Geetsly S

Why the BARBARIC Geonosians are SO Much Scarier than You Think Geetsly's 972,977 4 года назад
Why PADMÉ was the ONLY Person Palpatine Feared Geetsly's 126,884 3 года назад
Why Other Species FEARED The Devaronians Geetsly's 398,387 4 года назад
The CONFUSING Separatist Command Structure Fully Explained Geetsly's 260,121 11 месяцев назад
How Useless Were the Other Jedi on the Jedi Council? Geetsly's 1,236,819 4 года назад
Why Captain Rex was a DEFECTIVE Clone [THEORY] Geetsly's 1,104,348 6 лет назад
The Major FLAWS in Your Average Republic Clone Trooper Geetsly's 329,321 4 года назад