DIY Box Truck turned Overland 4x4 Truck CAMPER / FULL TOUR

DIY Box Truck turned Overland 4x4 Truck CAMPER / FULL TOUR

Nate Murphy

3 месяца назад

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@WildLiveTV - 21.12.2024 13:04

Very cool Build…qualitywise was over everything I saw so far in the US. Foodstorage and Waterstorage is massiv and would be awesome for extensive canadatrips! The shower is awesome…is that a spay showerhead? I do not like the toilet, but there is not much you can do against it. How thick is the insulation in the walls?

@Leo-c8j9c - 21.12.2024 14:51

Incredibly awesome build.. Wouln't it make more sense to run 24V appliances, such as induction cooktop, water heater etc, instead of going through a giant inverter? Fun part about being in nature is you're away from the AC field from the grid, if you're carrying them with you in your trip that's kinda counter productive, but that's just my opinion : )

@doug_EX - 22.12.2024 01:22

Incredible build!

@gabrielc1060 - 24.12.2024 19:50

I’m just so curious on how much this build cost

@arijitnayak531 - 29.12.2024 08:33

how yall shit? i see no toilet.

@PhilippinesFarmLife - 29.12.2024 14:12

A ❤ beautiful floor plan and design features. But
$1,700+ for a 4 cubic ft. Refrigerator/freezer is a bit rich. I built on a 2013 cab chassis Cargo truck and a 8x8x12 box keeping the barn doors adding a similar back porch with self designed Modular wall panels to increase my secure living space by 60+ sq. Ft. Stored inside the platform.

@Captndarty - 30.12.2024 22:54

Where’s the bar?

@MA.83-RN - 31.12.2024 12:43

That build is EPIC. DIY luxury . Who needs an EarthRoamer?

@CoZmicShReddeR - 01.01.2025 04:53

Very cool setup! ;)

@computernerdtechman - 01.01.2025 23:53

Hey Nate, where did you get the Stainless Steel shower walls with that unique pattern? That looks great.

@bigbear7478 - 08.01.2025 20:24

Awesome build! Can you comment on any of the costs?

@bigbear7478 - 08.01.2025 20:39

Where did you buy the unfinished box and would you get the same one in the future?

@peterodriguez5636 - 09.01.2025 06:00

The next one put a bracket on the cab to put your bed on top it will make the truck more air dynamic also

@kathrynmilesfenton2755 - 09.01.2025 20:31

Impressive build! the wiring is so clean and organized as is the water piping install!

@Mark-gg6iy - 10.01.2025 15:05

Have you considered a plastic cowling for the front of the box to diminish air drag thus increasing fuel mileage? If you have standard vehicle insurance it allows full-time living like RV insurance does?
It appears your rear exterior storage boxes could be moved forward 1'ft thus allowing you to gain more clearance for if/when the incline diminishes road clearance at the rear. My RV tankage at the rear is angled to provide this increased clearance.

@JimSimonelli - 11.01.2025 17:37

That is the best shower I have seen, nice build.

@soulfoodforthought9225 - 12.01.2025 19:30

This is the most beautiful truck rebuild I've seen thus far. Beautifully built. Awesome job you two !👨🏼👩🏻 Hey doggie ! 🐕

@billyweston949 - 13.01.2025 00:41

Amazing well thought out truck have yall thought about a triangular nose cone to have in closed storage over the cab, more secure and biggest reason better fuel economy. Not that that is a thought with the beast, but Very well thought out beautiful truck

@Here_kitty_kitty1 - 15.01.2025 08:14

But where’s the toilet!! As Bob Wells says, “we all want to know where you go to the bathroom”. Why not?

@lisas6056 - 16.01.2025 21:26

what did the total build cost?

@ToyotaWorldRunners - 17.01.2025 06:01

Such an incredible build. So much thought put into it, and we love the deck!!

@reggieroon - 18.01.2025 10:50

Are you guys professional chefs or something? I'm just wondering why you would have a box that big and spend so much of your footage on kitchen space and empty counter space. It looks like almost 70% of the build was just kitchen, just curious about that choice. It could have been such a spacious place with extra lounge space. It still looks good tho and it clearly works for y'all.

@Doomsday-Prepper70 - 19.01.2025 04:52

Hello. I'm new to your channel. This build is amazing. I enjoyed watching every minute of it. Looks like it's going to be great for traveling. I think I heard you say something about going to Mexico. If so, be very careful to avoid vehicle impoundment for any reason. Seems like the system is set up for the authorities to be able to keep people's vehicles. I saw it on another channel. Safe travels.

@graemeastin23 - 20.01.2025 00:44

That's awesome

I'm gonna watch the van build for sure ..

I want something g like this but in a box truck..

@Fro10079 - 21.01.2025 05:47


@theengineerathome7935 - 22.01.2025 02:54

Did you use any plans? Did you compile a parts list with manufacturers that you can share?

@ElMye - 22.01.2025 19:00

whaaat? NO washing machine? :):):)

@genoapb - 23.01.2025 04:12

Super awesome build but why in the world didnt you put the bedroom above the cab or at least something? Seems like a ton of wasted space!

@LeoMayrinck - 24.01.2025 20:01

how much the whole project?

@CeeCee1758 - 24.01.2025 20:25

This is amazing! I would love to know your cost.

@qdcoopah - 25.01.2025 06:58

Definitely in the top 2 DIY Earthroamers I’ve ever seen on YT. One question by you guys mostly living off grid are there any future plans of you adding outside KC/Baja lights to this phenomenal rig ??

@jameshummel7349 - 25.01.2025 07:57

Never tell anyone where you keep all your camera gear! Find a place to hide it

@DouglasVoigt-tu3xb - 26.01.2025 05:37

Wonderful…but what about a toilet? Composting maybe? Maybe I missed that part.

@stacyhackney6100 - 27.01.2025 07:18


@raymonddegennaro3097 - 29.01.2025 04:09

Nice. What do you do for secondary transportation? For example, if you’re in a National Park, do you pack everything up just to get to a trailhead?

@kirjuan13 - 01.02.2025 20:09

Great job guys. You make a great TEAM! I'm now a subscriber and I will sure follow. Just one thing, how much did everything run?

@silvere36 - 02.02.2025 11:25

Wow! Very impressive! How long did it take you to put it together?

@kayfay502 - 02.02.2025 21:56


@dunya_gezer - 09.02.2025 03:47

This is very inspiring. Thank you for sharing

@richardthomas1743 - 09.02.2025 03:55

Very nice!!

@BokkieBam - 13.02.2025 22:43

Camping in that gorge makes me nervous. Imagine a desert flash flood coming past

@norcoredneck - 14.02.2025 00:36

I realize you are mostly electric but a CO2/smoke alarm is a small safety device you should have.

@kdreed96 - 18.02.2025 15:51

Any idea what the finished weight is?

@michaelbadger7994 - 19.02.2025 08:17

Very nice

@alanrichardson7244 - 28.02.2025 05:42

Where’s your toilet?

@unluckytophat8132 - 02.03.2025 04:31

Take a shot every time this guy says massive

@sidabraham7131 - 05.03.2025 20:29

It's absolutely insane for some of these earth roamers to tag at $1 mill+ USD. And if one goes into the class A diesel pushers, they go as high as $2.7 mill USD. All for tickets items that depreciate faster than a falling piano.
I know it's a lifestyle but not worth it. Best if you have the skills & put in the labor like this craftsmanship couple did. Excellent rig 🥰

@garyhunt278 - 05.03.2025 23:52

Great build - so well designed and I love the balcony
