6 Food Swaps for Weight Loss / Low Calorie Density Diet

6 Food Swaps for Weight Loss / Low Calorie Density Diet

Melissa Alexandria

4 года назад

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@LindsyyyyyLL - 19.11.2020 18:02

I love lemon or lime with the Italian herbs paste for a dressing. Frozen grapes are so amazing to snack on, especially the cotton candy ones. That blueberry dressing idea sounds yummy, I’ll have to try it😁

@marceali5381 - 19.11.2020 18:02

Hey Melissa.. this is super informative.. I needed this information so much .. Thank you Melissa it's very helpful 💚💚💚😚🤙🏻🌿🍃

@jo_de7880 - 19.11.2020 18:21

I make my oatmeal with riced cauliflower mixed in. I can’t taste it and I get a BIG bowl

@DeboraSchultz - 19.11.2020 18:35

Love my big bowl of oats! ❤

@jodyporta2188 - 19.11.2020 18:35

Whats wrong with plain popcorn with no butter? Air popped

@Rayaelle - 19.11.2020 18:46

Actually, I sub pop corn for crunchy raw vegetables such as snow peas, snap peas, green beans... to me, they're so good!

@camietinydancer - 19.11.2020 19:10

How many scoops of oats do you recommend for breakfast porridge?

@АринаИгнатова-х3ъ - 19.11.2020 19:23

You should do a video on oil free/low fat dressings and condiments! That would be super helpful

@sydneycook8983 - 19.11.2020 19:44

I 💕 my green smoothie I have most days. And I love that I am getting nourishing greens in me. So good!

@bekind3415 - 19.11.2020 20:03

If you love chips thinly slice a raw potato or 2 bake 15-20 min at 425 flip halfway through, use salsa or a home made bean puree with seasonings as a dip mmmm game changer for my snacky self or use 100% organic corn tortillas that are made with just organic corn water & or lime bake 5- 10 min sooo good .

@cendril2 - 19.11.2020 20:12

I want crunchy snacks...

@bujiknits - 19.11.2020 21:49

great tips. I need to stop w/the popcorn; that is a biggie for me. love the idea of the grapes. will stock up. thank you!

@ms.beltran8895 - 19.11.2020 23:02

Thank you for taking your time to explain everything to us.

@chrissywebb4884 - 20.11.2020 01:34

Love your channel beautiful lady xxx

@persephone213 - 20.11.2020 01:47

Great tips! Have you ever considered doing a collab with Healthy Emmie? I think you both would be awesome together! 💖

@1idontwantausername - 20.11.2020 02:11

YESS! My go-to snack is a bowl of frozen blueberries! LOVE IT!!!!

@Lisa-b9f2m - 20.11.2020 06:11

I love oatmeal, and I have even tried it with some chunks of zucchini mixed in and cinnamon. My question is why do I always hear from so many people in weight loss videos say that it is not good for weight loss?? Also, to those people that mentioned using diced cauliflower, what a great idea!

@AutumnBRreeze - 20.11.2020 13:10

I see you love cinnamon, I do too I suggest that anyone whose obsessed with cinnamon make sure your using the Ceylon and not usual Cassia, a teaspoon or more of Cassia(ongoing)can cause cancer liver,and kidney disease.

@annamoukhtarian941 - 22.11.2020 07:38

Thank you for another great video! You have beautiful hair. Can you please make a video on how you take care of it. 🙏

@bynro7 - 23.11.2020 17:13

I do all of them except the last one. I plan to use that tip tonight! Thanks SO much!!!!!

@valdamarielegault1907 - 21.12.2020 20:18

I actually add kale and spinach and loads of other fruits, turmeric, cinnamon, oat milk. A date and oh my! Deliciously nutritious!

@Sukerkin - 26.12.2020 04:15

I have to say that I think you should use those before and after shots more often when you reference your weight loss, dear lady. Because I think that many will react to a twenty or so pound reduction as “not very much” whereas, because you are so tiny, that is a LOT! :).

@midwestbadger2503 - 02.01.2021 07:29

Can I mixed ground up oats with my smoothies?

@catladyjai1113 - 15.01.2021 00:55

Chips. Spiralze a potato and air fry it. It turns super crispy without oil. Its amazing

@leegarlin3370 - 16.01.2021 04:32

Thank you

@catherinebell122 - 17.01.2021 16:12

Hmm. Somehow, my green juice, heavy with celery, is very satisfying in the morning and late afternoon, along with green smoothies .

@annedonker4795 - 28.01.2021 05:38

great tips. I make my oatmeal with water because I don't like any kind of milk taste wise. In that case would you recommend adding chia seeds to the oatmeal for nutriitional value?

@livemoreraw2875 - 04.02.2021 09:28

Love your hair like this!!

@kimcrawford6528 - 15.02.2021 09:53

So helpful!!! Love your videos 👌🏻

@susieterry4276 - 06.03.2021 09:56

Thank you for sharing your knowledge in such a simple way. I didn’t know vegan “meats” were loaded with oil. I’m somewhat new to the lifestyle.

@deon8509 - 13.03.2021 15:53

This was a HUGE help to me thank you so much ☺️

@CourtneyRobinson - 13.03.2021 16:55

Thank you. I shared this with our plant based group. Very helpful.

@amberjohnston586 - 19.03.2021 20:56

Flavored balsamic vinegars are great to add flavor without extra oil!

@hannahx212 - 01.04.2021 23:31

Yes oil is high in caloric density but demonising it by saying it's 4,000 calories per pound lacks physiology knowledge. If you drank a cup of olive oil you would not absorb it all 100% due to a limited amount of bile produced by our bodies. You would simply excrete the excess.

@sarahmiller6636 - 05.04.2021 06:48

I actually snack on steamed baby carrots that have cooled in my fridge. They are bite sized, and sweet as well as a way to get more veggies in.

@kathyheberle3862 - 07.05.2021 01:07

Is it OK to do overnight oats with almond milk instead of cooking them? I do not like warm oatmeal!

@rosym6907 - 28.05.2021 22:34

I didn’t know that plain air popped popcorn was a no no, I eat 3 to 5 cups of this popcorn daily, could this be what’s hindering me from losing any weight even though I’m very good about what I eat and follow the starch solution rules to the letter.

@faithhopelove001 - 04.06.2021 19:10

I've made changes this week and I am feeling a lot better. I have about 8 lbs to lose. It's definitely that little bit that is so stubborn to lose. I have started making oatmeal for breakfast and have eliminated oils and PB. You are certainly right about not needing it. Water works the same! Thanks so much for your tips Melissa! Hope to see your new upcoming videos💕🌱

@BrittanyBella26 - 02.08.2021 22:09

Thank you for this video! You remind me of a dark-haired Isla Fischer! So beautiful!

@PinkFlowers365 - 14.06.2022 17:24

these videos are so helpful thanks so much
