Ethiopia Food Trucks Toronto * Berhan TV*

Ethiopia Food Trucks Toronto * Berhan TV*

Berhan TV

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@4runner805 - 19.08.2016 18:15

Hi Amsale's sister in-law! you're doing great :)

@adamovwole4585 - 20.08.2016 17:29

I am Leo too.

@MekonnenWolde - 24.08.2016 06:39

My friend and I started an Ethiopian and Mexican food truck 27 years ago in Anaheim California. I came to find out more custmors were Mexican than Ethiopian. I was not in the right place to find any Ethiopian customers. I couldn't find any Ethiopians working anywhere near our food truck, compared to the restaurants in Los Angeles. From my experience, a food truck requires less staff. However a food truck is still a business that requires a lot of work and attention, especially in the first couple of years. Food truck owners put in long days and have similar problems as restaurant owners, such as slow seasons, bad weather, and sluggish economy. I am proud of any one trying this sort of business.

የምሣና፡ ቁርሥ፡ ማመላለሻና፡ ከቦታ፡ ወደ፡ ቦታ፡ እንደ፡ ማንኛዉም፡ ተሽከርካሪ፡ መኪናዎች፡ የሚነዳዉን፡ ተንቀሳቃሽ፡ ኩሽናችሁን፡ ማየታችንና ፡እንድናየዉ፡ ለህዝብ፡ ሥላቀረባችሁት፡ የእናንተን፡ በሕብረት፡ መሥራትና፡ ሌሎችም፡ ኢትዮጲያውያኖች፡ ለማወቅና፡ ለመረዳት፡ ፍንጭ፡ ሊሆናቸዉ፡ ጠቃሚ፡ መሆኑን፡ ወይንም፡ አለመሆኑን፡ ሁሉም፡ በግሉ፡የሚጠይቀዉ፡ ጥያቄ፡ ሊኖረዉ፡ ሥለሚችል፡ የእናንተ፡ አቀራረብ፡ ሥራዉን፡ በጥልቅ፡ በቦታዉ፡ ገብቶ፡ ላልሞከረዉ፡ ሊያበረታታቸዉ፡ የሚችል፡ ትምህርት፡ እንደሚሆን፡ ከእናተ፡ ጋር ፡ እሥማማለሁ ። ከሥራ፡ ልምዴ ፡ ካገኘሁት፡ ሊመገቡ፡ የሚመጡትን፡ ኢትዮጲያዊያኖች፡ በየቁዋንቁዋቸዉ፡ ለመመለሥ፡ እሞከራለሁ፡ ነገር፡ግን፡ ጥሩ፡ አማርኛ ፡ መናገር ፡ ከቻልኩኝ፡ ሳላንጋድድና ሣላጥፍ ፡ እንግሊዝኛ፡ ሳልጨምር፡ ለማዉራት፡ በጣም ፡ እንደምጠነቀቅ ፡ አዉቅ፡ ነበር ፡ ምክኒያቱም ፡ ሠዉ፡ ወደ ፡ ምግብ ፡ መኪናችን ፡ የሚመጣዉ ፡ ቁዋንቁዋን፡ ለማጥናት ፡ እና፡ እኔ፡ ዘመናዊ፡ ልሁን፡ ወይንም፡ እንዳልሆንኩኝ፡ ለማወቅ፡ ሣይሆን፡ እርቦት፡ ሆዱን፡ እንደ ፡ ጎረምሣ ፡ ድመት ፡፡ ሊመገብ ፡ እንደሆነ፡ መረዳት ፡ ከእኔ ፡ እንደሚሆን ፡ መጠንቀቅን ፡ በጊዜዉ ፡ መማሬ ፡ ለሌላዉም ፡ የንግድ ፡ ሠዎች ፡ ልምዴን ፡ አካፍላለሁኝ ፡ እያልኩኝ ፡ በርቱና ቀጥሉ ፡ ወገኖቼ ፡ እላችሁዋለሁኝ።

@yissakorkassahun7842 - 30.08.2016 06:50

በ ር ቺ እ ህ ቴ

@yissakorkassahun7842 - 30.08.2016 06:51

በ ር ቺ

@eastsoldierson - 19.10.2016 02:49

wat a great idea! people wanna have varieties. try to include some mo Canadian nd African variety. wish ya a success!

@danielhiggins225 - 25.01.2017 11:42

I love my people. smart and hustlers. god bless you. lionesses

@garyjosh4191 - 07.02.2017 21:46

cool 🤘

@haimasilase1900 - 01.04.2017 22:29

great job Gelila

@hiluhilena2328 - 09.06.2017 13:18

gobez egzeyabher yerdash

@addisabeba100 - 13.06.2017 12:11

በርቺ በጣም ደስ የሚል ትልቅ የስራ ፈጠራ ነው እግዚአብሔር ይባርክልሽ

@YouTuber-dz5kc - 22.06.2017 23:53

She's an inspiration! Wish you all the best!!!

@survivor6710 - 30.07.2017 23:05

Yene konjo I wish you live in states... it looks great.. good luck!!!

@abesenya4618 - 01.09.2017 09:54

good job

@hanam3589 - 11.09.2017 03:43

They should come to Thornhill area. It's not fair

@berhanwar - 22.11.2017 14:03

Haha 4 days 😂. Gotta start somewhere I guess. All the best.

@esailesh5243 - 22.11.2017 16:46

Real life Cleopatra?

@periscoperpete9987 - 02.12.2017 17:36

No jerk chicken?

