What are some terrible jobs or terrible moments from terrible jobs you’ve had?
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ОтветитьI like to think my hard work is what makes Homeworld Possible ... So take pride in your hard work Breakers.
ОтветитьI played this game a few months on ps5 and finished it. I loved it but just wish it had some more variety. It would of been awesome if it had dlc where it mixed with other movies. Pulling apart a milenium falcon would be amazing.
ОтветитьIt's hard for me to hold down a job because I hate people. Not in a quirky 14 year old Redditor way, but in a "your existence displeases me" type of way. I see customers as annoying NPCs, like children in Skyrim. You know what I mean.
ОтветитьWatching this video a year after release, it's kinda sad to see how your prediction, that this wouldn't receive a lot of views, turned out true. But I'm glad you made this video and I'm glad I watched it. And maybe my like and comment will drive the algorithm to share it around a little more.
Thank you.
I don't know how you do it, but you've got a real talent for longform video game reviews. Every avenue of critique is so well thought out and deliberate that I'm struggling to imagine why your channel isn't larger by an order of magnitude
ОтветитьI think I will go pick up a copy of this, but one thing really gets me from everything I hear about this. Everyone that talks about the job side of this game has either a retail, or art, or journalism background and seem really masochistically into just how bad their job is/was. I get that the trades don't play games too much outside of the germans and forklift simulator. But being a journeyman in heavy industry there's a kind of zen that happens when you get busy with what you're working on. And on big projects, things happen slowly, so compressing an entire workday into just 15minutes really makes sense.
Ответитьimo master jack is like a floating platform that can travel to designate location. when you flying around master jack you will see booster in all direction which mean it design for short distant all direction transportation. and to build each hab for one person is harder than build a big bulky part of space station that you working on and designate it cutter area. at least they give each cutter a seperate room i think?
Ответитьits in the current humble bundle choice - so if you haven't subscribed so far, maybe its a good time to do so?
ОтветитьWorking for yourself and being your own boss can still be work, and it is often even more work than working for somebody. Anyone who has been responsible for an operation involving multiple workers can attest to this.
ОтветитьAnti-Capitalist games are so, so insanely stupid.
Guise we hate capitalism too! So, BUY THIS GAME ON THE COMPUTER YOUR BOUGHT!
Do you like to eat? Thank Capitalism.
"And as an american we need money...." umm if there is some mythical country where this is not the case please point in that direction 😂
ОтветитьYou have convinced me to buy this game.
ОтветитьThat remark about the reward of doing a good job just being others work, i can relate to that so much, however you forgot to mention the lack of pay that comes with it, at best its a pat on the back and an "Atta boy!"
ОтветитьSeems like a very interesting game... might just pick it up. Great review..
ОтветитьCapitalism demands, encourages, and rewards ruthlessness... no matter the circumstance, no matter the stage, no matter who wields it. Unless and until we show govts and capitalists that playtime is over (through unionization, general and/or debt strikes, targeted voting, and other forms of direct action), they will continue to gaslight and exploit us.
ОтветитьIf the inside of ship is pressurized then that would lead to expansion of the inner hull. If you place the reactors and some sensitive navigational tools on the outer hull, it may be dangerous to have the inner hull expanding into and touching, chafing, or damaging the tools in the outer hull. So this could explain why the outer hull is pressurized to mitigate this kind of issue.
Yeah I know it's a video game.
Another great review! Thank you
ОтветитьI definitely want to playthis game now!
ОтветитьI remember when I was in school a few years ago and we went to PAX east and I met the guys making this game. They were all super cool and I got to play it for like 5 minutes and failed miserably 😂
ОтветитьGreat video! I really enjoyed this game, also bought this in early access and have played it alot. But i was a bit suprised with the anticapitalist storyline, and really liked it. Its a very good game and i thoroughly enyojed your video
ОтветитьThe whole debt thing turned me off scrapping ships in Hardspace Shipbreaker, so I never got the game.
Still me and a friend became "shipbreakers" in Space Engineers, to the point that we were called "Elite Scrappers" for a lot of the same skills you see here.
From capturing enemy ships, disabling their controls, taking them home, learning where to cut to move those pieces into the "Grinding room" (Yes, we grind down whole sections, by having a chamber with a piston to push wreckage into grinders) and it was great fun.
But we were our own bosses, and what we got out of the salvaging was both the fun of the job, but also all the spoils of it (Ship materials to build and get what we wanted)
Cutting and carving up these behemoths if you have the freedom to decide where and it reacts accordingly is a lot of fun, but I guess I just found the better "job" than what this game offered :D
health insurance lmao NHS BOIIIII
ОтветитьI have chained hull oanels like in the intro before
ОтветитьAbout thw capitalism anger usa curent systme isnt capitalism anymore. The free amrket being strangled and heavily regulated. Busiensses dealing witht hat. And in ship breaker is another beast as well. The legal statements and various things wouldn't fly usually.
