Was Homosexuality Added to the Bible in 1946?

Was Homosexuality Added to the Bible in 1946?

Red Pen Logic

1 год назад

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It’s really common to hear people say, or sing, that the word ‘homosexual’ was never in the Bible until translators with nefarious motives added it in 1946. Here's my response.

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@chuckliquor3663 - 09.01.2024 20:02

I mean, they didn't have a concept of homosexuality before modern times.

@cmj2072 - 08.01.2024 22:14

In the Old testament it says for a man and a man not to lay togther.

@ripmod1 - 07.01.2024 20:48

The New American Bible took 50 biblical scholars from many faiths over 25 years to complete. Anyone who thinks that they can understand it without a Catholic study guide are both ignorant and delusional.

@derrickteska9780 - 07.01.2024 18:11

There is plenty of gay references in the bible.

@wheatNtares - 07.01.2024 03:53

Well stated, sir.

@ihatezaxbysihatedominos9849 - 07.01.2024 00:42

The person on the right is a nutjob. You can see it in her face.

@tlucas7031 - 06.01.2024 20:45

I have a theory that this whole talking point originated from someone being disingenuous. Someone was hoping that people less familiar with the Bible would go grab an NIV, see the word, "homosexual," then go grab their grandma's KJV 1611 and see the word "effeminate," and figure that the argument must be correct. It survives scrutiny if people only do that bare minimum of research on the text.

@TheBirdGardenNB - 05.01.2024 14:27

YOU’RE NOT GAY? I gotta get the gaydar recalibrated.

@SI00000 - 05.01.2024 05:30

This is insane. Even the Quran 1400 years ago said that God rained fire from the heavens on the people of Lot because the men approached other men with lust rather than women.

@georgehorner1578 - 05.01.2024 04:10

Leviticus 18:22 , Leviticus 20:13 ,Deuteronomy 22:5 ,Romans 1:26-28 .

@Mermaid2261 - 04.01.2024 19:59

Look at the texts that refer to men lying with men and women with women. This occurs in the Pentateuch of the Hebrew bible in Leviticus, Genesis, and Deuteronomy (excluding Kings, and NT passages). There was a prohibition against it historically. Homosexuality was not used per se, but the allusion to the English term is obvious. This is still discussed and is heated today.
I don not think that this is an issue that will ever be solved or agreed upon. This will be left up to the individual, I guess.
In Christianity homosexuality did not mean pedophilia. That is an incorrect interpretation. Pedophilia has never meant homosexuality. The word or term "Zakar" is translated adult male, not child. It is misinterpreted and then alternately translated and interpreted to prefer a certain bias.

@saltyolbroad2962 - 04.01.2024 17:15

Oh please. They know it's wrong. Like every other sinner, they're just trying to make their sin ok.

@danielmalinen6337 - 02.01.2024 13:14

Few Funfacts: In Martin Luther's Bible, the word that today is translated as "homosexual" or "gay" in the English Bible was translated as "pedophile", "knabenschänder" in German. And according to the translations of the Bible we use in Finland, it is "an older man who abuses a younger man in sex" based on etymology, or better known as "pederasty" in ancient Greek culture (an odd initiation ritual where a father abused and raped his underage son (minor) to teach him to be a real man).

@MattFoote - 02.01.2024 07:06

The confusion comes in trying to separate behavior and identity for some reason. Someone practicing homosexuality is by definition a homosexual. It has nothing to do with the individuals feelings or attractions. If a man is attracted to other women besides his wife, but never acts on those feelings, is he still a polygamist? No, of course not. The same is true with this translation. Someone practicing the behavior of homosexuality is a homosexual. They cannot be separated.

@caesormann - 01.01.2024 23:32

The devil is a lie! The Bible is clear if that word is there or not

@thomasc2680 - 01.01.2024 17:56

So what’s wrong with gay sex?

@SantaFe19484 - 31.12.2023 02:18

I believe the word sodomy was used before homosexual was added.

@dand1485 - 29.12.2023 06:32

Sadly it DOES work!... On millions who do Not know the word of God... & it Keeps them on the path of destruction.

@stump1897 - 29.12.2023 03:50

Look a female playing priest…..

@mattportnoyTLV - 28.12.2023 01:27

This isn’t a recently invented prohibition. The ancient Jewish commentary says otherwise. It predates 1946 by almost 2000 years.

In fact, the commentary Genesis Rabbah states that the Flood was determined as judgement because humanity began to practice same sex marriage.

@tinyfreckle - 27.12.2023 14:30

The problem I had with the 1946 argument is that it doesnt really change anything because for most of history, homosexual relations have been illegal in Christian countries.

Being gay is also still illegal in many Muslim countries and the bible and the Quran are well known for being related documents with many parallels.

@DivineDianne - 25.12.2023 21:38

Amen. The bible says no. God says no. But some people twist scripture to fit their own sinful lifestyles. I pray that people are not deceived by these false teachers.

@eats4cheaps305 - 24.12.2023 22:15

Maybe the word wasn't. But it does say, "man to lie with another man" and calls that an abomination.

@weldonpinder7295 - 23.12.2023 18:51

Have you ever noticed that every lgtbq person who say theyre Christian never use the bible to show God approves of it. They either have to dig with a shovel to find claims from other sources and bramdon is the leader of that. The bible is never used for this purpose. I dont understand why they just say they wanna have sex in a abnormal way

@matthewmockabee2410 - 22.12.2023 01:01

I’m so confused

@gato_gamer8915 - 21.12.2023 21:25

"Must be a mistery" No, it means the same.

