Top 5 Bingeable SCARY STORIES • Strangest of the Strange Edition (*MATURE AUDIENCES*)

Top 5 Bingeable SCARY STORIES • Strangest of the Strange Edition (*MATURE AUDIENCES*)


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@bobhilde6381 - 25.02.2025 01:06

First time listener love it!

@ReptillianStrike - 25.02.2025 01:12

So, we know how mr.smoker died, but that still doesn't explain his crushed bones and organs. Wtf happened to him?

@ReptillianStrike - 25.02.2025 01:23

I really question the sanity and intelligence of people that believe $300 can earn you everlasting riches. If he seriously could give people immense wealth, what use would he have for money?

@zestynachoman3839 - 25.02.2025 13:27

That detective who discovered Greg was shot is something else

That’s some next level intellect. He suspected the truth only a day or two after studying the case, and even if it was just a hair braided idea, he was right

@JumboJosh8190 - 25.02.2025 13:56

He wore a very tiny t shirt to show off his muscles😅😅😅

@xombi213 - 25.02.2025 18:16

Those fishermen were running drugs.

@SNP-1999 - 25.02.2025 19:10

So some people who really do not have any problems make them up themselves and believe them ? It's a mad, mad world !.

@SNP-1999 - 25.02.2025 22:07

So that lazy devil not only murdered those poor women, he made them pay for it beforehand and then told them dig their own graves !!!

@HeidiGelling - 25.02.2025 23:52

The guy who killed the woman is lying. He could have pretended to be a shaman still, and got the girls to spit into a pot and say that was part of the ritual.

@SkaJoodleSkaDoodle - 26.02.2025 06:42

Bro coulda just french kissed 70 women

@azoutlaw7 - 26.02.2025 06:46

Come to Phoenix AZ please!

@loveshilohandbros3582 - 26.02.2025 14:28

So they used to think that these lizards had deadly bacteria in their saliva but they actually found out that they have poisonous glands next to their teeth and injects you with that venom when they bite and trying to grind your bones with those hacksaw teeth . The glands were so tiny that they thought it was just bacteria but it's not just a fun fact😮

@shifflettartstudios2335 - 26.02.2025 20:34

Anyone ever seen the show Fatal Attractions? That story of the lizards was in the very first episode.

@cobejoe - 26.02.2025 22:41

Im from Beaumont that's crazy

@HolySpicoli - 27.02.2025 00:09

The point is, you are alive when they start to eat you. So, try and show a little respect?

@CeeCee01 - 27.02.2025 00:14

Ahhhh godammit ballen!!!! I wasn’t prepared to hear anything about bugs man I’m eating 😂😂😂😂

@The_hungry_tourist - 27.02.2025 13:28

The hotel one still doesn't make sense. So they accidentally shot the man through the wall. He didn't have time to get to the door but they had time to go to the bar and come back and hear him coughing?

@amberwest7846 - 28.02.2025 23:37

I've never heard archipelago pronounced like that before. I like it

@TheStuntAssassin - 01.03.2025 02:07

My intuition tells me Last case I feel the crew searched his book and they already knew about some riches treasure hidden by him( probably evedroped him somewhere in the past prior their trip) so they made this ugly operation their way and probably succeeded and vanished and mostly at least got some small treasure.. too ugly ending

@SIN-RODEO - 01.03.2025 08:50

10 million sub😊😊😊😊😊

@markdalton6662 - 01.03.2025 10:51

Mr. Ballen you should tell the s tory about the twins ( pretty blonde females ) who suffered from folle au daux and one of them even committed murder

@markdalton6662 - 01.03.2025 10:52

They we're in the u.k. when they had their weird break

@TonyDamron-d7o - 01.03.2025 21:36

Huge luvv from KENTUCKY

@jesustolento101 - 02.03.2025 02:44

Could you cover more ocean/ fishing stories? These seem to be so interesting and spooky

@davidlamy767 - 03.03.2025 00:02

Who the fuck keeps Komodo dragons as a pet

@thewoolverine4420 - 03.03.2025 04:59

I think the El Fausto crew declined the tow into shore because there was a pirate of some sort on the ship. I think after they left that pirate (or pirates) murdered most of the crew and took the notebook pages.

