Car Dealers Aren’t Paying Fair Market Value For Trade Ins

Car Dealers Aren’t Paying Fair Market Value For Trade Ins

Hometown Acres

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@gregs9187 - 06.02.2025 03:00

As someone that was in the car business for many years...Dealers don't use KBB for buying, they use NADA. They sell with KBB value and buy with NADA value. That's why your trade offers were coming in a couple thousand low.

@cowboyjoyandtheRoughCuts - 06.02.2025 03:36

Adam, Sunday morning viewer here....Congrats on the truck sale and more importantly being fair with your price ~ that is hard to find on MP. Looking way forward to seeing your next Vid on the Why, How you bought the next truck! Keith aka Cowboy Joy

@nathanwalczak7161 - 06.02.2025 04:13

Shop around at our dealers. Within 1 hour of our area on my 2018 f250 I had offers of 12k and I finially shopped around enough to find mccandless in mercer would give me 26k They sold it for 30k within a week. Offers were not even close dealer to dealer.

@jimjensen1414 - 06.02.2025 04:16

is that $200 or $300 per tote ??? or , how much ???

@kgrose102 - 06.02.2025 04:19

Starts pulling boat out with snow flying "Bit early for that there eh bud" 🤣🤣
Yeah dealerships just don't want to offer any value in a trade which is disappointing. They also don't give any wiggle for purchasing either and are only interested in selling you warranties and other useless things.

@SyberPrepper - 06.02.2025 04:19

Thanks for the tips on selling the truck. How do you take payment and transfer the title? Do you just go to the bank and deposit his check? How do you and the bank keep from getting ripped off. Do you head to the Title Bureau after that? You hear so many stories about these things. Thanks.

@jimjensen1414 - 06.02.2025 04:25

excellent work, Adam, enjoyed the WOOD=energy conversion !!!

@johnkirby6547 - 06.02.2025 05:03

Congrats Adam 👏
Looking forward to seeing the next video.

@russellhorner4950 - 06.02.2025 05:05

I couldn't quite see but was the saw you were bucking with a Dolmar?

@brianhurst9785 - 06.02.2025 05:54

I will be going to the farm show on Wednesday, we live in southern Indiana about 30 minutes away.

@michaelblair2370 - 06.02.2025 06:20

It's hurting my back watching you lift those logs, 😆

@daveharding5874 - 06.02.2025 06:37

Trade-ins are always in the dealer's favor. I never trade anything in. I'd much rather sell it myself and make the extra money. Trade-ins are done out of convenience and dealers take advantage of it. I've even heard of dealers making it sound like selling it private party is an unbelievably difficult process. FB marketplace has made trade-ins a thing of the past in my opinion.

@dannygavin5860 - 06.02.2025 06:43

Congratulations on sale your truck and your purchasing of another one I'm happy for you Adam

@Outdoorsman24.7 - 06.02.2025 07:01

Upgrade to a cdl too possibly with that big of trailer.

@PurpleCollarLife - 06.02.2025 07:21

Very smart to list your truck on FB and sell it to an individual rather than the dealership. Like you said - that benefits both parties. The buyer and the seller both make out better that way.

@ronaldcamp6757 - 06.02.2025 07:33

They have to make money and they have costs to cover too.

@joedawg7275 - 06.02.2025 07:41

I have not traded in a car in over 25 years. Come to think of it, that may be why I currently have 7 cars.

@Riverguide33 - 06.02.2025 07:54


@1944chevytruck - 06.02.2025 08:02


@billbrearton275 - 06.02.2025 08:42

Adam my boy n I acknowledged u at Bunyan show n you did turn n say hi but that it granted it was noonish n we was in the food trailers area u n wife trying find food as us so we didn't get talk

@robertmann7277 - 06.02.2025 08:59

What, your surprised about the trade-in game? ( it sucks, but what ya gonna do? )

@nickjm37fordel1 - 06.02.2025 09:18

Hey Adam, wouldn't you be helping your back out to move that bucking rack
closer to the splitter?

@jkilby27able - 06.02.2025 09:37

Buy once, cry once
Hopefully you purchased a 1 ton, diesel w/ 8' bed (plus 4wd, crew cab).

@JeffGeorgalas - 06.02.2025 12:05

Hey Adam, good for you! I'm glad that you're growing. I think I was the first person that ordered one of your custom chainsaw bars, if you happen to remember. If not, no big deal. Just a word of advice from a 3/4 ton owner, be careful when ordering a new truck. You'll want to stay under 26K between your truck and trailer, so that you don't have to get a CDL. This is a BIG DEAL. I just got my new truck about 4-6 weeks ago, and I ordered a Ford F-250. Not that that matters, because I'm not brand loyal, but my point is, you'll want to order a truck that has a GVWR of 10K, so that you can get a trailer that has a GVWR or 16K, and then still be under the 26,001 threshold of a CDL. Please pay attention to these numbers, as they may have a large impact on your lifestyle.

@DudeRanchDIY - 06.02.2025 14:20

7 totes?!? That’s more than half of what we split for you that day… Will the other 5 last you till we can come back and split more for you?

