I Slayed An Evil Vampire | Super Sim Series 15

I Slayed An Evil Vampire | Super Sim Series 15

Petey Plays It

2 месяца назад

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@jackieshields7598 - 16.12.2024 07:22

I love how much effort you put into every video, you’re great!

@jackieshields7598 - 16.12.2024 07:24

When you took a break from these videos, I genuinely checked almost daily. I love to see her progress.

@daniluv2696 - 16.12.2024 09:14

I love this so much i had my adult children watch with me!!❤❤🌹🌹👏👏

@choco1529 - 16.12.2024 09:37

omg this series is back!! i enjoyed this episode so much! until the next one <3

@beanbag1415 - 16.12.2024 09:45

RETURN OF THE KING!!! So happy to have an episode!!!

@melanie_luv2_sew - 16.12.2024 10:24

Tina slaying Vlad was EPIC. I had no idea the vampire cure drink could be thrown in the face of a vampire (and "cure" them) DUDE!

@NoShyira - 16.12.2024 10:39


@freezeears5 - 16.12.2024 15:30

There are around 257 total traits Tina can earn which means she has about a third of all the traits she can earn. And she has 28 out of 86 aspirations, meaning she is also about a third done with aspirations.

@antmanmoran101 - 16.12.2024 15:46

- The Book titles you've been having Tina make will always be funny to me.

- Man, I never would have guessed that the magic artifacts collection was bugged. Hope the team fixes this soon!

- Am I JUST finding out that Tina's last name was Akana...? BTW, where'd that last name come from?

- It sucks that the Snaggle Fluster can ONLY be obtained at level 9 of the Mixology Career. Like, come on! Make it available for level 10, too! (Or at least make a hidden trait for it!)

- Wow, I was wondering how the fight against Vlad would turn out, and I wasn't disappointed. The theft of his pipe organ was like the cherry on top!

- I still hope that Tina and the rest of your iconic characters will join the Gallery someday soon!

- I saw that redhead at the end. Is that who I think it is...? Oh man, I seriously can't wait for the next episode!

@paulmessina9165 - 16.12.2024 15:57

Grilled cheese aspiration

@carmendekesel6714 - 16.12.2024 16:26

It's not a bug that the collections reset when in uni. It's because you basically make a new household if you live in uni housing. I just go to uni from home and my collections are perfectly fine. I have kept nothing in my inventory.

@herm712 - 16.12.2024 21:58

Yay, Tina!! I've missed this series so much! 🥰🥰

@TreClaire - 16.12.2024 23:07

I think the last thing you should do in this play through in three years when it’s done is have Tina be reborn into a grim born child(if that’s possible?) so then she could at least sort of literally had every single trait at some point in her life cycle.

@bbpainter-main - 16.12.2024 23:22

I'll bet her ex turns her into a vampire out of revenge, and that's how she starts to complete the vampire skill tree and aspirations

@Chaotic-Outcast - 17.12.2024 03:23

Passed out last night rewatching the series BUT I FINALLY WATCHED THE NEW EPISODE, AND I LOVE IT!
(Is Sally's side love story ever going to take life? Ima be sad if he ded)

@marvinbrauer7523 - 17.12.2024 06:27

The only thing more impressive than Tina is Tina’s director/ producer the amazing Petey!

@Cozyhorrorshow - 17.12.2024 11:13

The Queen Tina has returned!!!

@simsspeler1757 - 17.12.2024 11:41

Great series. I love how intertwine your supersim with storytelling. The book titles are hilarious. Too bad that the magical collection is bugged. I think you collected enough to claim you completed it in this situation.

@mypersonalnoms - 17.12.2024 12:53

Tina should have a baby with grim so that she still “gets” the grimborn trait (by passing it onto her baby) 🖤

@coffee_cat_with_knife - 17.12.2024 14:19

Well, what can I say?

Our girl absolutely s l a y e d this episode.

@laurengrace2684 - 17.12.2024 16:47

I had a save where the toilet kept catching on fire

@janniegurl05 - 17.12.2024 21:40

This is a fantastic series

@Lppt87 - 18.12.2024 03:38

The grimborn trait apparently is a longer life span, that Tina clearly doesn’t need. So won’t be missed.

@Lppt87 - 18.12.2024 04:19

Wow an enemy wooooh 😂

@BrillianceoftheMoon - 18.12.2024 08:43

Maybe one of Tina's children's traits could be grimborn

@ChristopherSmith-il6fo - 18.12.2024 09:03

This was probably the first thing I thought about when I saw the Life and Death pack and how much it added

@multiversalguy - 19.12.2024 03:17

I'm surprised that red-haired vampire (what was her name again?) didn't take Vlad's place sooner. She's eviler and more powerful than Vlad. She has a literal underling! You're doing great Petey!
I must know what happens with Tina and... um.. I'll call her Veronica for now.. So much is going on! I love it!

@Slothian-ry3hf - 19.12.2024 06:12


@reynavaldez13 - 19.12.2024 10:34

i'm so invested in this story😅

@Silveryeyes99 - 20.12.2024 00:58

Sally being a spellcaster now is TERRIFYING

@HealerOfLightAndDark - 20.12.2024 03:14

I was rewatching the series from the beginning, and in like episode 2 or 3, when Vlad attacked Sally, you said you were going to hold a grudge. And you certainly did not disappoint!

Also, are you planning on learning every cooking recipe as well as everything else? Cuz that could be an interesting addition to the challenge!

@Ethno_lite - 20.12.2024 06:16

If Tina dies, make her grave look like a werewolf because she was born as a werewolf😅😊😅😢

@Anonymous-sy7or - 21.12.2024 06:08

Been looking forward to this all month please tell me we’re gonna get a little small episode for Christmas!

@marilynehebert3614 - 21.12.2024 20:13

Hi, is anyone having issues with reincarnation too ? I would really need some help with it… it bugs so much i dont know what to do. I dont have any cc or mods.

@krissy_o_gi904 - 21.12.2024 22:46

I’m so glad this came back after what felt like forever 🥲 Anyways! Spellcaster era had ended! Wonder how and when Tina will be a Vampire and what would cause her to want after the Vlad arc 🤔 I suppose we’ll cross that bridge when we cross it, but for now! Grim reaper era is a go! 😆❤✨

@Thatprrrr - 23.12.2024 04:14

Can't wait for Tina to grow up in Sally's care all over again after rebirth 😭

@cybo_vampire9145 - 27.12.2024 09:03


@HealerOfLightAndDark - 28.12.2024 22:52

I just wanna warn you before you try, the fishing spots in Sulani are bugged. You cannot fish in them. HOWEVER! You CAN fish from the outrigger canoes. I don't know if you can spearfish from the buoys, and I don't know if you can still catch Island Living fish from the canoes/buoys, but I am about to test it out. If it works, I'll edit to let you know

Edit: Alright, I CAN confirm that you can still spearfish from the buoys. I haven't been able to catch any endangered Sulani fish from the canoe or from spearfishing yet (butterflyfish, bluefin tuna, etc), but I CAN confirm that other Sulani fish can still be caught when fishing from the canoe

Edit 2: I JUST caught an endangers Bluefin Tuna from the canoe, so I can now confirm that you can still catch all the sulani fish as long as you have access to a canoe. You don't have to own one either, you can just put a canoe on the beach

@ellagilmore1363 - 29.12.2024 05:41

When did Tina get all those degrees????

@jaylenwilliams4577 - 02.01.2025 12:35

can’t wait for the next episode!

@MyRageness - 03.01.2025 05:34

I hope you reported the bug on the magical artifacts.