@claytonmargiewest4833 - 03.03.2025 05:25

Wear those shorts again

@douglasgreninger110 - 03.03.2025 08:28

Wouldn't it have been easier to tell the girls to spit in a glass that it was part of the ritual?

@RogerLucas-pt7mt - 03.03.2025 16:45

I breed these monitors and giant snakes and never heard of this story. Very easily can happen though so I’m not surprised. I also live in the exact same area in Maryland lol

@battlebarren - 03.03.2025 21:12

Ayooo Indonesia

@ryankurtesscliffdale5369 - 04.03.2025 05:22


@juliagahan1499 - 04.03.2025 12:09

Holee sheet!
I absolutely know this guy!

@plagueCLUTCH - 04.03.2025 13:02

The most likely cause of the el Fausto crew incident is something like a chemical co2 methane leak. One single cause not multiple things. That would cause an effect on the crew. It’s possible for example they had co2 poisoning from a malfunctioningnctioni g engine and air vent system. Which is bad and would give an obvious death. But maybe. They also had an illness from the fruit that lowered their blood pressure creating a freak occurqmce? It’s not likely multiple events happened. But one event Ron town like sources might cause a situation that created a chemically explainable madness for the crew euphoria and propensity to misjudge risk. Several drugs do that. So maybe they were high but not the good kind because of the engine malfunctioning combined both another issue such as dehydration? This seems most likely to me.

@shannonsfamily418 - 04.03.2025 20:48

I just watched this and honestly. My first thought was when they did not want any help from the other boat they were being held hostage by pirates and the pirates were hidden. I don't know how many there could have been, but that was my first thought, and they couldn't talk because They could have threatened that they would kill them, and they would kill everybody on the other boat, what or whatever? So has anybody ever thought that that could have happened possibly? It's not uncommon. You know, a boat of drug dealers or people just that are bad looking for trouble, even in the ocean, just to see what they can take or get, so I don't know. I'm just wondering thoughts anybody? I really enjoy your show. You have so many eclectic videos that are true and the genres are just so diverse. I just love it. I've never seen a show like yours ever until now. It's great very original.

@LissieJade - 04.03.2025 21:19

I remembered that first story from a show I was obsessed with as a kid called Fatal Attractions. That was wild

@destinyneal1904 - 04.03.2025 23:41

Seems like he’s rushing through all these. I miss the old Mr ballen. I know things change etc and I’m happy he’s doing so well but unfortunately due to that the quality of his stuff has gone downhill badly. Been a subscriber since the beginning and I’m sad to see this. As long as he’s good that’s what matters but I’m moving on. Wish him the best.

@mz.witchcrafter - 05.03.2025 00:17

I knew it rhe minute you said the apartment was kept too warm...."It's that joker that got eaten by his lizards" - I actually said it to myself out loud.

@wickstar8629 - 06.03.2025 02:46

I just don’t get the shaman he took the women made them dig a whole and killled them to take there saliva if they believe him so much they’d pay him $300 follow him to a sugar cane field in the middle of the night and dig there own grave, surely it would of been easier just to ask for them to spit in a cup it’s part of the ritual.

@catherinegatny1719 - 06.03.2025 11:14

Thank you for serving

@heeb97 - 06.03.2025 12:36

Greg got shot but no bleeding..?

@YarnellGreen-l7s - 06.03.2025 12:47

My Name is Big Nell and I truly love Mr Ballen's stories

@itsabeautifulanimism3704 - 06.03.2025 19:17

I have had some pretty hefty drunk moments in my early 20’s. Close to black out drunk nights…but never, ever did I ever think “You know what will really turn this party up?….a pistol.” 🙄 Why are people the way they are? Poor guy. RIP Greg.

@Humanbean.308 - 07.03.2025 00:28

Why the f didn't dude just tell those women to spit in a cup?

@Zenalam - 07.03.2025 04:54

As a reptile lover
That monitor lizard story just made sad :/
Not for the guy
I cant have big lizard as pet 😭
