Buying A Truck In 2025? Watch This First

Buying A Truck In 2025? Watch This First

Hometown Acres

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@2Goldens1Rott - 09.02.2025 06:58

I don’t like the big pucks on the back of the roofs on the new alumidutys. It’s all tech and trackable. I’m sticking to the older models. Nice truck I’m running a 19 with 185,000 on it. Solid trucks.

@TINMANOUTCAST - 09.02.2025 07:05

Beautiful truck!!

@dazr123 - 09.02.2025 07:17

How much did you roughly sell the old truck for & how much was the new one ?

@dann6888 - 09.02.2025 07:22

Looks clean! Enjoy your new truck.

@TheCSRTech - 09.02.2025 07:40

Maybe it's the state you live in, but a Commercial Drivers License is not just a weight requirement. It's also a USE requirement. There are plenty of people driving RVs with a GVWR over 26000 lbs with no CDL because it's for personal use.

@petejones5488 - 09.02.2025 08:20

Did they fix the. Death wobble yet???

@sjoshuan - 09.02.2025 15:04

Exhaust, delete all the green rubbish and get a remap. - then it will be a reliable diesel truck forever!
Looks great Adam and I like all the reasoning and how you think!

@tommybedard4649 - 09.02.2025 15:16

Adam what genre of music is this ? (Opening)

@Rolog21 - 09.02.2025 15:18

Congrats on the truck. I have a 2015 F250 XL package. Pure work truck. It is 4x4.
Enjoy the work you willget from the truck. You will not be disappointed.

@timothymcguirk4633 - 09.02.2025 17:27

Does it. Have the locking rear

@cowboyjoyandtheRoughCuts - 09.02.2025 17:28

Adam, Sunday morning viewer here. This by far is the Best Video of the year! I thank you for teaching me about KBB and trading/buying a new used vehicle. I too buy used and I too look long-term in the mindset of...investment vs. value. Great Buy on your Truck. Lastly I picked up on something in the first seven seconds of this video and I may incorporate this summer when I open my firewood stand. Thank you!!!! Keith aka Cowboy Joy

@stevebarna7429 - 09.02.2025 17:38

The Geneva Truck Stop at 79/285 has DEF at the pump. I have a 2020 1500 silverado with the 3.0 Duramax and I've only ever got DEF at pumps. Its cheaper than buying those dumb jugs.

@ManzanitaRecords - 09.02.2025 18:41

who thinks trump might do away with epa regs on diesel trucks?

@markjohnson5556 - 09.02.2025 23:04

Thanks for the tip on the courtesy trade. I have never heard of that.

@MattCraftsman - 10.02.2025 00:06

Husky rear wheel well liners. They’ll save the paint from the gravel driveway and they’re easy to install.

@joestorey6884 - 10.02.2025 00:29

Personally, I would have chosen the F-350 because, in my experience, towing is more about braking than about how much you can pull. Don't be intimidated by the CDL; it's not that big of a deal. In some states, you can even take the test using your F-250. I recommend looking into Pennsylvania's CDL requirements to see if you can take the test with your truck and perhaps a borrowed trailer. Then you are set up for your next truck upgrade.

@DDL2728 - 10.02.2025 00:38

Great truck & advice!! Adam's Mom, I'm ready to swap weather with y'all - 86° coming this week 😬🥴🫤 God bless y'all in all ways!! ♥️🙏♥️👍

@tonto8069 - 10.02.2025 00:58

Great choice on the Ford. Couple of tips. Rotella T6 5w40 full synthetic. Ford filters. Oil change every 13K and fuel and air filters every 25K to 30K. Also Howes diesel fuel treatment. Did this on our 2019 F350 6.7 diesel = 736K miles towing new campers. OEM Ford prep package is the best, very user friendly.

@harleyfiremedic7796 - 10.02.2025 02:21

Nice truck, Enjoy!

@peterferguson5749 - 10.02.2025 02:25

I,m a diesel mechanic make sure you put fuel additive in your tank every time you fill up!

@troyweyerstrass7312 - 10.02.2025 03:03

Congratulations Adam! Most of these trucks are all about the same anymore. I hope it works out well for you!! 😊

@GrassRootOutdoorWork - 10.02.2025 03:41

Nice truck Adam. Congrats

@Reggiekranz - 10.02.2025 06:05

Delete it ASAP. F emissions. I deleted my 23 AT4 within 100 miles

@hopehealsinternationalmini4291 - 10.02.2025 06:22

Why not a Tundra?

