to record things in mind but I forget D:, now give me a solution of how to fix/improve/defrag it so I can use my memory more efficiently and access my stored data like a Google search like in a matter of micro milliseconds :D
ОтветитьHank: ... And then you forget and you don't have any toilet paper.
Me, watching this in 2020: Are you sure that's why?
Who's here cause they're in a Psyc class?
*Priming(memoryless memory) exposer to one memory influences your other memories
*Mood congruent- when a mood helps you retrieve a memory
*Serial position effect- your more likely to remember things first and last on a list then in-between
*Storage decay- natural forgetting overtime
*Proactive interference- old learning gets in the way of knew learning
*Retroactive interference- knew learning gets in the way of old learning
*Misinformation- post information of an event influences what actually get
the angler fish on the side table!
ОтветитьI liked when he said cookies
Ответитьthis maybe explains gossips
Ответить"Hmm, gotta get my Math book to look at my trigonometry notes"
gets up to go get it
literally 0.000000001 seconds later
"WhY aM i HeAr?"
goes back
remembers math notes
So why do we still use eyewitnesses in court
ОтветитьI get cookies even when they aren’t on my list...
ОтветитьGot that michael jackson reference
ОтветитьI assume he does not actually speak like that in normal conversation, and he may be trying to be cute or funny or make the video interesting but he just makes it painful to watch. I'd rather listen and watch someone in monotone just tell the story, but my professor makes me watch this guy.
ОтветитьSo what are Flashbulb memories?
ОтветитьThen What About Mr. Bean Style Of Catching The Theif , Using A Knife 😂😂
Ответитьpsych exam tomorrow
Ответитьlong live crash course!
Ответитьthank you
ОтветитьI sincerely hope Bernice is alive at the end of this course
Ответитьat this point, i'm wondering who the heck Bernice is???
Ответить"cookies or no cookies" that's the question!!!!
ОтветитьThe most important thing I learned: armadillos have leprosy.
Ответитьgeek !
Ответитьi rember!
ОтветитьNot cell level science. More like general talk
ОтветитьWhen Hank talked about the animal that curls up into a ball I straight up remmebered a Pokemon named Sandshrew of all things instead of the actual animal first.
ОтветитьIs there a Chinese version of this episode