very helpful for see students
ОтветитьI saw this video in my school project class of samajik
ОтветитьTomorrow is social exam so i am here 😂❤❤😊
ОтветитьVideo ta thikai banauxa yo bhai le tara ad vane chai attinnai
ОтветитьAnyone See batch??
ОтветитьWhole history in question paper100 mask
ОтветитьClass 10 students should watch
Ответитьthank you...
Ответитьprachanda gorkha 1927 ma hola ni establish vako chai ..jun nepali ma 1983/84 hunxa ani BS 1988 (1931/32 ad ) ma chai bomb padkauna khojeko
ОтветитьOne reason i think people of old times used to think nepal was best at King's time is becauss they didn't have any idea how outside world is, they used to live in a small pond and used to think this is most developed thing
ОтветитьNepali dhruv rathee
ОтветитьYu sab ta social book ma xa same class 10 k9 book ma
ОтветитьBro covered 5 chapter worth of history in 16 mins which takes teachers whole week.
ОтветитьVery nice ❤
ОтветитьBro can you make video about Nepali Myanmar gurkha history please
ОтветитьLegends always seen 2099 BS who is first lucky man ❤️🇳🇵✅
Ответитьराजा सहित को हिन्दू राष्ट्र नेपाल जिन्दावाद
Ответитьयसमा बीचमा "सिंह दरबार काण्ड" भएकाे छ । जुन काण्ड रामप्रसाद राईकाे कमान्डीमा भएकाे थियो भने । उनकै नेतृत्वमा भएकाे थियो । उनेले भनेका पनि थिए " उनले यो सब थाहा पाएपछि एउटा बैठक बोलाए र “यो त जनता र गणतन्त्र माथि नै धोका भयो साथि हो हाम्ले मोहन शमशेरलाई प्रधानमन्त्री बनाउन यो लडाई लडेका थिएनौं अझै प्रजातन्त्र आएको छैन् प्रजातन्त्रमा राणाको तुष्ष पनि बाँकी हुनुहुँदैन् ” । देशको पावारफूल ठाउँ राजनीतिको केन्द्र कब्जा गर्नेलाई इतिहासले थिचोमिचो गरेको छ ।
ОтветитьSo many events put up in 16mins of video. This is very thoughtful. Even as an eighth grade average student, I found myself piqued about the history of Nepal and was actually able to understand this very clearly. Thank you sir!
ОтветитьThanks for first 20 subscribers 😊
Ответитьनिरङ्पुश पन्चयात सुरु गर्देइ राज्नितिक दल र राज्नित उदेश्येले प्रेरित बर्गिये सङ्गथनमा पर्तिबन्द गरेर संसद र सरकारलाई बिलम्बन गरि राज्नितिक दलमाथी प्रतिबन्द लगाइ राजिनितिक कुदर्शन र निर्दलिये ब्येबस्ताको सुरु भयेको हुँदा बि.सं 2017 पुस 1 लाई black day भनिन्छ।
ОтветитьThis will help in my exams thank you
ОтветитьNice editing👀
ОтветитьToday is social exam,so I here 😆
ОтветитьTomorrow is samjik,s exam and I'm here ❤️
Ответитьthank you 🙏 it is very helpful for class 10
Ответитьclass 12 social students
ОтветитьPre-SEE chali rako xa 😂😂
ОтветитьLittle sad news 😢
ОтветитьWhose exam is tomorrow guys
ОтветитьExaminers can share their pain here
Ответитьdada voli social ko pre board xa ma tw yei bata padhi rw xu thank u da
Ответитьpresentation wow ❤
ОтветитьNeed full history of nepal and Nepalease people ❤ before 18 century
ОтветитьI want you to make videos on mukumlung controversy... please check and study properly about it... please make some videos on saving mukumlung
Ответить5 /5 janaho mantrimandal ma
ОтветитьToday social exam thats whi i m here
ОтветитьKasto bujhnai garho bho ,eti dherai neta haru ko Naam raix yaad garnu nai garho bho 😩😭