[ENG SUB] 역대급으로 시원한 도복 근데 쇼요롤임. Coolest BJJ gi ever. Shoyoroll WAZAIR BJJ gi review

[ENG SUB] 역대급으로 시원한 도복 근데 쇼요롤임. Coolest BJJ gi ever. Shoyoroll WAZAIR BJJ gi review

BJJ Gi Nerd / 주짓수 도복 덕후

6 месяцев назад

947 Просмотров

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@yoshitopgun - 23.04.2024 05:16

Woooow this is a very special Shoyoroll gi. I did not expect this. As always great review. Thank you, it‘s really appreciated 🔥👏👑

@Lee_youdoo - 23.04.2024 09:56

이런 재질이면 흰색도 수축이 아예 없을까요? 미공홈에서 직구로 구매해볼까 고민중인데ㅜ

@gordontufti - 02.07.2024 03:38

How has this held up and has it shrunk for you? Have you tried putting it in the dryer? Thanks!
