Me 264 Amerikabomber: Hitler's Secret Plan To Attack New York

Me 264 Amerikabomber: Hitler's Secret Plan To Attack New York

War Stories

55 лет назад

822,637 Просмотров

Uncover Nazi Germany's secret plan to develop a powerful long-range bomber capable of striking mainland USA. This film dives into the engineering and espionage behind Hitler’s audacious plans and discusses how close the Nazis actually came to achieving their goal.

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@brettscott7770 - 24.11.2024 07:10

Excellent video thank you.

@davidbowman2716 - 30.11.2024 01:25

Well I for one I love Israel, the Jewish people deserves their country and to live in peace.

@hughheeney3554 - 30.11.2024 04:22

To attack the US in WW2 with bombers distance is one problem, but to effective because of the size of the US Germany could never have built enough planes.

@howardmaryles9158 - 02.12.2024 02:18

Trumps world!

@howardmaryles9158 - 02.12.2024 02:20

Hey ho trump has to go!

@howardmaryles9158 - 02.12.2024 02:25

Trump is a German spy!

@fredcoleman6827 - 07.12.2024 23:32

England did not declare war on Germany, the United Kingdom did. Saying that Engkand declared war on Germany is as ridiculous as saying Texas declared war on Japan

@fredcoleman6827 - 07.12.2024 23:37

Iceland was under the military control of British and Canadian forces from 10 May 1940. A year and a half before the USA finally joined the war.

@Patrick-l2g3g - 17.12.2024 03:21

An Ecellent History Video / Highly Recommended / Thank You Very Much For Sharing /

@thedave3880 - 20.12.2024 15:25

German propaganda about who controlled the west was not propaganda at all it turns out

@Thinker2-truth - 20.12.2024 20:37

If WW2 was a war of European Fascism verses American Fascism, who won WW2? Answer: Why the Fascist Bankers won WW2.
11 Nazis were executed at Nuremberg. 1600 Nazis plus their families were imported to America by Project Paperclip. Later called the Military Industrial Complex.
Who do you think is destroying America today? Liberals, Communists, Bolsheviks, Nazis, Fascists, Satanists, Bankers.

@Thinker2-truth - 20.12.2024 21:12

Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Islam makes no difference, the GOD of Egypt is the GOD of them all. EL is his Egyptian name, Satan is his Latin name. El is the father of Lucifer.

@paulparker8298 - 20.12.2024 21:52

What utter rubbish

@Braylynnsharp420 - 21.12.2024 01:08

So he started the day before Thanksgiving 😢

@peedee-zo1yq - 26.12.2024 20:21

Ok, so there appears to be no mention of fighter escort, which is usually a necessity, for these 'Superbombers'. Then again, of course, the US would 'have no defence' against these machines so that should not be a problem....

@LivingWaterEternal - 28.12.2024 10:31

This is a video doc. Thank you!!!

@jacuswoczega9180 - 29.12.2024 00:41

Too much US centric material

@Carrera-gp9od - 30.12.2024 03:48

Had to turn it off , England did not declare war on Germany , Great Britain did !
The last time England was at war without the rest of Britain was in the 1600s !!!

@phillipcurrey6961 - 30.12.2024 20:02

Yes, building weapons and machines designed for the sole purpose to destroy life and property is evil. War is evil. Nothing in this life is worth eternity in darkness.

@Angrycomments - 05.01.2025 02:21

These are lies, planes didnt have the capabilities to fly that long distance yet..

@jarigustafsson7620 - 05.01.2025 23:22

not much of the amerika bomber, more history of war.

@MakeItStopNow - 07.01.2025 05:21

911: what's your emergency?
September 11, 1941
September 11, 2001

@justinthibodeaux6380 - 12.01.2025 20:34

Duh where yall think the cia got the idea of 9/11?! Incase yall didn’t know America brought in the nazis as intelligence agents engineers spies scientist etc

@phantom0456 - 13.01.2025 18:00

No doubt the crew would’ve been listening to Rammstein’s “Amerika” the entire ride over, which of course they would have had decades before it was created by using the time machine created by German scientists… 😂

@Spedatr0n - 13.01.2025 20:01

Not so secret now, is it?

@theraplawyer - 16.01.2025 09:18

They make the internment of Japanese American citizens look like summer camp and the Germans were treated equally. There was no evidence against the Japanese Americans but plenty against the Germans. That really takes away from the story.

@kepler798 - 16.01.2025 12:24

Benz almost bombed New York.

@BuckinFirkin - 18.01.2025 03:41

The Saudis made sure...

@sambino2726 - 19.01.2025 13:35

How can all those men be compliant?

@keithjohnson-ih7vf - 25.01.2025 19:17

Imagine dying for a thousand year reich for it only to last a decade

@outbacktrek - 27.01.2025 09:39

@brandonstanley9125 - 03.02.2025 19:41

Thank god we stopped him or the first Martians would be eating sauerkraut and wearing lederhosen

@The_Vaporizer - 08.02.2025 23:34

So some American German and Japanese citizens WERE GUILTY OF TREASON.... very interesting, their internment makes a lot of sense

@Mikazuki_Augus - 09.02.2025 12:13

i miss this kind of program on history channel

@VerityFraser - 11.02.2025 04:59

How did they manage a hidden camera in the 1930's?! I'm picturing a guy with a giant square chest with a lens peeking out between his coat buttons.

@TeddyRumble - 13.02.2025 23:50

The Japanese screwed up everything for the Germans. No Pearl Harbor, no declaration of war against Japan. No war against Germany.

@TeddyRumble - 13.02.2025 23:58

General Patton: "We fought the wrong enemy."

@Mofiac - 14.02.2025 01:46

Hitler's speech translated: They're eating the dogs, they're eating the cats....

@The_artist_called_The_Engineer - 17.02.2025 13:09

Ok the Nazis came to power in 1933 not 1927 a pretty fundamental error in you script I hope the rest of your research is a bit more accurate!!

@drstevenrey - 23.02.2025 17:02

Same problem as with Japan. Did the little mustache ever look at a map. Guess not. New York, great and now what. 5000 by 2500 km of cities and factories and people. America can easily survive without New York. And then, has he noticed the size of New York. If he were really lucky he might have gotten 4 city blocks at best. Just about the space of the future World Trade Center (1976-2001).

@lifeofbuckhead3585 - 24.02.2025 00:24

The truth

@pdm2201 - 24.02.2025 05:13

Excellent production.

@shanmugamudhaya7726 - 28.02.2025 16:40

this is gold