@j.ericbutler6398 - 10.02.2025 06:23

Adam that is an awesome truck. I’ve owned a Ram 2001 2500 since buying new and in the market for a newer truck. I too have been looking at the Ford and i too don’t like the new style so I’m looking for the same year model. These are hard to find , you did well buying this truck. Congrats!!

@22shotss - 10.02.2025 16:47

S&S disaster kit is a must for the cp4 fuel pump. 15-30k repair without it

@mattbroct - 10.02.2025 17:33

I can tow 11,999 w my 23 Tundra. Pulls the kubota nicely and luckily I’m not on a recall list yet and have owned many brands… also had great luck with ford too but was an old truck.

Cautionary tale some of those new trucks with 10-20k just please be careful… I did once and it was mess..lots of those trucks are loaner from dealer, something they had to buy back because of headache under reported on carfax, or dealer owner driven …back to buying new for me and drive till the wheels come off…great comparison thank you!

@BuckCountryWoodyard - 10.02.2025 17:42

Congratulations on the new truck, Adam! Very nice!

@TheCaptScarlett - 10.02.2025 19:17

Will it take two of the IBC Totes?

@briancupp6767 - 10.02.2025 21:28

Redo a older truck I came out way ahead

@ryanpaul5604 - 10.02.2025 23:06

Very moce truck, exactly how I would've specd one!

@BS.-.- - 10.02.2025 23:11

You put 40k on that black truck since 2019? Yes you definitely need a new truck. Lol

@Mr19853 - 11.02.2025 00:31

Nice truck! Towing is not going to your issue, they can tow a Lot more weight safely then older ones. I tow 17k with my 06 Cummins it's not happy with it but it's doing it fine.

@tomfillmore9710 - 11.02.2025 02:21

Very nice truck Adam enjoy hope it does you well take care 😊

@KyleAltman-u2e - 11.02.2025 04:04

Diesels are great until they have issues. Not cheap to fix

@jefferyedwards5003 - 11.02.2025 05:40

Tires = Falken Wildpeaks!

@BarryKramer-vn4wt - 11.02.2025 18:17

I am considering the same upgrade and am on the fence regarding gas or diesel. How much of an inconvenience is the def adding?

@Z-Bart - 12.02.2025 19:28

There is no cure for the new truck itch. Lou-Ville not Loui-ville. Just ask a local.

@WideRiverOutdoors - 13.02.2025 03:12

Very well thought out purchase Adam. That’ll be a solid work horse for years to come.

A few things to keep in mind are that despite you not being a CDL driver, you are operating a commercial vehicle and in commerce. As such you’ll be subject to a variety of commercial vehicle regulations and open to DOT inspections. I recommend you do a deep dive on these considerations as it can be easy to overlook things and the fines can be substantial.

@WideRiverOutdoors - 13.02.2025 03:13

Very well thought out purchase Adam. That’ll be a solid work horse for years to come.

A few things to keep in mind are that despite you not being a CDL driver, you are operating a commercial vehicle and in commerce. As such you’ll be subject to a variety of commercial vehicle regulations and open to DOT inspections. I recommend you do a deep dive on these considerations as it can be easy to overlook things and the fines can be substantial.

@MoneypitHomestead - 13.02.2025 05:18

Hello Adam. Thanks for another great video. I understand why you bought this truck! We hoped you would be at the Farm and Machinery Show in Louisville on Friday. Lisa and I will be there then. Hopefully, we will meet you someday! Donald

@joegregorc2581 - 14.02.2025 04:12

Adam. Get that truck undercoated with fluidfilm!!!! That will save you any rust issues of you have it done yearly. I do it on all my vehicles. No rust issues to date

@MD-eo2wy - 14.02.2025 05:00

Never buy a FORD it’s anti American!

@shawn7851 - 14.02.2025 05:59

Yes, don't buy one. You will save yourself a lot of money

@paintballer7171986 - 16.02.2025 05:08

I bought a 2020 f250 6.2 in 2023. It handles my 14500lbs equipment trailer well. It's got manual windows doors and mirrors. It replaced my 2004 tundra I still have that truck. It's abare bones truck.

@paintballer7171986 - 16.02.2025 05:13

BFGoodrich hD-Terrain T/A KT is the tires I got. They are built for heavyweight trucks. I have had them over a year with about 15000 miles on them still look new.

@jouman450 - 16.02.2025 10:56

How To Save Some Money Buying A Truck In 2025: - Don't buy it!

@capnjimmy7357 - 23.02.2025 00:59

Just dont ever buy a dodge.

@BMD2024 - 26.02.2025 17:17

I am not buying anything new at this point in time unless it is unavoidable and absolutely necessary. Like yourself, I'd look at used and the earliest models would be a 2021 for me.
