Philippines’ Duterte Arrested As Putin, Netanyahu Roam Free | Has ICC Now Become A Political Tool?

Philippines’ Duterte Arrested As Putin, Netanyahu Roam Free | Has ICC Now Become A Political Tool?

Hindustan Times

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Rodrigo Duterte Case | Rodrigo Duterte News | Drug War Killing | Rodrigo Duterte News | Rodrigo Duterte Arrest News | Rodrigo Duterte Case Updates | Rodrigo Duterte Drup War Killing | ICC Arrest Rodrigo Duterte | Crime News | International Criminal Court | Philippine News | Netanyahu

Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has been arrested under ICC charges of crimes against humanity. But is this really about justice, or is it political? In this episode of In-Depth, we break down the geopolitics behind Duterte’s arrest, ICC’s selective action, and why leaders like Putin and Netanyahu remain untouched. Is the ICC a force for justice or just a political tool? Ananya Dutta decodes.

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@JohnPhilipSilvaII - 13.03.2025 09:58

So, in summary, the ICC has President Duterte because the current Philippine Government handed him over. For the purpose of Political advantages

@foodvlogsandetc...6484 - 13.03.2025 09:59


@Yoriichi_Sengoku - 13.03.2025 09:59

Crimes on humanity? Nonsense.
Duterte declared war on drugs. "WAR....ON...DRUGS". Let that sink in.
He didn't declare war on any human, animal, or the environment. Of course if he declared war and you are a drug user, why would you persist to do drugs? Why do you continue your evil deeds even if a war was declared upon devils?
On the other side of this campaign, the victims of extra judicial killings, rest in peace, are casualties of the campaign as some enforcers took this as an advantage for their personal vendetta. True as it may be , EJKs are crimes committed by the people who did those actions. The families of the EJK victims are blaming Duterte, not realizing the campaign didn't target them. The families of killed drug addicts are blaming Duterte for crimes against humanity, not thinking that the war on drugs was declared nationwide and everyone was warned to "stop doing drugs or be killed". As a family, why wouldn't you help your drug addict member get rid of drug influence during this time? Why did you let them die? And when they died, you blame the campaign? Wrong, they died because they sought it.
Hell yeah attack me but I can tell you reality. During the war on drugs campaign, there were a lot of rehabilitation centers. The police upped their intelligence forces. There were no drug addicts roaming the streets. The streets were clean and safe. The campaign had a simple rule; "DO Drugs or DIE". That's so simple, only drug addicts would violate it.
I do not see a problem regarding the war on drugs campaign as it produced positive results. It saved the Filipino Youth from being corrupted by drugs. It saved many people from getting murdered by drug-influenced individuals. It prevented other crimes on humanity like sexual harassment, rape on women and children, and mass murders because most of the time, these are drug-influenced crimes. It saved the FIlipino Nation for Years! I will say this because I saw this with my own eyes. The campaign paved a way for an economic bloom. If this didn't happen, Marcos economic plans would've easily failed because the drug market on his first year of presidency could've been part of the country's economy.

@towerone8556 - 13.03.2025 09:59

Former president Duterte Enemy

Druglords and Drug Addict
Corrupt Congressman and
other Government Officials
Tax Evaders

This People are those Trying Forcely to Pull Down Duterte Family by Using of Peoples Tax money

@raquelselga9124 - 13.03.2025 09:59

Very good reporting

@ruelrama2149 - 13.03.2025 09:59

I stand with FPRRD

@maryjoylapira6048 - 13.03.2025 10:00

This is a political tool and we have a very weak leader,,,but DUTERTE IS OUR HERO and our best president ever

@lyn3121 - 13.03.2025 10:01

Marcos is a Drug dependant! He is a Satan!!!!

@maryjoylapira6048 - 13.03.2025 10:01

ALMOST Filipino people love DUTERTE

@mirasolreganon9179 - 13.03.2025 10:01

We stand for our Former president who stand and protect our country until now.salute to this hero of the philippines. Proud filipino bcoz of this man. May god protect him as the way this man protect the country against corruption, crimes and drugs.

@GonzaloDelfinado - 13.03.2025 10:01

The Phillipines court is rendered inutile being unable to exercise a non bias approach to his trial if it happens....most justices owe being political appointees...The ICC is a third party court of last resort offering non bias judgement based on established documented facts by the pH congress

@wannederlust - 13.03.2025 10:02

It is definitely very political.. election is coming and the Marcos line up doesn’t get the trust of the Filipinos. Filipinos trust Duterte!

@Otso-kinse75channel - 13.03.2025 10:02

yes punished him in our country

@lavieenrose4310 - 13.03.2025 10:02

ICC is nothing but a political tool!

@jonalynderpo9059 - 13.03.2025 10:03

Many Filipinos love former pres.du3o.

@darrylwolfe7359 - 13.03.2025 10:03


@wicktrix5747 - 13.03.2025 10:03

ICC is clearly a political tool.

@rodolfobulos3147 - 13.03.2025 10:03

You Forgot Already about what Happened to Pablo Escobar of Medellin, Columbia but can"t you not Remember that Mexico killed a lot of Drugster, Some of these Drugster, Mexico Government killed them and they hang it on the Road floating in the air supporting made of Bamboo Arc from one side of the road to the other side of the Road, The photo yet shown in the Internet, I think 5 years ago. the Druguister hangging at the Bamboo arc with Automobile passing bellow the Bamboo arc and the wild druggers hanging up above the ground..

