Why this Jedi was the Most EVIL in the Order's History - The Fall of Atris

Why this Jedi was the Most EVIL in the Order's History - The Fall of Atris


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Sky Mabile
Sky Mabile - 19.11.2023 23:00

To the think there'd be less "Star Wars" if the Jedi employed professional shrinks.

Emotions are fundamentally normal and natural and the Jedi trying to reject is so fundamentally unnatural as the jaded Republic citizens percieved them, they had more Dark Side-induced turnover rates than the old Jed'ai or Luke's new order combined. Best examples are Dooku's apprentice, Komari Vosa from Star Wars Bounty Hunter and Qui-Gon's own "Darth Vader" Xanatos from the Jedi Apprentice books.

midgetydeath - 13.11.2023 00:38

Atris was to herself and her followers what her reforms were to the Jedi Order. And they met the same fate: purgation.

midgetydeath - 13.11.2023 00:35

Pre-Atris's reforms: Jedi almost never fell to the Dark Side and would make Bane and Sidious look like younglings to the point they were called godlike.
Post-Atris's reforms: The Prequels. Need I say more?

midgetydeath - 13.11.2023 00:26

Atris's beliefs came from the belief in perfection. Which is something that is impossible to achieve. The Jedi way almost never saw anyone fall to the Dark Side for more than twenty thousand years by her time. She then facilitated changes that caused the fall of massive numbers of Jedi to the Dark Side and would plague the Order and the galaxy from then on until Luke Skywalker rebuild the Order in his own way. She and those who followed her reforms are personally responsible for all of that. What did they think would happen? Most of the reforms would obviously cripple the Jedi's numbers, growth, and ability to recover from losses while strengthening any enemy Force adepts who don't restrain themselves. Meanwhile the galaxy keeps growing and so does its population and therefore issues that require Jedi assistance.

On top of that, children who do not grow up learning to deal with their emotions and experiencing life grow into adults who cannot control themselves if anything disrupts their emotional equilibrium. What we end up with is things like all those Jedi turning to Sith during the war against Revan and Malak and then the numerous Jedi who fell over the proceeding millennia, including in those who fell during the Great Galactic War and the reason the Jedi were completely overwhelmed and weak at the time of the Sith Empire's return, and of course the New Sith Wars causing apocalyptic damage to the galaxy thanks, again, to emotional instability causing Jedi to fall like flies to the Dark Side AND be too small and weak to defend the Republic from the Brotherhood of Darkness. They weakened further from the Ruusan Reformations and this kept adding up until they were basically useless and helpless by the time of the Clone Wars.

Initially you had to be at least fifteen (or species analogue maturity) to join the Jedi Order. You needed to be able to make such a commitment of your own volition. And adults would be the best recruits as they already were emotionally mature and understood the realities of life, were capable of true commitment, and could apply their own knowledge and capabilities to the Jedi teachings. They also had developed minds and so could pick up on using the Force dramatically faster than any child.

Honestly, realistically speaking, it is literally unbelievable that A) no one in the millennia after Atris wouldn't be like "Okay, how we did things before the reforms had like, two Jedi fall and one of them doesn't count as he was brainwashed by magic bullshit. How we do things now has entire armies worth of Jedi falling all over the place. We should go back to how it was or close to it. and B) the idea that the Jedi or Republic would ever accept the Ruusan Reformation. Like, at all. You're telling them after an apocalyptic war to make themselves entirely helpless and also expecting the politicians to relinquish practically all of their power. Yeah, that isn't going to happen. Ever.

midgetydeath - 12.11.2023 23:52

Her reforms all completely ignored that the problems she thought she was solving DID NOT EXIST.
For example, Padawans. Padawans in her day were essentially college students. They were not apprentices. She removed their entire caste and slapped the word "Padawan" onto the role of apprentice. An apprentice was a different matter outside of Sith. Think about that. SHE REMOVED THE STUDENT CASTE FROM THE JEDI ORDER. Just think about how bad that is. This both means that initiates cannot become knights if there are more initiates than there are knights and masters, and there will always be maaaany more, which also makes growth almost impossible and extremely slow simply due to lifespan limitations, and that padawans can only learn from one master and therefore all the unique knowledge and perspectives of any knight or master who dies without passing on their knowledge will more or less be lost and that no knight or master will benefit from the teachings of any other outside of reading texts or the like.

