Court cloths on today business explained inside out good bad and ugly

Court cloths on today business explained inside out good bad and ugly


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@chrisperdue4729 - 10.12.2024 23:32

Partnerships don't sail !!

@NonSophisticated - 10.12.2024 23:43

JW, what’s being built up the road from you across from the Defense Center? Looks like it might be a high-rise apartment complex.

@ashleyconnelley1856 - 10.12.2024 23:56

Thanks for sharing

@HammanD152 - 10.12.2024 23:58

That’s so good of you to think of your employees for personal positions of employment should you ever need to close your business down.
For 45 years I worked for my father and two uncles business…. a very successful business only for them to close it down and sell the huge acreage land for millions…….. I gave my heart and soul out for “our” (family) business….. only to be told that it was time to close it down. Heart broken was the least of my feelings. At age 62 it is hard for me to reintroduce my self to the workforce of today’s venue. They all thought I could just draw SS and live happily ever after.

@tommarple1449 - 11.12.2024 00:06

Thanks for providing a good understanding of the business.

@gregwelch2459 - 11.12.2024 00:24

Jury duty sucks

@J-dizzle2021 - 11.12.2024 00:40

S are good for 2 things. One is dancing, and the second 1 starts with an F and ends with a G. I'm sure you get it, and I'm speaking with many of your experiences. Good luck, folks make good decisions.

@JohnWilliams-ie7ru - 11.12.2024 01:35

Once again y'all have Good information in the videos.

@WLynch - 11.12.2024 02:10

100% spot on.

@dodgelaramie6828 - 11.12.2024 03:52

I’ve been in the Canadian oil patch for over 25 years and have seen MANY young/new people come out and shortly after but a brand new truck and months later it’s gone. No matter what I tell them this kind of money is temporary in the drilling end of things. Luckily I’m single and no kids so I’m not a good example of how to spend money but too many people don’t live within their means and it’s sad to see when there’s a wife and kids at home. Keep speaking the truth, people need to hear it.

@davidbeck1614 - 11.12.2024 04:05

Thanks for keeping it real! Working for yourself is definitely not easy!

@dodgelaramie6828 - 11.12.2024 04:09

It’s a good thing you have Blakelys Air bnb now to help with the bills 😂.

@BIGDAVE5352 - 11.12.2024 05:29

Times are hard and the government and insurance companies keep stealing hard earned money from businesses. Keep the government & insurance companies out of your business and it will do very well.

@F.E.C.1955 - 11.12.2024 05:37

I know this is off-topic of what you’re talking about but what would be the ballpark figure to build a fall guy replica truck with like a really nice upgraded power plant maybe like one of those supercharged LSSS Camaro engines in it or maybe even one of the 632 big blocks The thousand horsepower ones would be a cool option too thank you

@LaLaLucky7777 - 11.12.2024 07:09

Have you ever thought it's designed for you to go out of business! Taxes destroy business in America! Better wake up America

@FixinCat - 11.12.2024 18:45

Thanks for sharing! As a fellow small biz owner, you’re 100% correct on all of those points.

@allanstephenson9336 - 11.12.2024 21:15

Hi. #1. Put. An make ur family #1. !!!! 2. Like u said. Cya. Cover your ass !! Times are hard and may be a lot harder no matter what thay say. To run a business no one wants to here about the Bill's. Taxs. Health insurance ect. Ect. You MUST. MUST. Make time for yourself or you will get burnout. All the best of luck😊😊

@rocketrandy3744 - 12.12.2024 00:35

do a video on that black truck behind you......

@dustinwitt7583 - 12.12.2024 00:50

Very well said.

@nickstehney6702 - 18.12.2024 02:01

Your lunch always condisted of Takis and Mountain Dew when i was there haha.

@deerslayinredneck1003 - 29.12.2024 05:51

So true oim a 28 year old that runs a small one man hvac company going on 3 years in business and work for my states highway maintenance department during the summer i get up at 4 am work there and then regurely work till 9 or 10 pm and my coworkers are like u must have a lot of money till i break the numbers down and then they are lookin at me like i have three heads becuase of how litte i actully profit each month if anything at all.