@africafrom6826 - 19.01.2018 14:20

Good job

@petrosgrandi7736 - 29.03.2018 00:17

Belew, abo yimechish, from italy, Moha Anbessa, Rasta, EthioAfro.
Peace and Melkam sira.

@eyesus3983 - 28.04.2018 08:39

ameharga. enede koumeta yatereshal! (yechenkeshale) *_be proud of your language. instead of being ashamed!!## 🚘 pepeep. atabezuu serawene abezuu!!##

@pola271 - 30.08.2018 18:15

bravo berchi

@samlsd9711 - 28.09.2018 00:55

Where are you located now. I saw it last year on Bloor and Church, but never seen it later.

@marcellusbrown7940 - 02.01.2019 09:41

King James Verson Dictionary Definition: majesty


MAJ'ESTY, n. L. majestas, from the root of magis, major, more, greater.

1. Greatness of appearance; dignity; grandeur; dignity of aspect or manner; the quality or state of a person or thing which inspires awe or reverence in the beholder; applied with peculiar propriety to God and his works.

Jehovah reigneth; he is clothed with majesty. Ps.93.

The voice of Jehovah is full of majesty. Ps.29.

It is applied to the dignity, pomp and splendor of earthly princes.

When he showed the riches of his glorious kingdom-the honor of his excellent majesty many days- Esth.1.

2. Dignity; elevation of manner.

The first in loftiness of thought surpass'd,

The next in majesty--

3. A title of emperors, kings and queens; as most royal majesty; may it please your majesty. In this sense, it admits of the plural; as, their majesties attended the concert.

Definitions from Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828.

@marcellusbrown7940 - 02.01.2019 09:42

I'm representing the throne of king david lineage here's where my history begin. I'm expose to the public, merciless an heartless, complete strangers who I don't no, 4 will they express my views in truth because my massage is strictly honorable, the highest title a man can ever attain, king of kings an lord of all lords conquering lion from the tribe of Judah? 4 instance, the public officials seek to censor me from awakening people awareness Haile Selassie I is Jesus in his second advent. I'm representing the throne of king david lineage here's where my history begin.

@marcellusbrown7940 - 02.01.2019 09:46

In ur video, U look flawless ur face, ur physique, an overall ur image. I'm attracted to that body, lip, breast, an butt.
We can set goals an reach them; 4 example, we can start by getting acquainted, state ur name an ur ambitions, to achieve our aspirations. We must remain discipline, firmly ground on what u have in mine, if u r to overcome the task.
Girl, I need u r unique from the day born. I fall in love with your appearance, ur face, physique, and behavior, and each is average except ur behavior is too the extreme. Hum, I'm thinking how to address this issue without a major discussion, because I refuse to b bias, a man stand on his words. I express my opinion without a resentment because my comment is respectful, for it's anchor in truth girl I need u even though truth my words have already manifest , r unique from the day born.

@marcellusbrown7940 - 02.01.2019 09:48

Now, I confront reality because I found my eternal life, in him, his imperial majesty, let ur name always b praise b4 the sun set and b4 the setting of the moon, to the hilt.
I do the impossible conquer all my enemies, because they say never have any principles. They seek a weak spot to plant a seed, for it strike target, so that they fulfilled their purpose killing ideas and imagination.They go to the extreme to strangle ur dream. Everyone has an ambition; yours is planting seeds of doubt, in ur friends mind, while we r on our way to greatness.Our God decide the destiny a path each take; our God write on paper the good an the bad. We only strive 4 excellent reports on moral behavior. U must give thought, a sanctuary, put in the timeout corner, because u have life experience. Now, I confront reality because I found my eternal life, in him, his imperial majesty, let ur name always b praise b4 the sun set an b4 the setting of the moon, to the hilt.

@1981cherokee1 - 11.01.2019 00:29

Too bad you did not show a close up of the menu. Actually seeing some of the food would have been helpful.

@gdedi1396 - 12.02.2019 02:10


@khnemu4u - 13.02.2019 21:02

I'm American African too many generations to count down the line; I'm living in Sauga=Saga continues Ontario and have ate most places except African restaurants want to support people that look like me; not easy because where I live you don't see us a lot.

@orthodox2645 - 25.04.2019 00:27

Wow it's amazing job for you as well as for customers keep it up good luck sis

@سلاماتسلامة-ز3ب - 29.06.2019 20:52

Good. Job

@asthey - 30.08.2019 10:36


@abelkidane556 - 12.09.2019 20:05

Wooooo going jobs

@RahaRo11 - 16.09.2019 07:25

Your a pretty woman.

@helenkibrom4031 - 28.02.2020 17:24


@sabethiopian4657 - 15.03.2020 10:26

Well done keep going 👍💐🇪🇹🌼

@marcellusbrown7940 - 09.08.2020 03:22

Semen retention, I practice celibacy abstain from ejaculation until I find her, my soul mate. I remain focus on purpose my divine gift, a cherubim, after it give me a sense of fulfillment; I refine my divine gift from heaven after my divine gift is unique. I refrain from superficial a cherubim, and I refuse to change from a heavenly being because it defeat our purpose. Besides, I love the metamorphosis from carnal to spiritual, reincarnation, after I endure inconceivable, preposterous, and incomprehensible situations; consequently, I'm finally home so father open the front door 4 me where I now reside in the garden of eden. Semen retention, I practice celibacy abstain from ejaculation until I find her, my soul mate.

@biniamdemissew3787 - 02.07.2023 01:25

I am so proud of you keep working hard our tradition food so lovely ❤.
