Why there is no such thing as an 'Orthodox' or 'Reform' Jew - Rabbi Manis Friedman

Why there is no such thing as an 'Orthodox' or 'Reform' Jew - Rabbi Manis Friedman

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@michaelosborn6812 - 21.05.2023 18:48

Please help me in my journey of conversion rabbi

@andypeterson2126 - 21.05.2023 18:58

Nah Brah, from a Goy like myself’s perspective I see the Jews as a spectrum. With really good Jews on one side and evil satanic jews on the other. The tribes of Benjamin and Joseph stand to times indefinite.

@alg11297 - 21.05.2023 19:03

There are no chasidic. Satmar or sephardic jews

@neilhyams8443 - 21.05.2023 19:29

We agree.

@mysandbox4879 - 21.05.2023 20:09

A Jew is anyone born to either a Jewish father or a Jewish mother or converted to be one. A person who was one of us but decided to join another religion is a bad Jew, although this does not necessarily affect his or her children.

@mysandbox4879 - 21.05.2023 20:16

Еврей - это любой, кто родился от отца-еврея или матери-еврейки или был принят в одну из еврейских ассоциаций в соответствии с установленным еврейской традицией процессом натурализации. Человек, который был одним из нас, но решил присоединиться к другой религии, является плохим евреем и лишается многих прав, хотя это не определяет стус его или её детей.

@RebMordechaiReviews - 21.05.2023 21:31

Inspiring words indeed but would the Rav please explain that when he says that "we are all Jews", would the Rav include those people who identify as Jews but only their fathers are Jewish? Would the Rav include those who identify as Jews who converted through organisations who do not recognise halacha from Sinai? Would the Rav include those who identify as Jews yet express their belief in Joshki as the Messiah?

@negationf6973 - 21.05.2023 21:35

I fully agree.

@yoav2573 - 21.05.2023 22:31

Inspiring words indeed, but there is an issue here. It is true we are all Jews. But I as a secular Jew will be the first to admit that ONLY orthodox Jews are continuing the Jewish way of life that our ancestors swore to at Mount Sinai. The respected Rabbi is not entirely correct in saying 'We are all Jews trying to do the right thing'. We have very different ideas of what the right thing is, and it is only Orthodox Jews who believe 'the right thing' is fulfilling the Torah that hashem revealed to our ancestors at Mount Sinai.

I am a secular Jew and have no problem in saying this truth. Even though I feel a great connection to the Jewish people and believe the Torah is a source of eternal wisdom and moral truth, I do not live my life by it, and do not believe it is the word of hashem. As a result, I am not living my life by the 3000 year tradition of how a Jew is supposed to live. Nor do I intend to.

I seriously dislike it when secular Jews pretend otherwise.

@cleopatraargiracs89 - 24.05.2023 14:41

Baruch Hashem🙏🏼❤️😇🥰❤️🙏🏼

@WJDUET - 26.07.2023 06:29

RABBI MANIS FRIEDMAN's DEPLORABLE MINDSET- (HARSH REALTY EVIDENCED ON RECORD) 1) Rabbi Friedman has claimed that the moral way to fight a war is to "Destroy all Holy sites and Kill all Men, Women, Children and Animals." (misguided interpretation/opinion of Torah scripture)." 2) Rabbi Friedman stated that "survivors of child sexual abuse are not as deeply damaged as some claim and should learn to overcome their traumatic experiences." (interview on Austrian TV) 3) Rabbi Friedman framed the holocaust as part of a divine plan. He stated “Who in fact died and who remained alive had nothing to do with the Nazis,” and “not a single Jewish child died because of the Nazis; They died in their relationship with God.” (as stated in a speech he made). * *Rabbi Manis Friedman's persona is a Shanda and Kharpe > Meaning: Shame & Disgrace in English)

@russbianchi8120 - 01.08.2023 08:29

Consider the book THE GREAT PARTNERSHIP by the late great UK Head Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks.

