where's #2?
ОтветитьThank you black rain your videos and strategies has made it where I win more poker sessions then I lose at low and micro stakes I love it…
ОтветитьBro can you do a video on what hands you’re 3 and 4 betting, appreciate you🤝
ОтветитьYou're smarter than you look ;-) Thanks!!
ОтветитьQuestion: What is the norm for max bet at the table? Can't someone come in with $50,000 in chips and if all other players have less at their disposal, than they can basically bluff their way and go all in continuously, knowing it knocks everyone else out of the running?
ОтветитьI open KK 2.2..
He 3 Bet 7bb
I 4 Bet 25bb and he snap jams for 65bb
Bubble of 54bounty
i Cover him by 1bb+ massiv Bounty.
He Had 72o vs my KK.
72o wins... For Top ten stack...
Every stupid fishy play gets massiv rewarded on GG....
Your charts show no play for suited connectors. Are there a few you should play?
ОтветитьNathan, you skipped #2 - as always thank you for the tips!
ОтветитьI’ve been following this closely - love it - but I’m still confused about when to give the hand up and fold
ОтветитьHey blackrain, can you tell me in online poker how to know the players types (nits, lags, etc) without using a poker hub?
ОтветитьThis video just blew my mind.
ОтветитьWow! Great video!
ОтветитьGood strategy
ОтветитьApparently the 2nd best way to improve at poker is to not count well haha.
ОтветитьNathan: what to do when im in position with premium hand and before me , are 4 or 5 limpers in 9 max. I raise and everyone calls or ill get 3 to 5 callers
ОтветитьThank you sharing this information that you worked so hard (and spent so much) to acquire. I find it fascinating, even though I don't play poker.
ОтветитьComments looks like 90% bots
ОтветитьThank you Nathan
ОтветитьAlways enjoy and take something new away from your tips.
ОтветитьRegarding tip 1 about bad beats. You bet preflop, flop and turn. That 10 came out. What happened to make you fold? Did you raise on the River? Did you raise and they come over the top? Did you just call on the River and they raised? What happened to make me believe they caught the straight?
ОтветитьIs not like this Nathan. Now, many poker platform, give to you bad beats cuz they want to like you to make rebuy. That's the main issue, i play on all european sites and belive me AA-bad beat, KK-bad beats etc! Is crap what is happening! So i decide to play on asian sites! 1000000 times better!
ОтветитьThis is quite funny cause I've played poker with friends on and off for years, and you'd call me a fish! I just lose!
But I've watched no more than a couple of hours of your videos, and playing low stakes, on line for an hour and I'm 200% up.
Discipline, that might be the key. J,6 on suit looks pretty but really is not good!
this guy did NOT make allat money fron poker
ОтветитьStill not playing poker?
ОтветитьDear Nathan,
Could you do a video where I have a pocket pair preflop and the flop contains a pair ? ie I have a higher or lower pair.
I was placing really well the last few tournaments. I'm having trouble with the more I learn the worse I play.
ОтветитьThe thing about limping though is that sometimes it’s a good idea - if you’re on the button against one or more loose aggressive players, and you have something like aces…
This leads into the whole ‘trapping’ idea… No? 🤷♂️
Worse voice ever
ОтветитьLoosen up that grip on the microphone.
Where is number 2?
You went from #3 to #1 ???