Enshrouded - 0.7 S-Tier Archer Build! JACK OF ALL TRADES ASSASSIN Combines Archer + Magic + Melee

Enshrouded - 0.7 S-Tier Archer Build! JACK OF ALL TRADES ASSASSIN Combines Archer + Magic + Melee


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@Mordarim - 31.01.2024 00:18

Disclaimer. There are a LOT of bugs in the game. Like, half the stuff just straight up does not work like it should. The best way to see if a bow is good is to equip it, upgrade it and see how much dmg it does. The flame ones are usually pretty good. The best bow is the ignited bow, which can be found in the suntemple chests. The consumable farm has a very easy to access chest by just destroying the window instead of gliding in from the top. GL bois.

@andreasloving8930 - 01.02.2024 21:39

I’d give a quick correction, you can actually get a 0.6s draw speed bow early game. I found
a fantastic 0.6 speed legendary bow from a random gold chest in the first ancient spire on level 3-4. I’m currently running a ranger-build level 16 around 50 hours in, and it is still amazingly strong without any real contenders. I find rare/epic bows with almost double damage, but the speed is way to good to exchange. Hoping to find a more apt choice for my level soon.

@DatGranny - 01.02.2024 20:50

fastest way getting twigs is not by mining them, planting bushes is A LOT faster (you can put them on the lawn)

@musabwarsame7242 - 31.01.2024 21:54

thanks for this vids this is everything i needed

@Viinan - 31.01.2024 21:54

Another great build! My biggest complaint about end-game builds is that we don't have enough options when it comes to the drip. Some of the lower lvl sets look way better than end-game sets imo. Hopefully they'll make it so we can craft higher lvl versions of other sets later down the line for the sake of having more choices for how we look. Sure I can wear lower lvl stuff just to look good and probably manage to kill lvl30 mobs, but trading stats for looks doesn't feel very good.

@redrh1 - 31.01.2024 19:00

Hi two questions. What is the total number of skill points you have once completing everything?

Also for the ice sword is that also found in the suntemple chest? I have run that chest a lot and have not found legendary ice sword. EDIT: Rewatched video looks like the sword is in the chest. I guess im just unlucky lol.

@leorocha4384 - 31.01.2024 17:36

Tank build pls

@derpataur1162 - 31.01.2024 17:19

This game needs a rework for melee/combat. Not everyone wants to play as a wizard hybrid. The entire game caters to magic casters and it's infuriating. The healing talents are essentially mandatory, and because of that -- it makes no sense to not just scale intelligence.

I love the exploration/building in this game but after hitting 25, and doing some farming in the level 30 area -- the combat in this game is kind of garbage. They need to rework combat entirely. There needs to be a better stagger/poise/hyper armor system so you can interrupt the mobs that just spam the same wombo combos. The enemies need more varied attack animations.

There are too many mobs that oneshot you if you get in melee range. Exploding beetles are absolute cancer. The fat poison boss is absolutely cancer to fight as a melee, even full tank with the poison resistance nodes she can oneshot you. Weapon durability on melee weapons shouldn't even be a thing. Some of the flying mobs can't even be melee'd.

The game almost forces you to use spells/wands. Wands have no ammo cost and do amazing damage. It's just bullshit. I don't think the devs play archers/melee.

Arrow costs are absolutely ridiculous. Melee/Archery damage isn't high enough either.

I literally just made my guy full tank, so I can walk around taunting everything so my mage friend can kill everything. I don't even attack anymore, I just cycle through torches so I can see and parry.

@KleverKilvanya - 31.01.2024 16:53

I'd actually recommend the Gloom Monarch boots for the extra regen it has, not much but it helps

@TheTroyhalo - 31.01.2024 13:44

where did you get that cool cape?

@doomslayerforever2858 - 31.01.2024 13:27

this game needs grabbing ledges ASAP

@Schalalai - 31.01.2024 12:02

Took me long enough to find out why my arrows are gone so fast and it was because of the 3 Arrow Trait. That skill is so useless, when you aim for the Head most of time 2 arrows are wasted.

@Smug_Kitten - 31.01.2024 11:58

Growing twings with the farmer and harvesting them seemed like a more efficient way to get a lot of them vs mining an animal nest - just my opinion. I plant a big patch like flax

@condawgg1504 - 31.01.2024 11:55

Love the way he says "Here"

@davidmelandri8683 - 31.01.2024 08:15

where to obtain the mana ring-ring of rapacity?

@sathic609 - 31.01.2024 06:00

I tried making some alt characters but Eternal Acid Bite is just so good for everything.

@ms.akalirift9900 - 31.01.2024 05:33

bro if you need twigs just plant shrubs :)

@konstantinosvasiliadis5958 - 31.01.2024 02:41

so im new at the game im playing archer, i see the bows that have fire damage when upgraded, do i have to do somethiing extra to get the benefit of the magic damage +the fire? because iam not losing mana.i don't understand how that works

@ChrissW528 - 31.01.2024 02:02

Honestly I think they need to add in more options for both strength and dexterity, intellect is the only stat that covers both close and long-range combat meanwhile, if you want to play strength, your required to dip into a little bit of dex to use a bow because ranged combat is just an essential part of the game, and if your dex, you're required to dip in a little bit into strength or intelligence to use either a wand or a melee weapon effectively unless you just want to constantly farm twigs for arrows all day.
They need to add in dexterity-based melee weapons or maybe even hand crossbows with the same ranges will wand, and add in throwing spears/ axes or maybe slings as a ranged option for strength so you're not required to run multiple stats and significantly nerf yourself compared to a pure intellect build that can do everything while being tankier than a melee build thanks to water aura

@chiaagaming4946 - 31.01.2024 01:58

any idea where to find the ring or rapacity ? great video man!

@warnado5007 - 31.01.2024 01:18

Imme be real the mage is too godamn strong to play anything else. I really tried playing an archer at first but the wands just melt everything early on and then spells are just so busted in the late game they really did a bad job with the balance. I think they should have introduced something like portal knights where every class got its own list of spells to use. The warrior got shouts and buffs and stuff, the rogue got stealth and blinks and stuff, ranger special magical arrows etc.. I think this game could really use something like that because the acid spell just melts enemies even if theyre 5 - 6 levels above me rn.

@dn3043 - 31.01.2024 01:00

hello does the "increase 10% ranged weapon dmg" in the skill tree also the firefstaff?

@atalasstefano62 - 31.01.2024 00:49

how/where do you unlock explosive arrows?

@candyxxy - 31.01.2024 00:33

Great Build & Video Mordarim! 🙂
