huh, how's that "accelerator fund" doing?
ОтветитьDoug Ford suddenly in the crosshairs. Fees, taxes, and approval processes are ALL PROVINICAL jurisdiction.
The fed still at fault for immigration and lack of action the last decade
Not one thing about the carbon tax that increases the cost of everything involved in building a home
ОтветитьNo kidding. Now there exposed ? Immigration came with no planning to housing ? Canada are the worst planners in the world. They need to stop immigration we’re at capacity.
ОтветитьGo look at the price of lumber.
A 2x6 stud is $6.00 and we have trees all across Canada.
Nobody cares as long as they make money
ОтветитьAnd thats why Pierre is going to cut all the Red tape that Trudeau loves
ОтветитьFuk Toronto 😂😂😂 move to Sudbury
ОтветитьIt's so inflated.. even if they build them nobody has the dough from this hell hole
ОтветитьNDP Leader Jagmeet Singh
Waiting on gold plated 30 silver coins.
Like Judas !!
Let’s put the liberals & NDP
In the rear view mirror.
Let’s vote ☑️for 🤗 Poilievre
A true Sociopath.
“Can’t not distinguish between his lie
And the truth” His lie is the truth !!!
The Canadian government needs money to spend, the more the merrier. If we don't tax homes, what do you suggest?
It's irrelevant whether Canadians are homeless or not. We must first feed the Canadian government. If Canadians can't afford, kick them out and import new immigrants
Lol 😂, enjoy socialist policies
ОтветитьIt was all a scheme having high development charges to artificially drive up the real estate prices. Now that the top 1% cashed out they are going to remove the development charges to drive down the cost to build and the prices.
ОтветитьIsn’t this what Pierre pollievre has been saying about the lack of housing along ? Don’t worry ,immigration levels are staying the same to combat the housing situation .
ОтветитьThe term "affordable housing" is such a sham. We just need new supply of all types in order to bring down prices across the board.
Ответить1/4 of employed Canadians work for the govt - how are so many bureaucratics supposed to get paid without all those fees?
ОтветитьSo the government of Ontario can get the building going by lowering the added cost so more Canadians can afford them why aren't they? what is the hold up?
ОтветитьThe gov't has been one of the main drivers for inflation in the housing industry for 2 decades. Seriously, what the hell??? What's worse, is the city councillors have done nothing to address this. In fact, they've spent hundreds of millions building hundreds of townhouses in the centre of Toronto for TCHC residents. Yup, TCHC residents are getting what most people could never afford. LOL.
ОтветитьWhen you spend 25 years building custom built mansion’s and not “ starter home’s “ , you’re going to have a hard time finding builder’s who are even willing to build starter home’s.
If Canada had stuck to its original core values and not chased after a fantasy, then we apl would have been a lot better off. Bigger isn’t better, in all case’s , especially when it comes to building residential home’s.
Building ghettos isn’t solution either.
More liberal lies and corruption, remember when trudeau said he would make it easier and cheaper to build new homes.
ОтветитьI hope everyone heard that. "Homes people can afford to buy". They will be building shoeboxes and they will think that people want to buy them as they are "affordable". It's going to be the scam of the generation.
ОтветитьYou all talk about Vancouver or Toronto housing crisis on those cities what about Charlottetown the small village in a potato island that is as expensive as Mississauga and kitcheners Ontario Canada
ОтветитьAt 18 seconds??
This is exactly the type of red tape and bureaucracy that Pierre Poilievre has been talking about for months now. It is totally stalling the building of new homes, and he has told Canadians what his plan is to solve this issue. If municipalities want their funding, then they meet their quotas for building new homes. If they don't meet quota, their funding will be cut. If they over deliver, then they'll get extra funding.
ОтветитьShut up with that stuff. Cause you want to know what it looks like to me when they do that stuff. Hypockey, packy packy pack Hey, packy. Hey, packy, Hey, Paki's Hey, Paki's where are the Canadians? There are no white families anymore around here. Who's shut up? Cause half of those houses go to packy's packies. Package $4000 a month. Old, we're not renting them. We're only selling them packy's packies packies. It's the truth face the facts. We got a problem here Canadians. We got too many packies f**** taking our houses. Taking our jobs. Taking everything face to facts. Canadians, you're stupid cause. I've watched all these houses being built. And I'm not seeing any families. I'm talking about white people Canadians. G**** packy packy packy, packy packy.
ОтветитьPierre poilevre was saying this for years
Ответить2021 to 2023...I wonder what pandemic was going on during some of that time. Someone cooking the books to cover up the corporate developers make more money build expensive home no one can afford.
ОтветитьIf the government lowers gas price and taxes instead of increasing minimum wage everything will be affordable but they wont because they wont be able to steal from the citizens
ОтветитьThe Jagmeet/Justin/ Bloc government threatens new housing developments. Which reminds me where is Sophie, making cheese in Quebec?
ОтветитьAllow American builders to come in. They build a new house in 3 months
ОтветитьTrudeau is going to lose so hard that even his father is going to cry.
ОтветитьCanada is a mess!!! We should make our politicians homeless!! 🤣😅🤦🏾♂️
ОтветитьCanadians are just tax slaves to the government
ОтветитьVote for Pierre, red tape will be removed.
No talk of ladder-puller existing property owners.