5 Things I Do To Be Healthier (EASY + AFFORDABLE)

5 Things I Do To Be Healthier (EASY + AFFORDABLE)

Caitlin Shoemaker

6 месяцев назад

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@CookingMirta - 23.08.2024 19:01


@skylarhoney2775 - 23.08.2024 19:18

thank you for speaking about how the community used to be I've actually been a little hesitant to watch certain videos because I'm not vegan, but I am still very inspired by your recipes and eating healthy and intuitive eating so I do like to check in, but I've been scared to be criticized for my diet, so I really enjoy you speaking about this

@davidthescottishvegan - 23.08.2024 19:40

Another awesome video Caitlin and the smoothie looks 😋. Thanks 👍 for these 5 healthy habits and love 🥰 the video and love ❤ Caitlin.

@steamyvegan - 23.08.2024 19:52

Agreed, dog petting a must morning ritual. Great tips, great advice, loved this episode! I'll have to try out the uneven zucchinis later today.

@robinkomoto5573 - 23.08.2024 19:53

if you have a lake nearby: SUP- great for the legs, core, shoulders, and back. Relaxing and can be intense, if desired. U can do yoga on the board.

@marikaheitmann5206 - 23.08.2024 19:54

Although there was no shockingly new information here, I liked this video! =) As a hobby, I'm very passionate about gardening, BUT I do get quite some screen time with that as well by taking a hundred photos of my lovely and ever-changing plants. 😅😅

@risuhana - 23.08.2024 20:08

I love this so much! It's nothing new but its everything anyone would need to be reminded of.
For me, for example, I love beans so so so much, but my body haaaates them, especially lentils. No matter how much sprouting, cooking, soaking, whatever I do, it's a no no for my body. But I still crave them from time to time (which I guess is a little crying scream from my gut microbiome asking for more food lol) so I make sure to include them whenever I want them and whenever I can spare a day with a little (lot) discomfort after eating.

@JohannaZee - 23.08.2024 20:35

So I guess you might have a recipe for that noodle tofu soup that you made

@ClaudiaSchatz - 23.08.2024 20:57

Hey Caitlin, I loved the video and I missed you here, great to see you back! I just started following you on Duolingo and damn girl, 314 days streak, that's awesome!

@tnishadawson2065 - 23.08.2024 21:31

I really LOVED this video! Very helpful tips and a great reminder that living healthier doesn't have to be difficult or expensive 🤍 thank you!

@perrydimes6915 - 23.08.2024 21:56

Educated intuitive eating has been helping me a lot. And not that it matters in comparison to having a good relationship with food, but I thought I would gain weight but that didn't even happen. Turns out when you're a level 99 vegan the foods you crave are just as likely to be like, oatmeal lol

@Rayaelle - 23.08.2024 22:34

You forgot about the tub next to the spinach. Vegan butter or vegan queso?

@caitlin4663 - 24.08.2024 00:01

This is a really great video! Thank you 🙏

@felicitasdieterle4563 - 24.08.2024 00:40

Boring commercial ! Where are the cook vids from the past ?

@maia6732 - 24.08.2024 04:06

I love your calm cozy vibe ❤

@Raddiebaddie - 24.08.2024 04:35

The view from your house looks very peaceful

@Raddiebaddie - 24.08.2024 04:40

Looking forward to that red curry noodle soup to drop in the future 😋 🍜

@dibamoca9885 - 24.08.2024 04:45

Plant butter!! You didn’t say butter!! Ha ha 😆 It doesn’t matter😊

@kea4 - 24.08.2024 05:22

I appreciate your sensible advice and all the great recipes you share on your chanel!

@auroradawn1830 - 24.08.2024 07:06

loved this video followed u forever keep up the great work and the videos comming i look 4ward to them ❤

@jocelynfoley6201 - 24.08.2024 07:30

I don’t know what it is…but you’ve just had quite the glow lately 🥰!

@shannahmatecun9996 - 24.08.2024 14:09


@emilyalsop6543 - 24.08.2024 14:49

I downloaded Duolingo at the beginning of this summer and never had a chance to even log in 😅I will eventually. I have so many languages of interest.

@Ella.L. - 24.08.2024 17:52

I LOVE Duolingo! Been refreshing/learning french for the last two/three weeks and it's so much fun. After that I wanna learn spanish. Will be definitely adding you :)

@Rmayhem209 - 24.08.2024 19:42

Dave is so stinking cute! I love your sage green sweater

@lindastecker3839 - 25.08.2024 00:16

I got started on NML workouts because of this channel. Having a workout plan that someone else makes really does help.

@snackdragonn - 25.08.2024 03:56

This was such a relaxing video! Also, I added you on Duolingo. :3

@reganstandlick7520 - 25.08.2024 22:00

Love this. I've been wanting to try Mary Ruth's products for awhile, but the price always set me back. where did you get the little cups? Petting animals is a must.

@Karinabarragan4670 - 25.08.2024 22:05

I love your videos ! BUT ! I am dying to know why and when did you decide you wanted to become a Vegan 🌱?🫶🏻🙂

@rosesnlilies - 26.08.2024 03:28

I enjoyed the glimpses of what dishes you're eating - I have a lot of the same produce and was slightly stressed about using up everything before they go bad. Now I have some ideas :)

@jenih8274 - 26.08.2024 04:45

Thanks C ❤

@HelenHollister - 26.08.2024 07:20

Yay! I love Nourish Move Love. Have been working out with them for a few years. Worked up to using 20 pounds for some of my lifts after randomly putzing around with 5 and 8 pounds for years.

@tierapalmisano6529 - 27.08.2024 01:59

Loved the video, as always :) . Was just curious why you stopped taking ritual vitamins and switched to the ones in the video?thank you for the help!

@SR-ql9he - 27.08.2024 14:07

I watched your channel years ago and you seem like a complete different person now. 😳Didn't even recognize you at first, even your voice sounds different?

@anjelapatnaik - 28.08.2024 05:08

Is is Mary Ruth better than the ritual that you were taking before

@jenniferwhalen2104 - 04.09.2024 01:20

❤ this video. I love to read that is my number 1 hobby. I don't get nearly enough sleep, and I am on tiktok way too much. Working on that ❤.

@simrankaur_96 - 04.09.2024 02:45

Caitlin, I’ve been subscribed for yearssss but I haven’t been getting any of your notifications. I missed your videos so searched your name and realised there’s so many I haven’t been notified about! Maybe something to look in to?

@carlyhopkins4549 - 07.09.2024 02:07

Love this video. Thanks for sharing.

@tomorrowsmaps - 07.09.2024 21:04

Watching your channel is part of my health & wellness routine :) I find it very calming when I'm stressed out and you motivate me to cook more instead of going out, enjoy my garden, and spend simple happy time with my pet cat.

@christinac928 - 13.09.2024 02:32

I was recently diagnosed with gastroparesis and all the vegetables I love have been hurting me all these years T_T definitely going to try a lot of your soups and stew recipes!

@mh43 - 15.09.2024 04:11

Ugh. The vitamin pushing just sucks. Send me the evidence that i need a supplement and not just real food.

@jarodorla6949 - 10.02.2025 21:43

Time stamps would make this easier