ОтветитьMan there may be something wrong with me. But for a while I’d come home from my retail job, open a beer, and take apart a spaceship. This game is zen as hell, I’d put on a podcast and just auto-pilot this one. I enjoyed it, but I wish there were a few more ships in the campaign, it was a pain doing the Javelin
ОтветитьAmazon is a pretty shit job. Paid the least out of all the other delivery driver jobs and you do twice the work usually. Nothing beats cleaning rotten food from gutters out of a jack in the box though 😅
ОтветитьOn the flip side you have the japanese system where once employed your more or less garenteed employment for life. so little gets done due to layers and layers of bureaucracy. there's a balance and what you suggest is not the answer.
ОтветитьMan this video struck something with me. It had me thinking about 2 jobs I look back on in a negative light. Amazon warehouse and forklift operator for a logistics company. I'll focus on amazon cause that place has given me so many stories in the 2 years I worked there that I could write short stories about them.
Amazon warehouses are one of those places that really prepare you for some of the more depressing things that can happen with a lot of jobs cause so many different bad things can happen. I remember getting hurt and being unable to breath deeply and being told to just work it off by a supervisor while I wait for my supervisor to get back from lunch. This lead to a doctor telling me to go on light duty and physical therapy. This lead to me gaining an "ambassador" position which means we stay in the field and make sure routes run smooth and send help when needed. Managers and supervisors tried to have the people training me to throw me under the bus saying I wasn't doing good when I was and so one. Turned out I was really good at it and this upset some of the managers and supervisors which lead to them to threaten taking me off light duty and remove me from my position and I unfortunately complied cause this was seasonal turned part time work and it didn't seem I would be able to fight something like this. After that I kept the status but was sent on the hardest routes anyway with no assistance as a form of punishment. This happened until me and a bunch of other people were forced to quit cause it was either that or be put to full time and sent to a warehouse way out of where we are comfortable driving to.
That job is pretty much why I dislike a game Death Stranding so much cause all this happened during the pandemic and the "Your rebuilding america" language that game used reminded me so much of all that "yall are heroes" talk everyone was hearing during the rise of the pandemic. We even had posters of comic book style artwork of amazon workers all throughout the walls. The job really wasnt worth it cause now I'm 29 with back issues.
Didn't expect this to go so long but like I said the video struck something in me. Keep up the good work.
on the giant bomb thing, have you reached out to Jeff gertsmann or the nextlander crew? they're out now so might be interesting?
ОтветитьGreat video and powerful message. <3
But the man you interviewed was insufferable.
Hey just wanted to say your videos are all very consistent and great to watch, keep it up :)
ОтветитьAmazing review really! I am glad for the personal touches. Thank you, please continue with your amazing reviews.
ОтветитьWow, you did change the title
ОтветитьI liked this game so much that I had the debt paid off before finishing the campaign and getting the union payout.
ОтветитьLiterally turning notifications on just because of your take on labor in the intro. Solidarity ✊
ОтветитьMay the day come soon where the last thing we work hard to do is to abolish hard work.
ОтветитьThis was definitely one of my favorite reviews!! As someone who works at a call center (that ironically pays way more that any job from my journalism career) I definitely understand that feeling of stuck ambitions, I would rather be a novelist and screenwriter instead of picking up calls from angry and confused customers, there’s so many things I would rather do but this is the only job that pays my bills for the moment and I feel that if I don’t keep myself focused on my goals I’m gonna end up in a “forever job” venting my frustrations with my co workers, it really sucks that there are certain jobs that only the privileged can get access to, and if really sucks that this Jobs (the entry level jobs, the ones that keep businesses afloat and in operations) are the least valued socially and economically speaking. Amazing video as always
ОтветитьMan I wish this had a physical release.
ОтветитьThought on “why mouse and keyboard?”: the NES released at the beginning of my second year of grad school, so I missed the entire console genre. I’ve never used a controller for anything…except a couple of hours learning just how useless I was ever going to be with them. Yeah, six degrees-of-freedom on a keyboard is sub-optimal, but who has time to learn new muscle memory?
ОтветитьOh, as a CorpoRat myself I will probably enjoy or dread this video.
ОтветитьHot gameplay tip for quantities of computers, crates, etc that are close together: tether them in a chain to one another before “plucking” them. They’ll pop themselves off, and you can shoot just the heaviest one towards the barge. Saves time turning from ship to barge and back again. Pop-pop-pop, shoot. Works especially well in cargo bays and cabins with an open wall.
Disclaimer: Intuitive and efficient work like this will NOT earn you recognition with the company. Please continue to do the bare minimum as needed.