@stevemindaros3149 - 13.03.2025 10:03

How about the innocent victims? What will they get?. Only criminals are viral.

@clarenciorabago6197 - 13.03.2025 10:04

Kodos to you and your unbiased channel mdam reporter for recognizing, analyzing and letting the whole world know the truth of our present situation here in the Phil's...God bless

@Otso-kinse75channel - 13.03.2025 10:04

we have our own supreme court what is the used the. justice.of the Philippines the are good public servant

@EarningApps2024v2 - 13.03.2025 10:04

We have a TRAITOR, thats the reason of his arrest.😊

@BeaPitogo - 13.03.2025 10:04

Bring back our Tatay Duterte!!!!

@akosipsalm1015 - 13.03.2025 10:04

That person people here in the philippines web love that so much, our current president here is under the influence of drugs

@kenthoughts6842 - 13.03.2025 10:05

You know a country is fckd up when the leader who sought peace to their big neighbour country is the one being persecuted instead of the corrupted one who is instigating a war 😂🤣

@Otso-kinse75channel - 13.03.2025 10:05

bring back home

@rosemaelidasanpablo3076 - 13.03.2025 10:06

thank you for your News is clear❤️this is the news what i want to see..and WE STAND with FORMER PRESIDENT RODRIGO ROA DUTERTE
watching from Philipines🇵🇭

@koyadencio401 - 13.03.2025 10:06

DUMPED in garbage huh hahahahahahahahahahaha.. no such thing happened here in PH

@tjleonor8024 - 13.03.2025 10:06

It's not just the police and government involved in the killings, but also the drug triads eliminating their own members. In a situation where a police officer faces a criminal with a gun, the officer won't hesitate to defend themselves. The current president had surrendered him to interpol without due process, the Philippines is soveriegn state. He is very ungrateful and very threathened to Duterte. He has paved way to the martial law offender, Marcos sr. to be buried back to the Philippines. Very Ungrateful Family after what has done to them. The Marcos family's grip on power is threatened only by Dutertes dwindling popularity.

@maneepeanut5536 - 13.03.2025 10:06

Our president (marcos jr.) is addicted to illegal DRUGS...👎👎👎👎👎He's not cridible president...

@RenpublicStream - 13.03.2025 10:06

human rights? For addict ,drug dealer, rapist and criminal ?
Mr. Duterte is the best president of the Philippines , he is a true hero 🇵🇭 he is not a criminal 😔

@jclmer5173 - 13.03.2025 10:06

ICC has kidnap our President that's 100% true

@jclmer5173 - 13.03.2025 10:06

ICC has kidnap our President that's 100% true

@jclmer5173 - 13.03.2025 10:06

ICC has kidnap our President that's 100% true

@jclmer5173 - 13.03.2025 10:07

ICC has kidnap our President that's 100% true

@junacebedo888 - 13.03.2025 10:07

Who will arrest Netanyahu?
Who will arrest Putin?
Duterte labeled Pres Marcos as COCAINE ADDICT. So, Marcos retaliates by ARRESTING and handing Duterte to ICC

Vice Pres Sarah Duterte is seething mad because her father was the one who gave HERO'S burial to the father of Bongbong

@jclmer5173 - 13.03.2025 10:07

ICC has kidnap our President that's 100% true

@jclmer5173 - 13.03.2025 10:07

ICC has kidnap our President that's 100% true

@jclmer5173 - 13.03.2025 10:07

ICC has kidnap our President that's 100% true

@TakuyakiSnacku - 13.03.2025 10:07

That's the truth, Duterte's arrest made possible because of Philippine Politics backed by Drug Lords. That's how big Government Corruption exist in the Philippines.

@Sagbotgamot - 13.03.2025 10:08

the arrest of Natanyahu, Putin etc...will only happen if there are traitors in their country who will arrest them and bring them to Hague. exactly what happened to Duterte. Israel, Russia need traitor government. the Philippines already has it.

@alexanderlee9078 - 13.03.2025 10:08

Icc now a political tool in my own opinion

@jxybsktbll4205 - 13.03.2025 10:08

The Best President Of All Time here in the Philippines. Peaceful Less Crime's during his time

@Frank-ct1lu - 13.03.2025 10:08

The best president ever……

@mediabuster214 - 13.03.2025 10:08

If you destroy the genrration of filipino people coming up I will kill you..Simple as tha .Ito ang tunay na leader! Malakas HINDI DUWAG!

@lyn08310 - 13.03.2025 10:08

I stand for Pres.Duterte...
Pray for him🙏😘

@lywyneedsmoraxxx - 13.03.2025 10:08

This is a first! This is how news must be delivered, fair and just. Not bias. Thank you.

@michaelnunezafamilyko2073 - 13.03.2025 10:09

He was our hero. Its about politics here in the Philippines. Please help Philippines. Because our news media here is bias for there report. They are fully funded by our government. The facts are crims today are worst. But didn't broadcast.

@jhunsern - 13.03.2025 10:09

I liked the way you reported. No biases.
FPRRD was being politicized by his enemies. He was even deprived of his Bill of Rights.
