The Truth Behind Xehanort's Motivations: KH Dark Road Theory

The Truth Behind Xehanort's Motivations: KH Dark Road Theory

The Hearts Divergence

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@Jaylobeans - 12.06.2022 02:33

I'm so excited for the final chapters of Dark Road.

@jeskerjames3260 - 12.06.2022 02:46

Ya know I never considered the idea that the other black coat person next to the Master of Masters in the KH4 trailer could be young Xehanort. But if the whole theory that when Sora traveled back in time to save the Guardians of Light caused a split in the timeline where there were two different histories is true, then it's possible. Think about it. The timeline where Sora saved the Guardians went as we saw in KH3, with Xehanort defeated and the universe saved from his purge. But if the original timeline still exists parallel to the KH3 timeline, then in that other timeline Xehanort won and reset the world, thus allowing him to create a new world, perhaps one without light and darkness. Perhaps in this original timeline when Xehanort reset things, the timeline itself was reset back to the beginning with Xehanort being the only one unaffected because he wields the X-Blade and controls Kingdom Hearts. From that starting point of the original timeline he created a new world without light and dark that could now run alongside the timeline Sora creates. In other words Xehanort creates Quadratum and unreality and because his original timeline was reset and now runs parallel to the timeline Sora created, then anyone in the Sora timeline could crossover to the unreality created from the original timeline at any point in time, such as the Master of Masters before the start of the Keyblade War between the unions. My point is, if that is the case, then some version of Xehanort would exist in Quadratum, because in the original timeline that becomes Quadratum, Xehanort won, he was never defeated and so it would make sense he would still exist in that timeline. Maybe the Master makes contact with this alternate Xehanort, who has used the power of Kingdom Hearts to return to his youthful age, and they are working together.

@Shellz386 - 12.06.2022 02:53

The intro music sounds sounds like a poor remake of Lil B's Pretty Boy Remix

@victorreis8110 - 12.06.2022 03:04

Wait what do you mean we can’t be having one hour long videos? 🥺

@BrianMcCallcsd - 12.06.2022 04:07

Very interesting perspective on the time-line of Xehanort's fall to/acceptance of darkness. My only question about all of this in the series concerning Xehanort is why (after learning that the player in UX is actually Xehanort) hasn't there been a reprise of the player coming back to Xehanort's memory as his past ancient life? That could play a big part in where the story of KH goes from here.

Check this example:
Xehanort is the Master of Masters.
How: He is a being who has learned of and experienced battle for the side of light as the player in UX AND he has his experience in darkness as himself.
Why it works: Both the player and Xehanort die at the end of their stories. As we saw with Xehanort when all his forms were defeated, he was restored to his original form. Now both His light and dark sides are gone. Forming a being that has lasted for ages and has seen many wars. Learning how to time travel and forge keyblades at will. He's lost friends and gained allies. And yet is stranded in an eternal battle against darkness and light at different intervals of time depending on his current incarnation; which is always mysterious.
He would be seen as the most powerful and wise master wielder...

Sound familiar?
I basically described Xehanort but easily ended up describing MOM.
This is one of a few possibilities for this. Not saying I want this, but it shows just how much of a gap still exists to be filled.

@dillonyoung5502 - 12.06.2022 06:08

these intros are fire af

@joeyjose727 - 12.06.2022 06:37

Another banger… I swear you have the best KH theories!

@ventureb4470 - 12.06.2022 10:28

Epic intro!

@gracekim1998 - 12.06.2022 12:39

Can wait for Dark Road part 4😜

@gracekim1998 - 12.06.2022 15:46

Mate I would GLADLY watch hour long videos about KH theories 😂

@kairi4640 - 12.06.2022 19:42

I've always thought about how much it would suck to be a keyblade weilder lol. They probably can't even go to the bathroom without heartless attacking lol. I always found it kinda a coincidence Xehanort said First Light lol.

@kelvyiturralde8111 - 12.06.2022 20:00

The hooded figure is Luxu.

@xreelergaming221 - 12.06.2022 21:49

1: Dope intro! Gives me GamersJoint vibes but that opening is always dope. 10/10

2: I’m not gonna lie, I feel for Xehanort now. At first I said I could never forgive him but the burden he shoulders is very deep and heavy. I kinda wanna cry for the guy 🥺

@patrickmaley7325 - 13.06.2022 00:31

The secret is simple. He wants to get buttsexed

@thatboiyessir4707 - 13.06.2022 03:09

The purge 🌙🪐💫

@SkateTutorials93 - 13.06.2022 12:06

just found your channel, you have really good theory videos bro.

