Perfect Day in Philadelphia: 15+ Must-See Landmarks and Eats

Perfect Day in Philadelphia: 15+ Must-See Landmarks and Eats

Through My Lens

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@darrenprintz2966 - 03.11.2024 07:02

Wish I knew you guys were showing up in my hometown. I would’ve loved to have met you and Pops.

@darrenprintz2966 - 03.11.2024 07:04

Wish I knew you guys were showing up in my hometown. I would’ve loved to have met you and Pops.

@maryjbelle - 03.11.2024 16:35

I like pops more every episode. His comment at the penitentiary, got to me.

@EpicAdventureCouple - 03.11.2024 18:38

Hello all my Phila people. Transplanted to Fla but always love ❤️ Phila.
Good video of all the favorite spots.
Have a great week.

@rickbakker6589 - 03.11.2024 21:14

As a european (Belgium) I love your video's, and they really help me deciding where to go next year. Especially since I don't want to go to NY or LA because pretty much all europeans that travel to th US visit only those 2 cities>

@judycherry9074 - 04.11.2024 20:09

Geno's hands down! We've tasted both just like you did. It's Geno's for the BEST Philly Cheese steak! You didn't mention ordering it 'wit' if you want onions! A must! I'm hungry now! Really enjoyed this video. Thanks!

@robyndaye4155 - 04.11.2024 22:16

Great video! Like Pop I grew up across the river in South Jersey. I worked in Philly for almost a dozen years. Never had a cheesesteak from Pat's Geno's or Jim's. Only from street vendors, which I ate from at least three times a week.

I never heard of the Cherry Street Pier. I definitely will be going to soon.

@CandaceTravismusic - 05.11.2024 01:56

You were so close to it and did not show the Wanamaker pipe organ in Macys department store. One of the largest organs in the world and most unique.

@lisateax - 05.11.2024 16:36

The best surprise about this video is the fact you guys found a seat at the Reading Terminal! It can be packed most days 😊😝

@MichellePerry-q6x - 06.11.2024 02:30

We have plans to go to Philly next year. So excited to see the Rocky steps & Eastern State Penitentiary. Also, the park where The Fresh Prince of Bel-air was filmed (the park where he is playing basketball in the song intro) is nearby, so that's on our list too.

@bethbarclay855 - 06.11.2024 10:18

I got national treasure movie vibes at the beginning.

@alniedrich1245 - 06.11.2024 22:32

My only visit to Philly was in 1980; great town. My wife's grandmother was from Philadelphia. Of the three cheese steaks, the last one is how I prefer the meat. The only really good Philly cheese steak I ever had was from a street vendor in Las Vegas, some 30 odd years ago.
Great video!

@KAW5 - 10.11.2024 02:48

Great video! Love Pennsylvania ❤️

@lovesickstayreacts - 11.11.2024 17:23

one of my professors suggested Jim's and it was soooo good! and super busy; surprised to see it so empty here

@lesliejean8095 - 12.11.2024 23:04

Need to try John's Roast Pork for the best cheese steak in Philly.

@pingpong4016 - 13.11.2024 02:51

Not going to Angelo’s for a cheesesteak was criminal. Also, Nipotina is a great cheese steak as well. Much better than pats and geno’s

@masterbuilder8849 - 19.11.2024 08:23

I want to go back and visit Pennsylvania I have the Franklin Institute and sunset golf I also have a vacation planned soon for Hershey Park

@ashleybrice7044 - 21.11.2024 06:16

Aww your dad is the best! He was my professor!

@JonSudano - 23.11.2024 18:29

I also recommend the Rodin Museum on Ben Franklin Pkwy which is a great place to see his works like the Gates of Hell and The Thinker. Another one of my favorites is the Mütter Museum, which is a medical history and oddity museum that has stuff like the Wax Lady, a wall of ancient skulls and a piece of JFK's brain tissue.

@DomDaBomb215 - 25.11.2024 07:09

I love my city🔥💯🙏🏽 I’m going to start doing videos exploring starting with Philadelphia and Pennsylvania

@DomDaBomb215 - 25.11.2024 07:28

Oh btw people in Philly don’t get our cheesesteaks from Gino’s or Pats 😂💯

@charg31 - 15.12.2024 18:31

In May of 2019 I rented thru airbnb the basement apartment on Elfreth's Alley. It was a restored wine cellar. Spent $125 for the night. In your video it was only a couple doors down from the place that was for sale. A very unique experience

@Monek-ec2po - 04.01.2025 03:08

Yes Mayo on the cheese steak and ketchup 😋😋😋..nice video I love my home..

@robertevans8024 - 08.01.2025 00:37

WOW, your dad sounds like a very smart man ! 🥖

@robertevans8024 - 08.01.2025 00:41

Lived here for almost 60 years and this was a cool video ! 💯👍🏻👍🏻

@ryancrossin6989 - 08.01.2025 23:40

Anybody visiting Philly, these are the top 3 cheesesteaks:

John’s Roast Pork
Del Rossi’s

@bethanyreininger4938 - 08.01.2025 23:49

What month of the year were you there?

@2525Fuzzy - 18.01.2025 15:29

Really enjoyed your video. Keep up the good work.

