Can minor saints be free to get involved in human affairs; like someone in a period of their life struggling with depression they could be able to intercede in that situation??
Ответитьnot a fan of the narcissist interviewers.
ОтветитьYES! Love Gladiator
ОтветитьRomans chapter 8 explains a lot ❤️✝️🙏🏼
ОтветитьLove to hear Fr. Lampert (I'm an evangelical).
One of the remarks suggested to me a new movie title, "Two Weddings, an Exorcism, and a Funeral", hopefully not involving the same people!
I like Fr Lampert although but I want to pick up on the point regarding why society has a distored image of god in that he can be seen as a scary entity. There are multiple religions asking people to believe in their god but how do people know what religion/God is the true one, if there is a true one? If it's a lucky dip unless someone is fortunate enough to have an experience that pulls them to the true god. Yet the Christian God apparently will let us go to hell despite this lottery of a choice? I can only speak from experience in that I've asked Jesus/God to come into my life many times and I still haven't consciously felt God come into my life. I imagine many others have felt the same and they either carry on searching via Christianity or other religions or turn atheist/agnostic.
ОтветитьDeo Gratius ⛪️ ✝️ 🙏 merry Christmas 🎄 eve
ОтветитьI wish Father Lampert had spoken more
ОтветитьWhat an excellent conversation.
ОтветитьSounds like a nice kid.
Have a nice week.
I love you guys.
Yah. Yah. Yah. Holy cripe! Pugsly wugsly….
St. Benedict exorcism prayer after each decade.
2nd Joyful Mystery for
or Charity towards our neighbor. Amen.
Too bad Ft. Lambert’s answers were so short. I would have liked to hear more about his work.
ОтветитьMay I point out, demons can ALSO "oppress" rather than "possess". They can "deceive and influence thoughts or behaviors" more frequently than fully "possess". They "torment" humans in a variety of circumstances. The bible tells us to cast them out. Whether full possession or daily cases of torment and bullying, oppression, on going relentless deception by demons to humans...all of it needs casting it out in Jesus name and see for yourself the difference in people. This is always done by Jesus, in authority of Jesus not by ourselves...but with Jesus.
ОтветитьWhile we have free will, i completely am convinced that dark entities, or dis-emobied persons called "demons" possibly even leftover from the flood that wiped out many hybrid fallen angel/human "Nephillim" [their offspring) a violent race (Genesis 6:15) and even the fallen angels harrass, oppress, influence, torment and push humans to act murderous or sinful, even they push with twisted thoughts humans to do horrific acts. I dont believe the horrific crimes are simply from humans but are for sure driven by one of these dark entities. The crimes of Nero and Hamas, Hitler all from Satan beyond human understanding, but using humans is Satans way. It is easy to see it was demonic nature. We do not battle flesh, but these dark entities. To fight spiritual warfare 'stay in the presence of God' constantly pray, worship, serve God. Practice and understand every word of Ephesians 6. You can tell if someone has demon oppression or actually mentally ill because you can cast out the demons and clearly see the difference. All of us who read the bible are told to cast out demons. Break curses, also. Watch Fr Lamperts videos and watch Pastor Derek Prince teaching as he preached 80 years on this subject. Jesus cast on demons frequently as he walked the earth healing people, too. Examine the Scriptures.
ОтветитьFather Lambert is a spiritual super hero...
ОтветитьThank you Father in Heaven for Fr. Lampert and his ministery.
ОтветитьI Had to pause to cry just hearing "Everyone matters" - I felt that coming from Fr.Lampert. Thank you
ОтветитьI remember we moved to a new house and as usual , i prayed rosary and i would get this images from Jesus when he is praying in Getsemane before he got betrayed by Judas and then i would turn pail, my hands cold Nd i felt dizzy. So i cannot complete the rosary and then i prayed again in a different day. Same thing happen. I nvr touch the rosary bcus of that experience.
Fast forward, i remember one time, i was sleeping, it was noon time and the blinds is close . My blinds is color red , i saw a dark shadow sitting at the end of my feet and glaring at me angrily, my sister also had a sleep paralyze but she saw three men shadows, my father also seen three men shadows laughing but i think thats bcus he is taking meds from highblood. Only my father take meds and i beleve this can mak him hallucinates but my sister, ypunger bro and i nvr took any medications... My brother also seen a female .
