Where Should You Place Your Cat's Litter Box?

Where Should You Place Your Cat's Litter Box?

Kitty Help Desk

10 месяцев назад

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@leepfrog7405 - 25.10.2023 19:55

I have a small apartment but still have two litter boxes for my boy.
One in the living room and one in the bedroom.
When he first came to live with me, I only had the one box. Then read that I should have two. So that left one at each end of the living space.
He would mark a corner in my bedroom constantly, and it wasn't until I put one of his litterboxes in there that it stopped.
Litter boxes are a convenience for us and an acceptance for them but they are more than that too.
Placement is very important, from them being comfortable using it to them feeling secure in their territory. What's trully good for them, ends up being good for us too.

@emilyyu9150 - 09.11.2023 05:47

Your channel is super helpful! Thank you :)
