Where and when is this???
ОтветитьDidn't expect to see a v11 hauling ass lol
ОтветитьThis is insane..your skill is incredible 👏
ОтветитьI dunno bout those leashes, I hope they're dynamic line, that heavy wheel flying off at a tangent could apply a lot of force. we were running the trails today on the V11, little over 6000 miles on it, about $13 worth of electricity used.
ОтветитьOh my gosh that was insane!!!
Ответитьwhen did blue guy pass!? hmmmmm skept...
Ответитьyall def got some crazy core and leg muscles
ОтветитьIt’s nice to see all these dirt bike courses be welcoming to EUCs.
ОтветитьNo holding
Ответитьknees has left the chat
ОтветитьЧуч +55555
ОтветитьWhen the guy wemt down and you tried hard not to hit him and asked if he was ok, i could tell the race for that moment didn't matter.
ОтветитьWhat a waste of time watching it!!!
ОтветитьBeck ya!
ОтветитьI can feel and taste the dust.
ОтветитьUh ok
ОтветитьThis was really exciting.
ОтветитьA lot of work must have gone into making that track. I don't ride these things - dirt bikes only. Looks hard.
ОтветитьCool! Stéph.
ОтветитьWhat a fantastic idea to use your knees as shock absorbers. I can see these guys being crippled later in life. This would be a great idea on a smooth circuit but not off road.
I pray for your knees. Bless x
ОтветитьT. O. T. A. L. L. U. N. A. C. Y.
ОтветитьDamn, you got left in the dust. Literally
ОтветитьHORRIBLE.. i can't watch entirely.. i'm affraid to not see some ugly accidents.. :|
ОтветитьPHOA!.. nobody died on that EUC DOWNHILL race.. That would be pretty difficult to RUNNING ON OWN FEET, i can't imagjne how would be for a medium level EUC rider.. probably DEADLY..
Those which came on first places are completely INSANE, scuse me 😅
How do one balence on that thing? I cant even balence on a scateboard
Ответить🤔Ishiiii this is serious business
ОтветитьGreat stuff 👍
Suprised to see non suspension wheels!!
Bin total begeistert! Unglaublich was ihr aus Euerem Körper rausholt, das muss ja eine ungeheuere Belastung für die Beine sein. Respekt!
ОтветитьBikes are better !!! It's kind of funny seeing the riders do these tiny baby bump jumps. I would stick to riding on tar, doing GrubHub food deliveries, and let the bikers handle the dirt. It's just so unextreme its kind of funny to me.
ОтветитьLee, we need to take up this sport. Are you with me?
I honestly thought this was a joke. Guess I was wrong. Riding thru the forest on a unicycle, on the dirt? Crazy we’re talking break every bone in your body stuff.
ОтветитьIs that noise your knees rattling? Goooo
Ответитьso bad
ОтветитьWhat wheel you using ? And the others ?
ОтветитьI managed to ride one for thirty seconds by holding on to a wheeled trashcan. And then I lost my balance and dumped it. Congratulations to all participants! You are thrilling to watch
Ответитьphew, your knees sure get a good work out
ОтветитьWe would love to create a video of off road unicycle racing! Who are some people we should get in contact with to share footage?
ОтветитьCool 👍👍👍
ОтветитьIt looks so uncomfortable standing like that. Seems so unnatural, but I snowboard. I was going to get a one wheel then I saw these and they seem like more fun, but less natural.