One time i was playing game in the basement and for some reason i glance on my left side into the floor, i saw a woman feet, very pail going to the washing machine/dryer location. In my thought, is my sister bcus the feet i saw is belong to young lady. Then 1 minute later, i nvr heard someone opening the washing machine/dryer. So i called my sister name and no response. I went to check the washing machine and there was no one there.
The last paranorml experience was my sister. She is sleeping and got a slep paralyze and this lady is pacing bck n forth inside her room, both of her hand is in her face crying that she got rape. Then she stop moving and look at my sister closer and my sis cried , still cant move, nor talk but eventually she was able to move.
Everything happens in the same house.
He looks like Putin from Russia
ОтветитьAs an exorcist, how could Fr. Lambert not mention St. Benedict of Nursia?! Enquiring minds wanna know...
ОтветитьAll praise to Jesus, Ahmen.
ОтветитьYes, often they are schizophrenic and demonic. Not either or. And wouldnt it be wise for a demon to lay low till the priest goes away.
ОтветитьIf I were a demon and knew that the presence of psychological problems would often cause the exorcist to send the person to a shrink rather than to o do an exorcism, why wouldn’t I target people whose psyche matched the issues that cause the church to decline or at least push back any exorcisms? Seems like he could go nuts for a long while. FWIW, I’m not a denier. I think Fr Lampert is very sincere and practical. I believe he saw what he saw.
ОтветитьLoved this episode. Definitely going to save and listen to it again.
ОтветитьOh yes, two really intelligent interviewers of a really intelligent but humble saint.
ОтветитьExcellent. Thank you.
ОтветитьWhen father Lambert quit school I wonder if perhaps he experienced the sign of Jonas and did not want the world to repent because we are so bad but then perhaps after seeing a movie with a whale in it he decided to go ahead and do it
ОтветитьAre not many demons in fact mentally ill themselves
ОтветитьI satan the real satan is watching you by the way I snapped Lucifers neck death date 2016 August 26 charles abraham hess was the father of many nations reincarnated so he charles abraham hess was gifted with my father's body Jesus Crist's because I have 24 cromisoms and 1 y gene on 2016 August 28 the jerusalem authorities said Jesus's body was stolen nope im in his body ask me anything because I can't lie eny more yeah no longer king of lies 😇😈
ОтветитьMy old expression was: ‘I could only sell my soul to the devil in myself after all what devil would ever want to buy it?’ Truth is, there is no incarnate biblical demon other than our own illness of mind n soul. Things like bipolarism, schizophrenia and psychosis are real brain maladies not symptoms of possession. The Catholic Church was n still is rife with discontent n what I call tacit evil. However, for levity sake, the maga folk? Indeed, now theres the devil at work. Peace ✌️
ОтветитьIs not obcession and oppression intertwined? ? ?
Does not the devil oppress to cause obcessive mental thoughts, or obcessive actions?
You have the holy Catholic Church. You have 48,000 protestant CULTS. And please Fr Lampert STOP calling protestant’s Christian because they are NOT. There’s ONLY ONE CHURCH the holy Catholic Church to call a protestant CULT a church is blasphemy. The Bible a Catholic book condemns protestantism and orthodoxy. Can someone please tell Fr. that what he’s saying in regards protestant’s is an abomination in the sight of God. God bless. Praise Jesus and Mary always!!!
ОтветитьMother Mary please send your blessings and unconditional love to protect these men from harm.
Hail Mary
Full of grace
The Lord is with Thee.
Blessed art Thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of they womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary
Mother of God
Pray for us sinners
Now and at the hour of our death.
In the name of the Father
The Son
And the Holy Ghost
This video was amazing helps shed light on God. The gentleman in the tie was very captivating the black and red stripes. The way that he expressed himself and his enthusiasm was very very engaging. Yes, he could talk quick at times, but I was able to understand them. Keep these videos coming.
ОтветитьThis is a joke right
ОтветитьNo offence but I find fr Chad Ripperger more educated and skilled in field of exorcism.
