The World's FASTEST GROWING Steak Chain! Is TEXAS ROADHOUSE Worth The Hype?

The World's FASTEST GROWING Steak Chain! Is TEXAS ROADHOUSE Worth The Hype?

UA Eats

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@marlon8597 - 04.03.2025 17:10

Where is his teeth?! 😂

@CaneFan25 - 04.03.2025 17:24

For the Masters tournament, we got food poisoning from Texas Roadhouse 👎🤮☢️………..haven’t been back

@IWantToPetYourDog - 04.03.2025 18:39

Texas Roadhouse is one of the few places to get prime rib. Beware if you have a peanut allergy!

@cmack98 - 04.03.2025 18:55

Just hate how much they rush you through dinner, from the moment you are seated, to order, to the food coming. No time to actually sit and enjoy it. We won't order entrees until after the appetizer comes. We've had the appetizer come with our salads, then our steaks 3 minutes later. Only complaint...

@greeneyesfromohio4103 - 04.03.2025 20:26

Never had their steak but their Chicken fried chicken with the white country gravy is FANTASTIC!!! I would certainly go back.

@ChristopherReyes-e5x - 04.03.2025 20:29

You should have tried the 20oz bone in ribeye not Keen’s or one of the other steakhouse but it is worth the try

@josmu1027 - 04.03.2025 21:38

That place is overrated. I've been there twice and didn't enjoy it. Two times is enough. Never again.

@danno714 - 04.03.2025 23:15

Used to be good. going down the crapper like Claim Jumper....

@mesmerize2o9 - 05.03.2025 00:04

Their side salads are actually good lol

@cecildeepakparmar - 05.03.2025 00:05


@joew957 - 05.03.2025 00:28

It’s really from Indiana but I guess Indiana Roadhouse with a Ft. Wayne Ribeye doesn’t have the same ring to it. Still pretty good food.

@Themacchuck - 05.03.2025 00:34

The one by me in Henrietta, NY (Rochester) was closed by the health department a couple weeks ago.

@davidbrodeur50 - 05.03.2025 02:03

I absolutely love Texas Roadhouse. Amazing food, not just steaks. We arrive right before it opens on a Sunday for the specials and there is a line to get in already.

@harrygaydosz73 - 05.03.2025 02:53

I will never understand the hoopla over Texas Roadhouse. Hard pass.

@nonstopanebessainc - 05.03.2025 03:02

I hope and pray the more they opened new stores they do not become commercialized and allegedly serve bio engineered meat like every restaurant😂. Let's hope

@Chefsarge - 05.03.2025 03:38

Your ribs should not fall off the bone. You should be able to take a bite and see where you took a bite.

@sundaybest27 - 05.03.2025 04:01

Love the impromptu cheering in the background when you tried to emphasize how its a chain....LOL.

@sundaybest27 - 05.03.2025 04:02

I'd say the ambiance is nice. It reminds me of going out to eat at a chain in early 2000's.

@sundaybest27 - 05.03.2025 04:04

Steak toppings and a lot of them seem to mask mediocre steaks anyway. Glad you ended up putting them back on!

@sundaybest27 - 05.03.2025 04:08

UA, you gotta review Clinton Station Diner one day! Add it to your Jersey list.

@RaymondZuniga-cu8su - 05.03.2025 04:27


@pashnfrmusc - 05.03.2025 04:54

I went there for my first time about a month ago. I thought it was great. I had fillet medallions that were good quality meat that I thought were closer to a higher end place vs Outback who is there obvious competition. Loud environment, but the food was great and served quickly for a busy Friday night.

@killacam2644 - 05.03.2025 06:49

Seriously good value.
I need to try it out. Closest to me is 100 miles each way.

@michaelpennington9327 - 05.03.2025 07:02

Texas Roadhouse was better 5-6 years ago. All that growth has lowered the quality. The last few times I went, my steak was not properly cooked. Last time I went, one end of my steak was blue, the other end was medium well. You’d think a place that cooks hundreds of steaks a day could cook them correctly how they’re ordered.

@Greedyfoodreviewz - 05.03.2025 07:05

One of my favorite restaurants 😋

@1966150 - 05.03.2025 09:06

The reason the steak isn't that marbled is because I believe he got a select.

The roadhouse is great but if you want a more high-end 'chain', try Fleming's and their dry aged prime ribeye, if you haven't been there. Or maybe The Palm or Mastro's. Some have A5's,.

@BeepBeep1981 - 05.03.2025 09:08

The shrooms + onions ruined your steak. It completely changes the flavor of the beef when you go that route at Texas Roadhouse. Can't add nothing on top, it's a bad move.

@V3RM1LI0N - 05.03.2025 09:24

Why ur eyes so small brotha 🇨🇳

@estevancelis6100 - 05.03.2025 09:47

Texas Roadhouse has been around since the 80s def early 90s hasn’t it

@youngmoney55 - 05.03.2025 09:53

Boy for somebody that you cant even see their eyes sure does know how to talk bad about food that ALOT of hard working people cant afford but once a few months

@dnad1522 - 05.03.2025 11:24

Longhorn is better

@TheRoadTripChannel - 05.03.2025 12:45

I live in Somerset County, New Jersey and I pass by the one on Route 22 East in the Borough of North Plainfield, Union County, New Jersey. Seems like the parking lot is always packed. 😃👍

@daveschif348 - 05.03.2025 17:03

The heck with my dining partner.....dunk roll into butter for each bite. How do you sleep at night?

@gregorysorce1898 - 05.03.2025 17:35

Wow. I thought I was the only person allergic to mushrooms.

@blsmoke6119 - 05.03.2025 22:28

God Tina stop eating the rolls before I get a video 😂

@jimsmith1543 - 06.03.2025 00:36

I helped open the first roadhouse in MD they really haven't changed how they do things,

@stephenpatrick5829 - 06.03.2025 00:41

R.I.P Kent Taylor! For those that don't know he started Texas Roadhouse but is no longer with us and I really dont wanna say why

@markmitchell2658 - 06.03.2025 01:44

Thats nothing like a new york strip clearly you don't know what you eating

@crs11becausecrs10wastaken - 06.03.2025 05:01

Texas Roadhouse in Texas > Texas Roadhouse anywhere else in the US.

@krysryjuly - 06.03.2025 05:14

Tina face reveal please 😅

@doloyoulo - 06.03.2025 07:28

Dip the blooming onion in the chilli.

@GalaxyMiichael - 06.03.2025 07:41

Any Texas Roadhouse slander will not be accepted. This spot is Goated!

@alanyugawa3509 - 06.03.2025 07:53

Tip: you can pick your steak from the case and they will mark it. Tell the waitress and they will cook it. I’ve done this and it’s make a difference.

@rvplaysmusic528 - 06.03.2025 08:02

Hey UA. Is this the Teterboro, NJ location? By the way, you can also ask if the in-house butcher is in. If so, and if you want to pay for it, you can order a bigger cut of steak. And/or yes, you can pick out your own steak from the display in the front of the restaurant.

@ethancooper2379 - 06.03.2025 08:18

You gotta try the 20oz bone-in ribeye. It's always good

@MrStan0630 - 06.03.2025 08:18

Never been to a Texas Roadhouse restaurant, but it looks a lot like Outback to me. Just a different theme.

@robirvine788 - 06.03.2025 09:39

Longhorn Steakhouse has far better food