@paramedic135 - 20.12.2023 06:25

She seems super pleasant and bearable to be around

@acedia4453 - 19.12.2023 06:42

LOL, I have a German Bible from 1697. All of the same anti-gay verses are in there as well.

@ClansmanK - 19.12.2023 05:15

Lmao, is this some kind if joke?

@NotYourEchoChamber-cc9dz - 16.12.2023 13:28

This sin stuff is imaginary just like this god is imaginary just like salvation is imaginary. Neither are demonstrable l but the money that anti gay churches want is demonstrable 🧐. The Bible contradicts itself in the first two chapters and tells people how then can own others as property and thus is a piss poor source of morals and truth.

@kentstcharles9798 - 15.12.2023 05:01

The bible dose not speak in any way of men having sex with children, but in our heart it is wrong. God and the two Angels came to Abram and said we HEARD that the sin was great and come to see it if true, and the men of Sodom and boys (bible- 16 and over are men, like king David) They what to have sex, they did not know they were angels, but where Abram said "thats why they are here and at that the men got upset and said are you are judge - we will do wrost to you then them. The angel at then said get ready to flee, unstead of waiting until morning. Sin was all over all the land, but this one was way God desrosted Sodom and it's city. (Gays at Gay parades at sexaul like the men at Sodom. Also in Judges 19. (it better to rape a women then this, which the bile speak againg even husand of raping there wife. God dose not dislike gays and will forgive them a thousand time, but it wrong, the bile dose not in any way say men have sex with men is ok.

@kimberleylouiseprance445 - 13.12.2023 12:21

I love how you American 'Christians' can cherry pick from the bible to suit your version of Christianity. Leviticus also talks about burning the daughter of a priest if she becomes a prostitute. Also how do I find out if I am a descendant of Aaron the priest, I have a disability that would mean I cannot make offers of food to the church and does that also mean I cannot cook food for the annual church fair. Actually going back to the subject of a man lies with another man bit..does that mean that lesbians are okay?
And am I allowed to eat oysters or not?

@trith72 - 13.12.2023 00:55

Leviticus 18:22, aaaaaannnnddd we are done here, gnight folks!

@nickwilson5774 - 10.12.2023 13:13

Cant change the word. It doesn't work Mic drop ( 2000 yrs ago till now same yesterday today and forever

@alecmanst629 - 08.12.2023 22:35

Ah yes Because everyone before 1946 loved homosexuals. Not like homosexuality has been completely shunned from almost every society ever.

@dvnsdad1 - 07.12.2023 09:13

Wow great job breaking it down

@supermanfan5587 - 07.12.2023 01:52

I’m sick of this. So many do not know church history. It was decided by medieval council about 800 years ago. I don’t know who is worse the liberals pretending it’s newer or the Protestants that pretend that the Bible says it without the authority of that council.

@jerrycornelius3466 - 07.12.2023 01:10

We should follow what Jesus said about homosexuality..
Turns out Christ is unbiblical.......

@VikingMan44 - 05.12.2023 22:02

When did God say that we should care what the Bible says? Pharisaical devotion to the Bible is what nailed the Logos to the cross.

@beegs771 - 05.12.2023 21:06

Here's a question! Show me just one scripture of a gay / etc. " Christian " couple! The " act " is there but zero same sex Christian couples. It was never accepted or condoned only judged.

@moshegoldberg9685 - 05.12.2023 14:48

Honestly, why are there still people out there pretending that women can be leaders in a Christian Church....they cannot.

@MasterYoist - 03.12.2023 18:56

King James is responsible for many changes in the Bible.
Hence, the King James Version.
He was able to accomplish this because most people were illiterate.
So, James made a deal with the Pope and the Church in general.
They each got what they wanted with the changes that were made.

@isakstutorials4743 - 03.12.2023 15:42

before watching the video i just want to comment that it would be practically impossible to change something in the bible that late without anyone noticing there are millions of copies you couldn't possibly change them all

@ggwestin - 02.12.2023 23:40

THIS IS A SPIRITUAL LIFE/DEATH DEBATE! NOTHING CAN BE MORE CATASTROPHIC THAN CHANGING THE WORDS AND MEANINGS IN BIBLE PASSAGES THAT CAN KEEP PEOPLE OUT OF GOD’S KINGDOM. This movie was promoted on Supertalk 92.9 fm this morning.(Tri-Cities TN/VA) I am so troubled by it that I’m calling for a 3 DAY FAST. I will be fasting this Mon-Wed…please join me. I believe that this issue can DESTROY AMERICA. I’m asking pastors to preach the truth on this tomorrow!!! Remember we are to love sinners, and welcome them to Church. But then true love must include the truth on the LGBTQ issue. As this video illustrates, all accurate scriptures say the same for 2000 years, regardless of how this movie twists the truth. Watch this trailer (posted) …and know this MOVIE WAS PROMOTED ON A LOCAL RADIO STATION (that I was once did the morning show on). Would someone from Red Pen Logic join me via ZOOM or similar?

@inboxmail2053 - 01.12.2023 02:31

All they have to cling on to is their petty, bronze age sheep herders idiotic fairy tales to prop up their rampant homophobia. No wonder people are fleeing this cretinous nonsense.