This was one of the worst ideas she had and it completely crippled the Jedi Order and fucked the galaxy over so damn hard in the future.

Howard P. Lovecraft
Howard P. Lovecraft - 15.10.2023 02:55

I actually have a soft spot for Atris. She is a deeply flawed character and some of the things she's done are absolutely atrocious, but she is also a tragic character, living in her self-exile, bitter and torn by the things that happened, unsure of herself and her own beliefs, and unbeknownst to her, slowly succumbing to the dark side via the holocrons she meant to use as a tool.
She's a bitch for sure, but there are reasons why she became such a bitch, and she says it herself in the end - "it is what I did with such pain that caused the wound".

Frost Wolfe
Frost Wolfe - 28.09.2023 03:49

🤐 Shame we didn't all this in KOTOR2.

Rey Villegas jr
Rey Villegas jr - 22.08.2023 03:11

Atris is the perfect example of people focusing on religion aka the "jedi" and not spirituality aka The Force. Sees the evil and errors in everyone and everything, believes their beliefs is perfect and the only way,making up and enforcing rules, making up and breaking said rules when she saw fit yet were 'justified" if she or other Jedi did something they weren't"supposed to do which made it right and correct. Believing she was immune to the dark side and just being full of bantha fodder😅 sounds very similar to religious people here on earth,they can't be reasoned with and are going to hell for not believing what they believe in 😳🤬

Mighty Infidel
Mighty Infidel - 14.08.2023 23:35

I don't get what is so bad. So she's a space Karen.

MechanWhal - 11.08.2023 23:18

"You have all these rules and you think they'll save you."

Dr. Bright
Dr. Bright - 08.08.2023 03:05

Real reason, because she wouldn't give us back our lightsaber.

LUCA BESTEA - 30.06.2023 23:09

Wow, next time I'll wonder how it was like for a Master to educate 2 apprentices and not being able to see it, I'll know who to thank... she basically poisoned the Order and was possibly the one who planted the original seeds that caused Anakin's mistrust of the Jedi Order!

Blindluck92 - 24.06.2023 21:23

Atris desperately needed Meetra to be wrong, to roll over and admit she was wrong, so that Atris could then have that sense of validation from being the one to "fix" Meetra.
For the greater good, of course. Not at all because Atris had any kind of attachment to Meetra herself, perish the thought.

David Saylors
David Saylors - 22.06.2023 06:29

Yeah. Most evil jedi. Stupid title

Dave Roe
Dave Roe - 05.06.2023 00:58

Unrequited love?

Ethan Petro
Ethan Petro - 04.06.2023 08:58

I’m of the belief that had the Jedi taught both sides of the force they would’ve survived. As the grey Jedi code goes “There is no light
Without the dark
Through passion,
I gain focus through knowledge. I gain power through serenity, I gain strength through victory. I gain harmony there is only the force “ you can’t isolate one’s being to one side you have to teach both and that is why both the Jedi and Sith fail

Gary Taylor
Gary Taylor - 29.05.2023 03:16

Soooo this is the story of KOTOR 2?

UniGaming - 28.05.2023 01:51

The whole game series is like a high schooler's edgy fan fiction

Jedi Warrior
Jedi Warrior - 27.05.2023 20:04

The Mace Windu of The Old Republic
Clinging to old and outdated beliefs
Shunning and banishing anyone who dared thought otherwise
Refused to believe her ways caused more damage then good

Revan and Luke{Legends content} were right to view change as growth, not dark side

Moi Levin
Moi Levin - 27.05.2023 08:43

How is she the evilest Jedi in there order history?

If anything it’s misguidance best way to describe her. Wouldn’t Pong Krell earn that title.

Daniel Williamson
Daniel Williamson - 24.05.2023 08:20

Space Targaryen.

