Tategoi and Tateshita | Highest Quality Japanese Koi Fish

Tategoi and Tateshita | Highest Quality Japanese Koi Fish


3 года назад

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@pidsme9549 - 08.01.2021 15:21

Do you know the price range of tosai in japan?

@tarsan17 - 08.01.2021 15:43


@michaela-be4le - 08.01.2021 15:44

Yet more interesting & much appreciated content :)
I suppose any breeder from any part of the world can refer to there reserved koi as ' Tategoi ', after all, the term simply refers to the koi that in the eyes of the breeder are considered the best quality :) However, no dealer should employ the term 'Tategoi' in such a misleading way.

@tarsan17 - 08.01.2021 15:44


@panickedwatermelon4648 - 08.01.2021 16:59

So my Japanese koi are around 80$ for a 15cm ish koi fish including tax and shipping here in Cambodia (south east Asia). I think this a reasonable price and quality for tosais right?

@jeroennishikigoi1164 - 08.01.2021 17:43

I think that “tategoi” is a term being wrongly used. Just like “high quality”. Sometimes i see tosai going for €125 or €200 are called high, or even very high quality Koi and i dont think that is tru. I do think that some of The dealers have a good connection with a breeder and than they can choose a few koi out of the reall tategoi pond. But 5000 euro’s and up are the prices you must think about. I think high quality sells for around 700 to 1000 euro’s and very high quality is going from a 1000 to 2500. And between 2500 and 5000 euro’s you can buy the koi that have tategoi skin and body but just dont got the exceptional quality of a real tategoi.
And sometimes a breeder keeps tategoi 500 or something like that to grow but that doesnt maen that they are all gonna come out of the mudponds as diamonds.

@jeroennishikigoi1164 - 08.01.2021 17:45

Tategoi means that they have the signs that they are gonna get so good that they will go up in value.
Of you want the best of the best you must als for ichiban. The Numbers one hahaha

@edrianjaytalle681 - 08.01.2021 18:02

Nice content but super nice mind boggling question. .you have a point. .but us hobbyist, atleast we will be having a genuine high quality koi.

@aquafishworld - 08.01.2021 20:51


@dipukanaka - 08.01.2021 21:11

Thanks for information about new word Tateshita , expecting more in future, please do a video about Chamber filter system 🥰

@stubbsaquatics6080 - 08.01.2021 22:11

Thanks for sharing.. Great vid as always

@clarencemagtoto2778 - 09.01.2021 12:19

You may occasionally find a couple of tategoi included in tosai bulk orders which the producer may have unintentionally missed due to the fish being very late bloomers in addition to the fact that the producers can only afford to keep only very individuals for extended periods due to the limitations of their resources such as growing space (and are hence forced to choose only the "surefire" examples). The crucial thing is knowing the required criteria well and having enough patience for their emergence in the long term (this has considerably higher success rates in bulk orders from producers who are highly renowned for very strict specialization in particular breeds; i.e. Hosokai and Oya for standard narumi asagi, Iwashita and Yamaju for ginrin asagi). I was able to find two of my perfect narumi asagis (as well as my ideal yamabuki ogon) this way out of the bulk batches that my local retailers ordered from Oya and Izumiya. When I showed my asagi (then a nisai) to a Japanese breeder who visited here in the Philippines to judge a show a couple of years ago, he said that he would have kept it for some more time if he was the one that produced it (he specializes in gosanke breeds, but appears knowledgeable enough about asagi). Additionally, I read in a Koi USA article that Izumiya considers any koi which manages to grow to monster-size (at least 80cm) as tategoi since only tategoi have the capacity to reach monster size range.

@stevenlane2641 - 10.01.2021 12:08

When making selections, do koi breeders take into account the difference styles and varieties preferred around the world and the harder water in Europe and North America, which deepens colours or do they select for Japanese market. I agree with you, Tategoi is miss used by koi dealers to inflate the prices of tosai, which are not fish that have been kept in Japan to grow on. At the end of the day it’s all down to personal choices and budget. Stay safe and well

@Koi_Sachverstaendiger - 13.01.2021 21:21

Unfortunately, the term Tategoi is misused a lot. Customers with little experience will be tricked into paying way too much for Tateshita with the Tategoi label for their fish.

@Koi_Sachverstaendiger - 13.01.2021 21:22

A breeder usually doesn't let his Koi customers see his Tategoi at all to avoid the discussion about the price at which they can be bought. And should he sell them, then only at the price he expects a year or later

@himalalwis6860 - 16.01.2021 08:42


@Jboyd7171 - 26.03.2021 22:02

Great content. I'm guessing the PVC Pipe around the feeding area in the mud pond is to keep floating food in one area? Is that beneficial in some way? I thought the food would get eaten no matter where it floats.

@paulbates7146 - 31.03.2021 21:22

Very interesting and educational content that I have not seen on any other channel. I have subsequently subscribed. Take care and stay safe.

@dianawilson13 - 04.05.2021 01:06

I purchased a couple 'Tategoi' with the assumption that they'd be really prime, but what I got didn't really appear super great. I think it's a good marketing trick.

@geoffwinn3884 - 05.08.2023 11:08

I totally agree. The term tategoi is hugely overused in the U.K. too, mainly at koi dealers and shows to promote sales or enhance the price. I’ve been to Niigata a few times and I have yet to hear a Japanese koi dealer use the term tategoi. I truly believe that true Tategoi aren’t for sale as these are usually sorted and hived away in a secret koi house for the breeder to develop and grow on further. Tateshita (pronounced tateshshta), are really high quality and I see these as koi that the breeder would usually keep if they had the space but they are forced to sell as they have limited mud pond space. Also, any koi could be deemed as tategoi. A failed showa could be an outstanding Shiro Utsuri…