@alanbierhoff6831 - 06.02.2025 14:53

Have you ever heard the saying: Buy Low, Sell High?
THAT is how you make money…at anything!
Why should they pay you a penny more than they have to?
I thought, being an accountant, you’d have known this but I guess not.
You just insulted everyone of your subscribers who’s involved in any way with car dealerships

@davidpugh6495 - 06.02.2025 15:23

Dealers have never offered a fair value for trade ins. At least that’s been my experience. Trade ins offer convenience though.

@devries17004 - 06.02.2025 16:35

Congrats on truck sale.

@sharonb.9128 - 06.02.2025 17:39

I want to bypass those lying dealerships so badly but there are so many schemes on the private seller side. Even selling something as simple as a $1k smartphone is risky. Often as soon as you drop your sold item in the mail for the customer, the money the “customer” paid DISAPPEARS from your bank account! The thought of that happening with a private sale of a vehicle worth $10’s K. disappearing makes me sick.

@tireballastserviceofflorid7771 - 06.02.2025 17:42

When did a dealership ever give fair market value. They get your trade in price then give you the price of that car and financing rate. My friends would say the dumbest thing you cam do is come in amd announce your getting x price for a trade in. You will get that price and pay a jacked up price on what you buy. Negotiate a cash price. Then Negotiate a financing price after you say you dont have the cash. Then say i decided to trade in my old car. Thats how you get the best price on what your buying and you see just how little they are actually paying for your trade in.

@BuckCountryWoodyard - 06.02.2025 18:30

Congrats on the quick truck sale and new acquisition - looking forward to seeing what you purchased! Thanks for another good video!

@waltermattson5566 - 06.02.2025 18:41

Would you consider building a small wooden bridge between your cutting table and the log splitter so you could roll the wood rather than lift the heavy pieces? Congratulations on the truck sale.

@SIUDubFiend - 06.02.2025 20:41

I was offered $14k for my tacoma as trade in. Sold it for $25k about two weeks later. Stealerships in general are a thing if the past and should be disregarded and ignored.

@longbeardmcstruttin5876 - 06.02.2025 21:10

Adam, how much do you charge for a tote full of wood

@PG-ji6vq - 06.02.2025 22:41

The truck is worth nothing vs screwing your back up as you can’t trade it in!

@mikeburnett7028 - 06.02.2025 22:42

Dealers are probably paying fair market price, you just overpaid for it when you bought it.

@russellbelliveau1694 - 06.02.2025 23:56

You have a nice simple setup, look forward to seeing the new truck

@laurenanderson9025 - 07.02.2025 00:25

Why would a new car dealership pay "fair maket value" for a trade-in? They're not going to drive it. They're going to resell it. At a profit. If they aren't profitable they won't be in business for very long. By buying your trade-in, they're saving you the hassle of selling it yourself. It's a convenience fee. If you don't like that, sell it yourself. Gripe all you want about how "unfair" it is, but it doesn't change reality. Convenience has a real cost.

@Mjc103 - 07.02.2025 02:23

7k in profit???

I guess they don’t do any recon to the vehicle.

No advertising cost?

No building?

No insurance?

No employees?

I bet the money they use is free with no interest?

I guess there is no negotiation on the sale of the truck at the used car lot. Everyone walks in and pays full price.

Wow guy, I thought you were a little bit better business man.

I bet that used excavator you bought was sold with no markup.

Wow guy wow.

@runningbear860 - 07.02.2025 03:45

How much do those ibc totes weigh when they are full?

@billcunningham8485 - 07.02.2025 03:55

Had an Audi Q5 and we bought a new 2023 Passport. Was offered $6k for the Q5. Sold it on my own for $12K. Nearly flawless paint, interior was new and 90% dealer maintained with records and new Michelins. Dealers are the worst.

@marshalltille7770 - 07.02.2025 04:21

Always get a pre-purchase inspection done. It will cost a few hundred dollars.

@262dave - 07.02.2025 06:02

Nice sell on FB Marketplace! I listed some rental homes on there. Crazy what people will pay for private homes to rent.

@johnymodem1326 - 07.02.2025 08:01

Everybody's got to make a shekel, but what price laziness? Sometimes people expect more than their pound of flesh out of a deal! Keep up the great work :)

@Jkub101 - 07.02.2025 17:54

Even if you deal with honest dealers it still feels like you get ripped off.

@benjaminmiller6848 - 08.02.2025 16:05

I plowed my bobcat skid steer with my ram 1500

@benjaminmiller6848 - 08.02.2025 16:06

I pulled my skid steer with my ram 1500

@justing6594 - 09.02.2025 03:29

Guys probably a flipper. It's gonna be on carfax next week for double......

@rdreamhomestead1451 - 09.02.2025 20:35

What was the year of your Ford F150 that you sold?

@bradspencer4780 - 22.02.2025 04:42

Hey, really loved your old F150 you sold.

Would you mind sharing what packages it had?

Im researching older F150s and I think your truck is as close to what Im looking for as Ive seen.

Way too many 1-3 yr old ones going for a downpayment on a home. It’s absurd.

Appreciate it.

Specifically, you got a good larger screen, interior looks nice, color, door handles dont look chinzy plastic and it has an overall “premium” feel but not like that over done Limited or Platinum trim.

Ive seen some XLT and Lariats look like luxury cars, cant imagine anyone needing a Platinum or King Ranch level anything.
