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Have a look at this site about Australia. It pulls together excellent quality video, photographs and information in a really nice way. You can explore, find exactly what you want and book pretty much everything you need for a holiday all through the one interface. Worth a look.


#beach #sufing #aussie #vacation #travel #australian #tourism #kangaroo #holiday #australia #bloody #hell
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@ClaireCZ - 26.01.2010 23:29

such a perfect place I wanna come back one day :-)

@MrMattias87 - 27.01.2010 08:48

no I'm not stressed i'm just glad to see you're learning from me in to spelling the word "whinge" properly. It's appalling to see an englishman who cant even spell or speak his own language. secondly mate, u started to whinge first but gee I just love that hypocrisy there mate.

@MrMattias87 - 27.01.2010 08:51're a kid judging the language of your comments mate. go do some english grammar homework sonny jim.

@maurosantossantos - 28.01.2010 08:28

waoooo!!! q bellezaa!!! =O algun dia visitare australia! =)

@Martin8120 - 31.01.2010 17:29

Australia is a great country, it always ranks around 1st - 3rd place on the United Nations Human Development Reports. It was ranked 2nd with Norway in front in 2009. Theres some f*ucking facts for u. ( UK ranks 21st ). The prince doesn't own shit, England doesn't own Australia, within a few years Australia will be a republic..

@creitosfl - 03.02.2010 18:40

I am going to live in Australia for one year :) I love Australia, beautiful country!

@DisForDave - 05.02.2010 02:18

@Zorica12 i like the irony.

@Zorica12 - 05.02.2010 02:37

Ya, last time I checked, I was watching a vid on Australia...not Turkey...

@matt2house - 05.02.2010 10:52

Um pardon me the welsh are british mate. they're part of britain as well as scotland and england. Hence the title the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland.

@MrMattias87 - 05.02.2010 10:59

That should be "dont tell me how to speak my language". Secondly mate you might be english but I'm australian and so I have a better command over english than you do mate judging your ill constructed comments.

@benjaminjanet - 06.02.2010 07:45

Australians ignorant? how ignorant of you to say that. australians rock!

@BeeAngelful - 06.02.2010 08:08

I heard that Australians are very racist, from some of the people I work with which is at a Hospital , however I don't believe so. How true is that?

@MrMattias87 - 07.02.2010 16:33

I'd say 5% of australians are racist and 95% are not. We're a multicultural society so everybody here is very tolerant except that 5% bit. Nothing to fear mate.

@MrMattias87 - 07.02.2010 16:33

well you're a typical whinging pom who cant take it up the arse.

@MrMattias87 - 07.02.2010 19:09

lol we're only gay on a tuesday mate. secondly u started to whinge first. like I said u cant take it up the arse.

@RudyHooks - 08.02.2010 16:54

This video is awesome

@Super9LiVeZ - 12.02.2010 05:26

We own all Aussies bitch im frum salford Manchester UK

@chopin652 - 12.02.2010 18:35

beautiful films i love australia

@MrMattias87 - 19.02.2010 21:13

u dont own shit and u never will matey.

@MrMattias87 - 19.02.2010 21:16

yeah why dont u mate it's about time u sush up heard enuff of your whinge.

@ECTBWHO - 23.02.2010 10:49

: )

@gendaline - 02.03.2010 00:12

Super9LiVeZ you don't even own a decent command of the English language, let alone anything else.

@allright18 - 02.03.2010 22:04

wow ! I am so Jealous...Please take me to this Heaven ...Down Under ..

@Catty235 - 06.03.2010 07:39

I really wish I can go to Australia one day! It seems really cool!

@spidledl - 08.03.2010 03:47

Lol not only is there the war goin on there, but theres nothin but god damn sand and turbin heads there either.

@Max5941 - 10.03.2010 17:38

Why are there soooo many low class people in Australia... the kind of people who don't wear shoes in public, park their car on their front yard and who can't say a sentence without using a swear word...there are soooooo many of these trashy people in Australia it's sickening

@matt2house - 12.03.2010 12:14

lol that happens here in england too mate....aka the chavs

@Max5941 - 14.03.2010 09:53

ya but in Australia is seems like the "chavs" make up about half the population

@matt2house - 14.03.2010 14:45

not at all I've been over mate.

@BjarteKFrnsdal - 16.03.2010 20:13

The most beautiful country in the world!!!!

@Funkteon - 21.03.2010 11:13

Visit your local travel agency to find out more about coming to a country that has become so 'PC' that white people are afraid to step outside their doors in case they offend someone and have a pie thrown in their face for allowing the immigrants access in the first place = ) I love it here, until I look in the mirror and realise again that I'm an anglo Australian and not worthy here.. Woohoo...

@TheMarty000 - 24.03.2010 11:11

You mean 7 apostles

@Max5941 - 03.04.2010 04:48

A nation founded convicts and the trashy, low class culture shows it.

@leonardomoses - 04.04.2010 06:49

@matt2house Welsh are celts just like Scots And Irish and are completely different from British ! United Kingdom is a group of countries, Great britain is what is known as England ! its clear that you have a low level of education !

@matt2house - 04.04.2010 07:29

erm if you read my profile you would learn of where I'm actually from, not reading my profile had clearly displayed your low sense of intelligence. And for your information Britain is made up of England, Scotland and Wales. So we're all british, England is just a part of Britain. Hence why we're called Great Britain And seeing that northern ireland is a part of the uk the official title is the united kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

@matt2house - 04.04.2010 07:31

And while we're on the matter here, why are you attacking me, I had said nothing bad on australia as I have been to australia several times and absolutely loved the place. So what thou your reasons mate?

@matt2house - 04.04.2010 07:31

And while we're on the matter here, why are you attacking me, I had said nothing bad on australia as I have been to australia several times and absolutely loved the place. So what thou your reasons mate?

@matt2house - 04.04.2010 07:43

further more we're one country. So Britain isnt just england mate, it's wales and scotland too. Hence why we're called British, so it doesnt matter if we're scottish, welsh,english or northern irish we're still British.

@MrPwnstar007 - 22.04.2010 22:48

@dasschlossamfluss Maybe you need to realise that you need to shut the fuck up.

@donnast59 - 01.05.2010 07:07

OMG LOL - I don't believe some of these comments. NOt even worth reading, let alone responding to.

@Xyllia - 09.05.2010 13:18

I love Australia, it's so beautiful town!

@Rodrigossss100 - 20.05.2010 22:25

Que lindo..Eii vamos torcer para que a australia sediar a copa do mundo em 2018??

@IstalkBananas - 27.05.2010 16:04

So beautiful!!! But the voice is kinda creepy....xD

@qerfii - 04.06.2010 22:32

my biggest dream is live in australia some day

@harmony224 - 19.06.2010 11:47

an endlessly boring and monotonous country

@harmony224 - 19.06.2010 11:49

What went wrong in Australia? Why is the culture so vulgar, trashy and low class? Is it because the country was founded by the dregs of British society and that low class culture has carried on through the generations?

@MagicalApples - 05.07.2010 09:05

I want to go to Australia! :/

@reflexx2369 - 25.06.2014 16:22

Been to that really long jetty

@julioa2526 - 26.06.2014 16:51

I want to live in Australia

@parsizaban1 - 26.06.2014 17:39

please take me away from australia the racist ugly boring place.
