So good! Thank you.
ОтветитьThank you for sharing
Ответитьamen and thank you——
ОтветитьI believe the Bible says Joseph was the second to the youngest, Benjaman, being the youngest. David was the youngest in his family.
Ответить30 years 😮
ОтветитьMy experience has been that vision rely on the receiving person for contextual information. this makes interpretation of visions difficult.
ОтветитьIt’s been such a difficult journey. But thank God for being faithful. If it weren’t for Him, I wouldn’t still be standing. Thank You Jesus.
ОтветитьThis episode almost had me in tears 🥺 I had no idea I was a seer until I watched this. I feel like a part of me was literally healed while watching this because it put so much language to how God made me, parts of me that I’ve never understood about myself and have carried shame over. Thank you so much for this episode, Havilah. The timing of this episode is impeccable as well 💝🫶🏼
ОтветитьThat's so good. I always worry about things in the future. I need to learn how to focus on God and what he is doing right now!
ОтветитьErana Okran thee
ОтветитьThis was so good, thank you. Your message yesterday was so encouraging also!
ОтветитьAre mental pictures a part of being a seer?
ОтветитьThis is so good Havilah! Everything you shared fully resonated with me, been in the place of loneliness, obscurity and so so frustrated in this very extra long wilderness season, almost want to throw the towel in.
ОтветитьThis is such a heavy gift, but I thank God for entrusting us . ❤ lmbo, I always get frustrated when I see a prophecy for someone else, and they text me about it coming to pass a lot faster than mines 😂 I’m like wait God … so about what you shown me 🤣🤣but it beautiful regardless .. God is not a man where he shall lie.
ОтветитьThanks ❤❤❤❤❤️
ОтветитьI keep replaying this because I’ve never felt so understood. Thank you for sharing this. 🙏🏽
ОтветитьThis was so so helpful. Thank you and God Bless you Havilah!🤍
ОтветитьI'm so thankful I found this video, for a long time I been feeling misunderstood, confused and alone. But I identify with what you are saying, I am feeling more confident and what I am and I will trust in God, for what He wants me to do for Him 🙏🏼
ОтветитьI struggle with my pictures. Having a hard time to interpret
ОтветитьThank you Havilah I really needed this
ОтветитьThank You for this!!
Such Good Info!!
I’m learning to Trust God because of Who He Is.. that part really spoke to me!!
Learning about His Love & How different it Is!!
Thank you for your messages!!
They really hit home !!
We're meant to keep journals and also remember dreams and visions of what we've seen and heard, not expect them all the time.
ОтветитьI love this message ❤️ thank you for this 🫶🏽
ОтветитьThank you for sharing ❣️ I am so blessed by your message ❣️
ОтветитьAwesome! These books sound great.
ОтветитьIf youre a PROPHET, the LORD GOD will tell you that you are a PROPHET. If not, be very careful to say Thus sayeth the Lord, when the Lord has not spoken ❤ Many times we have dreams and visions that are for us, not others
ОтветитьNot a biblical teaching. Beware of false teachers.
ОтветитьExcellent message!
ОтветитьWhy does God not speak to me by name and sentences like that? It’s always like one word or a phrase. Usually scriptures. And I get random images It feels like my relationship with Him is so mysterious, it’s stressful feel like I’m losing my mind trying to seek God
ОтветитьI see with my eyes open in the spirit and I also get visions on my inside eyes. I also smell spirits and angels. I also feel but not as often. It's been difficult because there is a leader/elder that uses my story of beingca seer to talk bad about me because he said that she had a problem paying tithes but my problem was because my husband tried to put a cap on my tithes. So he tells this to students without saying the whole story. So the persecution is real. The difficulty is real.
ОтветитьPraying in tongues has helped me with interpretations
ОтветитьI am a seer 100%. Heres what i can do. When a baby is born. I can automatically see if the child has a disease like cp, md . I can see there mental process and if they are slow or normal, or hyper. I can sèe there future. If a person glows around me. They will die in 2 days. Shopping being a seer is awesome. When products glow. If is needed in my life. I know what deep secrets in your closet. Almost to the tee. When i see someone. If a leader is on tv talking. I can see the line of lies they tell. When someone is dying in front of me. They always ask if they can go to the relm. They always telepathy talk to me. I believe god sent us all here with these tools. But social issues had turn this gift down to low volume in a way. Cia says this is real. They train there clients on how to use this. Because we are all born with it. My direct bloodline line runs to the witch trials. John ketchum ran from it. I am direct bloodline to all the ketchum. John landed on the Amityville property. He was the original land owner. Yes he cursed it. Yes it is bad. But thats not me. How do we not know the demons were not burning god angels at the witch trials.
ОтветитьThis is so good! God has told me recently "My daughter, you can see so well from afar, but you miss what's right in front of your eyes!"
ОтветитьVery true its a tough life.
Ответить@Havilah Gurl 😊 this is straight from heaven and right on time! 😮
ОтветитьThis hit my heart so hard!! This has answered every single question I've had!
ОтветитьThanks for the nice word
Ответить50 years waiting! ❤
ОтветитьReally listened today on this; thank you! I made a comment and deleted it because you were Point On! Yes I failed be quiet but the only one who heard it sre the ones who heard me! Grace and Mercy! Love is not causing pain to the one you love! Letting that be my giuide!
ОтветитьThis is great. It’s like taking a vitamin😃
ОтветитьThank you, for sharing this helpful series of messages. I am a seeker and what you said encouraged me. Holy Spirit showed me something wonderful in 1991, that He IS going to do. It fits in the category of a dream that I can’t make happen on my own.
ОтветитьGod bless you for sharing
ОтветитьSo what if you are 30. Vibrant, happy, character, faith, loved. Morw important able to love others and receive. Finding peace in all, healthy brain. I have always been a seeer. In dreams, visions ect. From early age i got visions. Im also very happy and optism. I love love love creating a vision and as soon the vision is there i have faith. But now suddenly i cant hope for a good future anymore (or at least same good at this). Because everytime i lose my hope and confidence when i think about aging. I feel less free and courgeagous. I dont weae make up and love being autentic. Somehow changing outside makes me feel less beautiful. I know the ❤ is inside, ofcourse!!! Doesnt mean it brings me insecurity as a woman and sad when i see real old woman. Everytime im happy now and want to plan it reminds me in the future i can never go back. I was so depressed and started to lose hope. God cant help that. Also i have no husband..doesnt matter for me. But future maybe it does. Just makea me all so sick. I cant even picture things when im not even me anymore. I wish i could describe better how it feels and blocks me spiritual, without being mistaken or been seen as shallow.
ОтветитьMy life totally makes sense now. Thank you.
ОтветитьI’m a Feeler, but I am definitely seer, too. Goosebumps on my right side are my Guardian Angel’s talking to me. ❤🙏
ОтветитьI’m a Feeler, too. But I am definitely seer, too. Goosebumps on my right side is my Guardian Angel talking to me. ❤🙏
ОтветитьThank you for sharing!