@gabrielleangelica1977 - 27.11.2023 22:35

Then please stop 🛑 telling Reform Jews that they're not practicing REAL Judaism...

@Nikolai9510 - 01.12.2023 03:40

Wonder what he thinks of converts to orthodox or conservative

@DovidMoshe - 07.01.2024 16:09

This has me in tears, Rabbi. I’ve been a conservative Jew for five years now sometimes I become over well by not being considered a Jew by the orthodox community, I was losing my faith in HaShem, because of it, which I understand isn’t fair. This war has brought me closer to HASHEM. MY SOUL STILL ALWAYS HEAVY, BECAUSE man reform and conservative jews, fight to defend Israel .. we fight for Land that doesn’t recognize us so again I get in my head and asked myself. Why am I doing this? I know this is all silly.

@genevieverinzler8674 - 29.04.2024 11:05

I truly agree ❤

@Bulvan123 - 29.05.2024 06:31

This nonsense has totally infiltrated Chabad. The definition of Orthodox, Conservative or Reform is not whether you keep 10 commandments, 100 commandments or 613 commandments. It's how commandments are interpreted & how the constant contradictions in Judaism are resolved. Its a reaction to the Enlightenment & Emancipation of the 1,700's & Jews trying to figure out how to live in the new reality. Reform Judaism came about because of this, Chasidism also came about because of this.
As my Rabbi & History teacher always says, "Reform Judaism is a modern movement & Chasidism is also a modern movement."

@arioctober - 31.07.2024 21:09

In-fighting will only tear us apart. Which Jew do you think is more likely to become more observant: one who is told they aren't even a real Jew, or that they're a terrible Jew... Or one who is invited to your shul, invited to your home, warmly shown how it's done by example. If you want Reform and Conservative Jews to embrace the Torah (by your standards, many of us will argue we already do) you have to embrace them first!

@boooboooboy - 01.08.2024 06:57

The fact this is even an argument is stupid. Orthodox communities need to stop hating on us conservative and reform Jews. I applaud chabad for trying to bring non religious Jews into practicing Jews. There model is truly Judaism at its Corte.

@urielm774 - 25.11.2024 04:35

Some fundamentalist Orthodox Jews don't even consider Chabad and Modern Orthodoxy as real Judaism let alone open Orthodoxy, conservadoxy, Conservative Judaism, Neology, Reform Judaism, Progressive/Liberal/Reconstruction Judaism, Renewal, Karaitism, Samaritanism, Humanistic Judaism, or Messyanticism.

@alittlebitofeverything6547 - 03.02.2025 05:10


@jules5394 - 09.03.2025 06:54

@rabbimanisfriedman Shalom and thank you for saying this. My lineage is maternal Jewish which I found out 2 years ago I was brought up Christian. Just over 3 years ago I felt a magnetic pull as if I was being guided towards Judaism. The Reform Beit Din chose my Shul for my conversion and I attend Shabbat services weekly. My conversion will start soon and upon this I will be reborn after immersion in the Mikvah. Undoubtedly in the future I will be asked 'if I am a convert?' to which I will always reply 'I am a Jew'. My soul has always been a Jew, I am a Jew and the rest of my life and in death I am still a Jew. The strong rooted tree of Judaism has many strong branches all reaching out to bring Hashem into our daily lives. Hashem is the nourishment of this tree and all branches receive nutrients equally by serving Hashem. Each of us were given life by Hashem to serve and Hashem did not create us to speak ill or criticise others because by doing so we would not be serving Hashem in our faith of Judaism. Born Jewish or to convert which is a long and difficult process of learning to serve Hashem and we are equally a Jew. If a heart and soul is filled by the faith of Judaism would Hashem see us differently, would Hashem be critical and think lesser of the convert who walked a long road of seeking the true faith of Judaism to be humble, to constantly keep learning and to ultimately give their life willingly to servitude . We are all Jewish and to truly love and accept Hashem we should love and accept each other. 🕎✡️
