Four-Star Park House Hotel Galway, Ireland

Four-Star Park House Hotel Galway, Ireland

Sheila Simkin

55 лет назад

1,963 Просмотров
Not only is wonderful Park House Hotel directly across from Galway Bus Station but also in the middle of all important sights. An excellent and popular hotel with good food and always crowded.

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August 8, 2021


#Park_House_Hotel #Galway_Ireland
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@chipwilliams403 - 19.09.2021 21:51

I can't believe all the desserts on the menu. How did you ever make a choice? The hotel seems very nice and in a really good location.

@danielintheantipodes6741 - 20.09.2021 03:23

I cannot remember the last time I made a Pavlova! I used to make them often. Maybe I will do one for Christmas. They are often made here at Christmas because they are nice to have in the summer. Thank you for the video!

@Drew206619 - 11.08.2024 07:47

Love that place great people good pints
