Avengers Endgame Final Battle - Thor ,Captain America & Iron Man vs Thanos  Final Fight Scene 4K

Avengers Endgame Final Battle - Thor ,Captain America & Iron Man vs Thanos Final Fight Scene 4K


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@a_bionicle6635 - 02.01.2025 07:07

This movie is dumb. If cap had told the others he could lift Mjolnir before hand, and they had all strategized how to fight Thanos instead of winging it, they would have clowned on him.

@KawaiiRafa - 03.01.2025 09:47

Take me back when this first came out and everyone seen it on the big screen ughh those were the days

@treestopper2 - 05.01.2025 19:27

I kind hate how dirty they did Thor. He didn't get a hit in. He should've gotten a bit more than that.

@c.j.k7224 - 06.01.2025 21:25

Wanda came closer than those three lol

@catiloh6086 - 08.01.2025 11:52

Bro they shoulda threw hulk in as a 4 v 1 it would have been fucking epic

@Detective_L - 10.01.2025 02:37

This was the final marvel movie i saw for many years until Deadpool Wolverine. I knew it was the perfect ending to what was an amazing franchise (at the time) and predicted it couldn't get any better. She Hulk and others proved that

@LadyBDavis - 10.01.2025 06:57

Thanos be spittin’ hot fiah! Too bad he is all 🔪🔪🔪 all the time!

@killerreactionsjah7566 - 11.01.2025 00:18

“A grateful universe”
“yea born out of blood”
“They’ll never know”
“Because you won’t be alive to tell them “

@F34R_ - 14.01.2025 14:50

thanos was simply too strong even without the stones. His incredible combat abilities and insanely high level of intelligence allowed him to come MILLISECONDS from winning AGAIN if it weren’t for captain marvel stopping him from snapping his fingers, I mean for Christs sake he soloed the most powerful hero’s in the mcu all AT ONCE with only his sword and fists. He destroyed captain americas shield, picked up Thor’s hammer, threw captain marvel like a rag doll, smacked Wanda around like a child. He already won the first time flawlessly anyways. Such a well written and perfect, poetic, intelligent villain by Stan Lee RIP 🪦.

@MartinGonzalez-n1w - 16.01.2025 06:27

You are so loved ✝️❤️

@Fudge_167 - 19.01.2025 13:55

I love the opening for the fight, just the three of them attacking Thanos at the same time.

@hasturxix - 21.01.2025 11:57

Really wish they hadn't ended with Thor being fat. Like cmon man really? You're gonna make one of the strongest Avengers a depressed fat hobbo?

@jubalate - 23.01.2025 09:42

So much of this fight doesn’t make any sense. Mostly Thanos defending from mjolnir. He should have been bodied from cap alone here.

@ShawnFazbear - 25.01.2025 04:23

Imagine if iron man didn’t get knocked out by thor

@MrBigD81 - 26.01.2025 07:52

I've been alive for 40 years and watching Captain America pick up that hammer, which is a cinematic experience of a lifetime, and i dont think it will ever be topped.

@lgromano - 26.01.2025 19:47


@yfoo7505 - 01.02.2025 18:13

Really wish they aint do hulk dirty

@randomcommenter3202 - 03.02.2025 03:05

HE MADE THOR BLEED WITH 3 PUNCHES.. superman wouldnt stand a chance

@alainmalchan2388 - 04.02.2025 23:10

Yep.. we're all kinds of stubborn...lmfao

@comet_number1 - 07.02.2025 03:23

if Thor was in his prime and if Steve Roger’s had Thor’s hammer (the entire time) they woulda won.

@IITexassucksII - 08.02.2025 00:49

When thanos got hit with the hammer while he was pushing stormbreaker into thor. He comes back with his sword instead. How did he get it so fast😂

@dxthegreat - 08.02.2025 00:51

Tony said this the rematch run me me the fade with my squad this time Thanos 😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥

@smrzgk - 08.02.2025 11:59

Damn thor didn't even need the infinity stones to beat them lmao

@NoahWilliams-s9c - 08.02.2025 12:45

Thor was ready to go !

@koboldsage9112 - 08.02.2025 14:20

That thanos casually breaks the worlds established physics over and over worh no explanation doesnt make him stong, it makes fhe writers sloppy. Caps vinranium shield has been well established to take beating far in excess of anyrhing thanos could dish out, but he broke it with a swird that has no story of its own because rhe writers thought it would be cool.

They dismantled their own IP

@2010morex - 15.02.2025 02:28

This was peak MCU compared to the trash these days

@vion16-w2d - 15.02.2025 11:10

This is my fav thanos scene 🎉

@LilDrechh - 21.02.2025 04:25

Thor powers make him favor

@Kattiss001 - 24.02.2025 09:27

It's the big 3? Thanos said "it's just big me".

@zenn9521 - 24.02.2025 16:27

The coolest move that a villain has ever done in MCU, sitting on top of avengers hq rubble while staring at the big three💀

@chasemorello60 - 27.02.2025 01:01


@danielrodriguez5165 - 28.02.2025 06:03

Bs ass movie

@redciroc1211 - 02.03.2025 02:20

They need to make a Dark Thor movie without all that comical and colorful stuff with him fighting different enemies in different galaxies nothing on earth that would be a movie i would love to see before i leave earth.

@joshuagardner6671 - 05.03.2025 14:57

How did he do better then Thor with his hammer lmaoo

@jubalate - 06.03.2025 04:31

I’m here again to say it: nerfing Thanos here was just lazy writing, the 3 of them could totally take Thanos without the stones.

@JamesM2667 - 06.03.2025 08:49

“Let’s kill him properly this time” has to be the coldest line

@nfntyblz06 - 08.03.2025 06:45

I think this is the best and the strongest super héroes trios from the MCU

@yuridc1780 - 08.03.2025 11:58

No one talked about how Thanos can use Stormbreaker.

@gothamknight3871 - 09.03.2025 19:13

This Thanos may not have the depth from his Infinity War counterpart, but you gotta admit he has an even more lethal plot.

@ProfessorKenneth - 09.03.2025 22:20

Great film,👍🏻 deffo, but i hate that they made Thanos way over powered that nothing thor cap and ironman did affected him..thats daft. Everyone, everything has a weakness. Thor alone could have put a dent in Thanos. Otherwise, great film.
