A Simple Method to Make Soft and Fluffy Dinner Rolls

A Simple Method to Make Soft and Fluffy Dinner Rolls

Kitchen & Craft

3 года назад

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@ddukee801 - 05.11.2022 12:36

You have 3/4 teaspoon of yeast. In the video it looks more like 3/4 Tablespoons. 3/4 teaspoon does not sound like a lot for over 4 cups of flour.

@ddukee801 - 05.11.2022 12:48

Do you really add 1 Tablespoon of salt in this recipe?

@kaygeniesse4227 - 23.11.2022 06:32

Is this a recipe that is easily doubled or tripled?

@susanwatson251 - 24.11.2022 05:47

Beginner question — is the baking pan lightly greased?

@platinumare - 15.12.2022 08:09

I'm becoming a big fan of the cold rise, much more tasty and fluffy!

@valeriespara1801 - 21.12.2022 21:44

Just a quick question. Can 2% milk or buttermilk be substituted for whole milk?

@natalielipka7337 - 27.12.2022 20:11

Hello, thanks in advance for your time, I’m excited to try this! Can I clarify, is medium setting about 7 on kitchen aid mixer and did you grease or butter your baking pan? Have you ever tried this for whole-wheat buns? I like the flavour occasionally but they always turn out dense lol. Thanks again.

@tonchua6353 - 17.01.2023 04:28

Do you need to let the dough rest after taking out from the refrigerator? If yes, how long pls. Thank you

@cindyeastbourn7642 - 28.01.2023 06:07

These do look a little burnt

@teresaowen2854 - 02.03.2023 17:38


@benhalford5612 - 26.03.2023 18:52

Could you use oat milk instead of whole milk?

@allysonbird8452 - 04.04.2023 07:39

Hi from Australia - these look beautiful, just wondering is the all purpose flour you mention just plain flour (in Australia plain flour doesn't have any raising agent in it) most recipes I've seen for breads and rolls use bread flour which has a higher protein percentage. Thanks, Ally :)

@deedeelowe7963 - 11.04.2023 15:09

Can I use brown sugar? I’m only asking because I want to make them this week and I only have brown sugar. Don’t want to go back to the store…

@deedeelowe7963 - 11.04.2023 15:12

Do you know where to get the cover for the bowl? I like the one that you have

@denisehart4351 - 11.05.2023 04:34

Can you knead the dough as I don’t have a Kitchen Aid with a bread hook?

@8supersk8ter - 07.10.2023 22:06

Thank you.

@royallclark6331 - 03.11.2023 18:46

I've volunteered to bake 12 doz. rolls for the parks Thanksgiving dinner. Do you see any problems in doubling the recipe to speed things up? Also, I only have two 9x13 Pyrex dishes to bake in, should any changes be made to accommodate the choices made?

@steenstry - 06.11.2023 10:51

Thanks for this video! I am new to baking, and your recipe was my first (and second) attempt at rolls. Smashing success! The second time around I added a bit more flour and milk for mass, and 20% more butter because I'm from Wisconsin and that's what we do. Absolutely fantastic. I have a question about the Tangzhong... Is it technically a preferment? Just trying to get my terms straight. I haven't seen it on a list with poolish and biga, etc., but it seems nearly identical in practice. In any case, my family will be enjoying several dozen of these rolls at Thanksgiving : )

@spinn1 - 21.11.2023 02:18

This recipe looks great! How should i proceed if i only have active dry yeast available? Mix it with the milk and sugar?

@madamemarsh - 21.11.2023 05:39

How do you think einkorn flour would behave in this recipe?

@3257bandguy - 22.11.2023 18:40

Do you have to use whole milk or can you use 2%?

@Sandra-fp6qx - 22.11.2023 21:15

Can I use evaporated milk?

@micht6888 - 24.12.2023 21:52

Roughly how many hours should you proof in the fridge?

@SovereignSelf2095 - 26.01.2024 20:47

Hard to believe there’s no eggs in this bread!! Does this result in a lighter bun? Can’t wait to try this

@JoyfulArtisticAdventures - 01.03.2024 07:46

Thanks but why my bread is not soft undernearh? N my bread is little heavy too.