There Is no war in ba sing se
There Is no war in ba sing se - 24.05.2023 03:04

Why is Disney so obsessed with women? I'm noticing a trend here.

Jest - 23.05.2023 18:30

Jocasta Old 😂

HoZ D - 22.05.2023 18:16

She was a darksider who had studied a few sith Holocrons....a sith she was not.

Had she slayed surik she might have become one though.

To truly be sith, one must give up what they desire most in favor of the dark side...to fuly embrace the code of the sith.

She did not.

bonerhalodude - 21.05.2023 23:03

All jedi are evil

Rome King
Rome King - 18.05.2023 21:39

Atris just wanted some kitty from the exile lol. Turned into a Jedi Master Ince.... said all jedi no longer get none now lol

TheNemesis442 - 18.05.2023 19:01

so killing younglings isn't as evil as what atris did? oh please....your moral compass is broken. you are just a bad person. you can't get more evil than murdering children.

Adonan the Stoic
Adonan the Stoic - 17.05.2023 17:01

Alright, both you and Wookiepedia say she was judged by the new council. What the hell does that mean? Was she exiled, executed, made to do 50 push-ups? That's a very anticlimactic ending. I don't blame you, of course. It just seems like her story doesn't have a proper conclusion.

GodWorksOut - 17.05.2023 04:49

I just want to see multiple Jedi on screen again. Is that too much to ask?

Joseph Handibode
Joseph Handibode - 13.05.2023 04:57

Considering they steal children

Chicken Draws Dogs
Chicken Draws Dogs - 11.05.2023 07:49

Soooo...she was behind those stupid strictures that caused Anakin's fall to the Dark Side as well.

xvp08 - 04.05.2023 02:45

b-but she wears the most white

Dyi - 03.05.2023 15:14

This just proves Jedis are dumb dumbs

Gideon Horwitz
Gideon Horwitz - 07.04.2023 04:24

The story of Atris is a microcosm from legends of what the wider Jedi order had become during the last days of the clone wars.

luis duron
luis duron - 06.04.2023 07:18


George Prchal
George Prchal - 06.04.2023 02:34

Bearded Jesus Jedi me had certain beef with her. Vrook too, he sucked.

Ho Daniel
Ho Daniel - 05.04.2023 06:22


Epsilon Leader
Epsilon Leader - 05.04.2023 05:58

I Like how this feels like a history lesson

Libor Ohaňka
Libor Ohaňka - 04.04.2023 20:06

She was one that FK whole order! Or was spearhead of decisions that did it. Her philosophy was one of main reason (if not the main reason) why Jedi fallen in RoS. Decision of not taking part in Mandalorian war did divided Jedi (and if whole order did participated, maybe some things like creation of our Lord Hunger and others could be prevented, but this is really uncertain) and because of it, they didn't know about hidden player that controlled mandalorians and was source of new siths (they could probably prevent it too, if they knew about were Revan went). Her genius plan basically killed Jedi order (it was already dying, but there was chance). And them she decided to study dark artifacts alone without help. That should be main rule what to not do! Not attachments! She fallen of course. But Jedi order still use her philosophy until the end... Only Jedi would do such stupid thing.

henry - 01.04.2023 11:28

Atris is a true monster she should have been a sith

ChromxRobin And CorrinxCamilla Lover And Supporter
ChromxRobin And CorrinxCamilla Lover And Supporter - 13.03.2023 00:45

Oh look, my wife.

BaxterAndLunala - 01.03.2023 06:05

"She had become the very thing she swore to destroy." Now where have I heard a sentence like that before?

Lissa Dawes
Lissa Dawes - 28.02.2023 05:22

I think Atris and Surik are hotties.

Jasper Mario
Jasper Mario - 27.02.2023 22:02

they were "sPeCiAl FrIeNdS.."

n.k.warner - 25.02.2023 01:31

Sounds like Atris became obsessed with Meetra Surik

Groxy - 19.02.2023 09:56

I’m sorry but during my KOTOR 2 play through this bitch annoyed tf out of me

N B - 17.02.2023 08:39

*leave her with Sith Holocrons*'

Dark side Exile "It may be difficult to secure your release."