@aimeedesjardins175 - 19.01.2025 20:20

Thank you so much for the Beautiful tour of my Home Town, you did a great job highlighting many of the more iconic and historic places, on a very hot day - come back there is much more to tour and visit and see☺

@KatM272 - 24.01.2025 09:07

Omg I love you and your dad!!

@KatM272 - 24.01.2025 09:29

Why is pops kinda cute tho

@mkphilly - 25.01.2025 04:34

NOT the best cheesesteaks

@cpl.geckell6355 - 26.01.2025 04:39

I mean this in the nicest way possible but the only time it’s acceptable to eat Pat’s or Geno’s is if it’s 2 AM and you’re stumbling out of Ray’s or Garage and there’s nothing else open lol

@boostedgixxer - 27.01.2025 05:33

Pats and Gino’s is more for tourist. If you want good cheese steak you have to go to places like Angelo's. This was a great video , keep them coming

@janetliss4562 - 28.01.2025 04:48

Pats and genos steaks are nasty, jims is much better and so are most other steak shops in Philly

@nbfeen - 28.01.2025 06:01

Mikes BBQ in south philly is a musttt try.. Some of the best bbq I’ve ever had !

@melissae7332 - 30.01.2025 04:35

Great video! Thanks for letting us join you on your trip!

@AdamsExploits - 03.02.2025 00:51

Pops is correct . It’s pronounced “woot err” ice here.

@BDavis820 - 08.02.2025 09:41

Where is Pops from? I’m a South Jersey girl.

@mtheaney - 08.02.2025 16:01

Betsy Ross's grandson deliberately started the rumor that created the flag.

@mtheaney - 08.02.2025 16:05

You lost all credibility with that mispronunciation of wooder ice.

@samr2684 - 09.02.2025 18:12

I’m here just to see how many of my fellow Philadelphians are mad about you going to Pats and Genos 😂

@Glicksman1 - 13.02.2025 01:44

Philly cheesesteaks are not only for tourists. Locals love ’em, too. I’m not a Philadelphian, but I’ve been there dozens of times, and when I’m there and want a cheesesteak (and I always do), I go to Jim’s Steaks on South Street (“The Hippest Street in Town”). Not only are the cheesesteaks great at Jim’s, but South Street has so much character, with unique, interesting shops, it’s a must-go.
I’ve had Pat’s and Gino’s cheesesteaks, but Jim’s tops them both by miles. There are a few other great cheesesteak places in Philly, Dalessandros’s Steaks on Wendover Street, Shay’ s
Steaks on North 16th, Oh Brother Philly on Market, and John’s Roast Pork on Snyder Street, to name only a few, but they are not in locations that are as much fun as South Street.
BTW, the traditional Philly cheesesteak has Cheez-Wiz on it (I’m not kidding), but I like provolone much better, which you can get on it at most places.
Also, The City Tavern is a great place for authentic, excellent colonial-era dining, served by period-correct costumed waiters in a replica of the original City Tavern on the same site as the original 18th-century building where Franklin, Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and all regularly dined.
Philly is a very cool place to visit, not to be missed if you’re in the vicinity.

@dominiqueconquest - 18.02.2025 02:54

Had me all the way to the part with the cheesesteaks 😫 worst places to go. Shouldve went to Angelos

@blastedgrandma1625 - 19.02.2025 16:53

❤ This video ! I live in Philadelphia and you really did capture are city well!
Thank you

@old.not.too.grumpy. - 19.02.2025 17:31

Than you. Your videos of Arizona helped me decide to book a tour of the national parks.
I have also been looking trip that includes Philadelphia, you help me to make up mind to book that too

@waterfordrs22 - 24.02.2025 07:06

I love visiting Philly. It’s a great city. You hit quite a few of the big tourist attractions for sure. Philly is a city of great neighborhoods. It’s a great place to explore by foot.

Pat’s and Geno’s are garbage tourist traps. Jim’s is pretty meh too. Angelo’s at 9th and Fitzwater on the other end of the Italian Market is far better. Paesano’s a couple blocks north is another. Philly is way more than cheesesteaks and Roast Pork. I must admit, I prefer a good roast pork. John’s Roast Pork is another great place. Ricci’s, Lil’Nick’s Deli, surrounding the Italian market there’s great Vietnamese food too. Scores of great restaurants in Philly.

Nice video, I’m looking forward to the weather warming up a little and making a trip in. Cabin fever.

One last thing, I visited Eastern States Penitentiary on a 95 and humid day too, it was brutal. The Steve Buscemi audio tour is a must do. The 15 trolley runs east west just north of there along Girard. The city refurbished several trolleys manufactured in 1947, they are great. You can ride the line to the Zoo and Fairmount Park to the west and east to Fishtown. It’s worth a trip. Philly is easy to get around.

@PhillyRailFanatic - 25.02.2025 01:50

You went to Pats and Genos???? No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. There are far better places to get a good cheesesteak.

@20hannah17 - 25.02.2025 09:03

Do you have a written itinerary? I would love to recreate this next month!!

@jeffreylau640 - 28.02.2025 19:42

Angelo's in the Italian Market is the best cheesesteak.
