5 Quick and Inexpensive Ways To Decrease Exposure To Toxins and Improve Fertility - Dr Lora Shahine

5 Quick and Inexpensive Ways To Decrease Exposure To Toxins and Improve Fertility - Dr Lora Shahine

Lora Shahine, MD

2 года назад

4,621 Просмотров

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@a_l_e_k_sandra - 05.01.2023 02:36

You are such a gem! I'm genuinely in shock that you are so kind to take your time to make these videos for everyone. I can't thank you enough!

@StepStepStep - 06.02.2023 18:32

I'm quite concerned about phthalates in prenatal vitamins. Could you please go over how women can avoid these? or resources to find phthalate free prenata vitamins. It feels like it's impossible because brands don't share inactive ingredients/propriaterary blends they use on pills. Especially after research found a correlation between phthalates and fibroids. Thank you very much!

@gerifwt7392 - 08.02.2023 02:43

What is the name of the beauty company that is mentioned?

@marypoole6064 - 17.06.2023 12:14

what about toxic graphene oxide ???

@deepamayurveda5625 - 14.09.2023 08:54

Doctor you're such an inspiration... I am an Ayurveda dr dealing with fertility learnt a lot from you...

@marinacormon566 - 20.09.2023 05:32

Hi Dr Lora! I’m blessed to come across this channel, I am going to do IVF and I have a question, what do you think about getting dye hair during IVF or pregnancy 🤰 I am sorry for my poor writing skills, English is not my first lenguaje, thank you so much in advance❤ and thanks for sharing all your knowledge with us!

@jamieschro3 - 27.10.2023 07:08

Canadian here, I'll never understand Americans who wear their shoes in people's houses hehe -- thanks so much for the helpful video! :)

@AG_only_comments - 04.05.2024 04:19

Can you comment on chemical filters in sunscreens? Can they be endocrine disruptors? There quite a bit of fear mongering on those. I use sunscreen a lot, so need to be sure those are okay. Thanks!

@rose31193 - 10.09.2024 08:29

In Indian households and many asian cultures we always take our shoes off before entering our houses or a friends house it’s a respectable thing to do.

@MaiValentineNaomi - 21.10.2024 03:29

Wait... there are people who don't take their shoes off when entering a home? 😶

@florineowens9383 - 12.11.2024 13:10

What causes bleeding when you're going through menopause

@aniek4469 - 08.01.2025 13:27

Just found your channel and love that you focus on inexpensive ways to lower toxicity! Most of the time there are only expensive alternatives, and this is a great way to still have impact and more control over this problem :)