@Stevedola11 - 30.03.2024 16:52

well done! very informative and delivered at a good pace. TY for recipe

@danyareider8146 - 31.03.2024 23:28

I made these for Easter dinner and they did not disappoint! Thank you for sharing! Great recipe that will now be my favorite dinner roll recipe!

@graceh2684 - 12.04.2024 20:26

Is it 3/4 teaspoon of yeast or 3/4 TABLESPOON? That’s not much yeast.

@rogieferguson - 22.04.2024 01:14

Can someone tell what tempt to bake at? And, do you butter the bottom of the pan when baking?

@nalanimathews5418 - 06.05.2024 01:10

can you list the recipe? please

@Gazk_007 - 14.06.2024 13:06

Can strong bread flour be used for this?

@Olivos-sanadores - 18.06.2024 23:07


@sharonbutt1428 - 10.07.2024 12:05

Im confused. Bakers have always taught to stretch the dough and even to slap it down. Others dig into the dough to knead it, yet you hardly touched it and didnt need to add extra flour to the surface. Im definately gonna try this, minus the butter - i shall use oil.

@Expatkeys - 15.07.2024 13:59

Why on earth would you add sugar to bread

@AshleyfromTX - 17.09.2024 14:39

Can’t wait to make these. I can’t eat gluten but I know my family will love them. Any suggestions for a similar gluten free recipe? 😊

@gingermoore7247 - 16.10.2024 04:39

Could it be that your use of a darker pan is why they are a little browner than you'd prefer?

@DebbieAnderson-r3t - 29.10.2024 23:51

They look so good can't wait to make them I'll let you know when I do make them 😊

@jennyhicks1116 - 10.11.2024 14:44

It be possible that you could give this recipe in cups, teaspoons and tabkspoons please. Im old school and dont know how to do the weight. Sorry

@sebastianantony5335 - 28.11.2024 02:52

If your tangzhong is hot and your milk is cold, mixing them together before adding to the rest of the ingredients should get things to the right temperature sooner!

@maychu3075 - 02.12.2024 02:06

Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe. My rolls were super soft. I was looking for a tangzhong bread rolls recipe using AP flour ( that's what I usually have)and came across your video. I was skeptical about using so little yeast but others commented how much success they had so I tried it and loved the results. Your explanations were simple and clear. I will make these rolls for all my family gatherings. 😊

@laurieloder5159 - 12.12.2024 16:36

I only see recipe not directions written down? Tried finding it on site no luck!

@mabell7648 - 19.12.2024 23:34

Can I shape the roll differently than in a ball. What about rolling out the dough and using a biscuit cutter. One cut, fold the dough in half and bake. What do you think?

@VickyGR96 - 22.12.2024 16:00

Hi KC! You mentioned starch at the beginning? But you didn't add starch. Could you clarify?
Also, some recipes include eggs. Can you explain what's the difference? Thank you!

@matgggg55 - 24.12.2024 04:17

Can you write the recipe in bakers percentage. The way it is written takes awhile to figure out.

@denisedavies5859 - 10.01.2025 08:27

Is the oven temperature with or without fan? Three years on and this just popped up on my feed. I’ve never used this method but can’t wait to try it today. I’m in the UK where we don’t measure ingredients in cups. We weigh everything. Thank you for weighing out, it’s so accurate. 👍👍

@mistyhefner3790 - 16.01.2025 20:58

Can you add more sugar to make it a sweeter yeast roll? Like the O'Charley or Logan's rolls.

@EagleMiles - 02.02.2025 21:15

Exact measurements... thank you. What type of flour do you prefer ?

@bg-ij9uc - 07.03.2025 06:07

What an excellent teacher you are. Thank you.

@royallclark6331 - 22.11.2023 20:02

Just finished up baking 10 batches of this recipe and I'm hear to tell you, it is by far the best dinner rolls I've ever made! They are sooo soft!! If I don't stop eating them, I'll have to bake another batch for the Thanksgiving dinner! LOL I did make this in double batches that made 30 rolls at a time. I found that you would get 32 if you portioned at 65grams and 30 rolls at 70 grams. I did make 3 batches today and found that you'll loose some of the boiled flour paste. I lost about 66g but didn't effect the out come of the rolls. I just portioned that batch out at 65grams and it came out just fine.