Ex opere operantis Ecclesiae — A phrase used to distinguish the value of liturgical prayer and action, whose supernatural efficacy depends on the Church’s sanctity and not, as in the sacraments, simply on the fact that the sacramental rite is performed.
Latin language, very powerful. Even devil who is a father of lies can speak truth it is in the bible when they revealed who Christ is , son of God. Fr Chad Ripperger has far more understanding and clarity in terms of church teaching in the depts . Sins of parents are punished to 4 generations it is too in the bible( that is why generational spirits are involved, your children suffer effects of your sins and not that your sins are transferable to your children. So more research need to be done in these matters
There's something that seems dangerous about the shrink... something very very wrong
ОтветитьMatt saying he has the desire to punch people in the face. No, that's not normal.
Ответитьhi all, I thoroughly enjoyed the whole conversation , so illuminating! I like to enquire where I can get the father's mug, and the book he recommended, thank you! 🙏
ОтветитьI love father lamper you're not even like religious Christian person I've been watching lot videos studying a supernatural well he's a cool dude and if you ever hear him joke around he is or is he Really could be a comedian you would Never Know and so you hear It from him. It was joke around one time I'm making myself like it sounds like a teenager that was too cool to go to church and just the stuff you're saying he was hilarious she couldn't be on Saturday night live like back when it was good he's a really funny dude that's also really honest and true good person . I live in Illinois not too far from Chicago and I've been able to have some issues on and off to my life I wish I could tell it to him the 44 years old and some of it's been unexplained I even have medical stuff that someone unexplained by the doctors and I have random paranormal stuff every couple weeks or every at least every couple months I have a visitor it sends to see my different Entities most of them are not friendly. And I've been able to see things and no things stuff that probably shouldn't be able to and I wanted some abilities some extra ability And I definitely have had some freaky stuff going on over years. I wasn't the only one or I would have thought I was crazy or I Had brain cancer. Well in all there has been lots of other witnesses to play smart areas Really active but I started me my favorite atheist and I moved into a place that was demonic Bad place for a whole housewire kids stuff went on but Eventually it's Gone Away when I Try to get a church to get Help I didn't get Help but well maybe I did I NeVER talked to anybody but the thing had left me Alone after that my Brother had a lot of experiences My Life since and it's seen a Fair amount of Different things and they've all been horrifying.
ОтветитьIn my case catholic priest and neurologist and doctors were unsuccesful .... Demons were coming from charismatic christian community to me. This is shame. This is occultism and false curch and they use kundalini energetic ...there is not present Holly Spirit so not true exorcist practise . Videos of Derek Prince is better...demons have to manifestation. Demons iis bigger power, than science and false christians communities or churces.
ОтветитьThe only people I have heard of claiming to be possessed by the devil were Christians.
ОтветитьI love the thought that Satan possesses a human being to mimic God by wanting to be incarnated in a human being. As much as we have to know God we also have to know our enemy and his ways. This might sound strange but knowing about Satan (without getting fixated on him) can help us know more about God…
ОтветитьProtestant’s are NOT Christian. Protestant so called churches DON’T EXIST. Protestant so called baptism IS INVALID. ONLY Jesus can found a Church NOT man. The Bible a Catholic book condemns protestantism and orthodoxy. Protestant’s including the orthodox say with Satan WE WILL NOT SERVE the infallible Magisterium of the holy Catholic Church therefore they are anathema - outside of salvation. If the psychologist isn’t Catholic then he’s NOT Christian. To be Christian one must belong to the holy Catholic Church because it’s the ONLY CHURCH. Please watch the warning or illumination of conscience by Christine Watkins. Then the Papacy can not be destroyed. Then Don’t call protestant’s Christian! Then Following Padre Pio who shows the true beauty of Catholicism which is everyone’s true home! If a person wilfully rejects the holy Catholic Church they are damned. God bless. Praise Jesus and Mary always!!!
ОтветитьFor myself I can't understand how people in the world can truly lie to themselves. Remove the distortion of the world what we are all creation... GOD will come natural. I petition GOD to punish this world to wake them up, evil is the ruler of this world your Church needs his intersession.
ОтветитьI thank the LORD for Fr Lampert. I have gained so much from listening to him, Carlos Martins and Chad Ripperger over the years. I never learned anything like this from the Church of England and that is a sad, sad thing to say.