2021 Honda Fit (Jazz): A quick drive in and around Tokyo!

2021 Honda Fit (Jazz): A quick drive in and around Tokyo!

4SA Tokyo Shift

3 года назад

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@Arsenette - 30.05.2021 18:44

That back seat has more space than a lot of cars here...

Btw been enjoying your watch collection 😂

@wyldebill4178 - 31.05.2021 04:19

Send some to America please

@pecoslife6681 - 10.06.2021 03:24

I like your voice ;)

@fly.into.theblue - 23.07.2022 14:05

Just like you point out a lot of premium executive cars have less leg room that this subcompact Fit. Honda is the master of car cabin.

p.s. Honda is #1 best selling passenger cars in Thailand. Toyota come in second.

@DavidHughes-op6zl - 11.01.2023 11:20

Looks like it was designed by a committee that couldn't decide what it finally wanted.