@Brian-Quirk - 13.06.2022 23:55

My dude incredible video and theory. I found your channel by accident and I'm so glad I did because the information you present is really well thought out and presented. I agree with the others what do you mean we can't have an hour long kingdom hearts theory video lol but awesome work

@MovieMadness23 - 14.06.2022 20:51

I’ve always had this theory that one of the Stars in the Final World is actually Odin from Dark Road given what one of them says when you examine it and I think there might be a very strong chance that my theory could end up being correct if the footage from the Dark Road trailer ends up going the way we think it is

@fatcerberus - 14.06.2022 22:02

So my takeaway from this is that Xehanort recognized that darkness was the result of others fighting against (what they perceived as) injustice, causing innocents to be hurt, and his solution was to himself become the villain, redirecting everybody’s hatred toward him so they’d stop hurting each other. Fitting, considering his line in BbS: “Darkness cannot be destroyed, it can only be channeled.”

@turtle6004 - 16.06.2022 09:24

Drinking game! Take a shot everytime the word darkness is said on this vid.

@noahcook5591 - 16.06.2022 22:17

Crazy theory here but what if the lost masters arc will be the redemption of some of the dandelions that work with organization xIII

@nayrarodrigues407 - 17.06.2022 03:55


@JackrabbitArchive - 20.06.2022 19:21

WAIT I JUST NOTICED! In Young xhenort and MoM's talk something stuck out to me.

"Their light is a total farce."
"It seems like you're trip around the world opened your eyes but you got a little more than you anticipated."

The fact he says opened your eyes is what really matters in my train of thought here because that just furthers something we know already, he can't be trusted. I originally thought his goal was total eradication of darkness but now not so much.

He was too passive with the darkness for that but then it hit me. He's not out for the eradication of darkness but he's not for it's preservation either. He's an object of balance, setting the fortellers path of light in motion then xhenort's journey into darkness.

Quadratum is a place where light and dark don't really exist or at least can't take more of a hold than it's counterpart would be more accurate I believe. MoM has probably been there before and for much longer than Sora, someone who for as much as your mind would go to riku for a symbol of balance between light and dark I think sora fits better for a specific reason. Anti and rage form, the punishment for overusing drive forms and an objective use of darkness, has been getting more and more refined with time.

Destruction has befallen those who could not keep balance, from the fortellers light obsessed crusade against darkness, to xhenort's taking the opposite road to the same brick wall.

Sorry about the whole essay but I structure points better that way

@glink9641 - 21.07.2022 07:32

Man if this is xhanorts back story it sucks, this isn't justification for all the bad he has done to sora and gang. So essentially he gave up and gave into darkness In short. Still amazing video you got going on. I'll definitely subscribe.

@sonicrocks2007 - 29.07.2022 16:09

"An Empty world pure and bright" hmmm 🤔

@domrocc5363 - 04.09.2022 03:10

2 months later, we learned that Xehanort is Nomura's Batman. He experienced so much loss he dove into the darkness to conquer it. Question is, what is Xehanort's final contingency plan, the 14th life? His last monologue in KH3 hits so different now

@jammincannabis8634 - 21.09.2022 17:14

Where can I find this into remix???

@codystromsness2130 - 18.08.2023 21:56

I don't think xehanort's story is done but in a Q&A of the maker of the kingdom hearts franchise stated Xehanort will no longer be the main villan or play and role in any bad guy main roles after kingdom hearts 3. I do think he may be a background Character and may even support Sora Kingdom Hearts 4 but will no longer be getting in soras way.

@broden4838 - 14.10.2023 18:05

But still, his actions still are condemned imo. He's still a pawn

@yonni5263 - 04.11.2023 21:32

I have a question or maybe I missed something but when ansem told NORT when he was at destiny islands how did he talk to him ? I thought you could only time travel FORWARD if your body was left behind

@eatmaipoop - 30.01.2024 01:43

can you make a video summarizing chi, x, union cross, and I'm seeing the one right now for dark road, but as your viewer i rather watch you talk about it.

@DonutSwordsman - 10.01.2025 17:35

You should rewatch your own video, i think it can inspire good theories with how good these hold up still

@anirudhgusain8889 - 11.02.2025 13:43

Well there was a scene where all of xehenort friends were killed by one person whose sister dies due to dragon fire
