Well done Nigel, you got that absolutely spot on.
ОтветитьDid this hurt you?
Why don't you reason the same way you did with Zelensky?
Nigel is a snake just like the rest!
Ответитьsuppossed to be news not HISTORY
ОтветитьFarage is a shill
Ответитьamerica does not want to have any contact with europe or the uk they only want to friends with russia
ОтветитьHaven’t people learned yet
Farage always turns tail and runs off
Watch Daniel Davis Deep Dive instead of this Rubbish
ОтветитьOkay who took his muzzle off?
ОтветитьDenygel Garbaage is just a perverse ultra right wing mouthpiece rabble rouser. Nobody gives a s. what he says about anything.
ОтветитьHypocrites had to say that to save its political life. As wouldn't get a sniff at being PM . If it agreed with the numpty . Most of us are proud of our miltary. Who died helping them in Iraq and Afghanistan. F you knob a reject. Hope when trumper starts wars Ours aren't sent . As everyone knows USA are fricking useless at wining wars on own two feet . Vietnam a prime example. Humilated by the gurellia army of the vietcong . Fleeing while vietcong shelled Saigon .
ОтветитьNieg is wrong on pro rata Britain sending the same amount of troops, money, and equipment to Iraq and Afghanistan as the US. When I was in Iraq 09-10 the UK only had troops at the embassy and we had 100,000 soldiers there.
ОтветитьVance is an ignorant moron.
ОтветитьThe mistake Vance made was to allow the expectation that America had any responsibility to offer security guarantees. He should have said something like' 'Its a different continent and its the responsibility of the people of that continent to sort out their own security''. Of course America would like to help its allies in Europe but it doesn't help relations when they use disparaging and undiplomatic language against a duly elected President. Imo.
ОтветитьI used to like Trump but I've never seen any President F up so badly and so quickly. He's useless.
ОтветитьFrom the US, Nigel, shut up, you are not even holding any offices.
ОтветитьThe US should withdraw back to their own borders and let the British people deal with Starmer and his Marxist cohort.
ОтветитьRussia, Putin and China are not the enemy of Britain, our enemy is Labour and the EC.
ОтветитьYou could say that JD Vance's horizons are much narrower than expected if he has never heard of France and Great Britain. Or it could be the American school theme.
ОтветитьVance is back tracking 100%. Who was Vance referring to? Why did he not say? which country was at war 40 years ago? 40 years ago is the U.K in Falklands.
ОтветитьIf France and Britain wanted to send troops, who they waiting for, send them. Bit zalanskyy doesn't want troops, more like money is what is needed by zalanskyy... Al these people who protest are on payroll
ОтветитьJDV didn't mean any malice - 30 to 40 years, infact was 42 years (Falklands) for the UK alone, (( Iraq with the yanks) ) so he wasn't far wrong - the UK should calm TF down....Jesus we have bigger issues to worry about than such vacuous tatter.
ОтветитьTrump and Vance are traitors . I bet Russia has bum videos of them . Anyone who supports them is a rat .
ОтветитьEven too much for Trump fan Farage. But not a peep from Starmer.
ОтветитьBadenough has just signed her P45,” good friends with JD Vance” stupid woman get rid and totally reboot the Conservative Party
ОтветитьAt least we're aligned, the real danger comes from disunity
ОтветитьFarage good for you
ОтветитьNigel… fair play. For once you are being truthful. Vance is wrong. And a piece of shit
ОтветитьBut JD is a self proclaimed master at Diplomacy. His words, of course. Just a day after such a self proclaimed attribute. Why is it that all fascists feel so highly of themselves, just to suffer such humiliating defeat.
ОтветитьOf course if there are US business people in Ukraine they will be safe because the Russian army will be protecting them and they will ensure none get hurt while they mop up the remaining Ukrainians. Zelensky wants to walk away from this nonsense.
ОтветитьTrump also made a mineral agreement with the former Government in Afghanistan. Subsequently he made a deal with Taliban in Doha and we all know how that deal ended.
ОтветитьTrumponomics : Inflation ↗️ Unemployment ↗️ Growth ↘️ Stock market ↘️
ОтветитьIts astonishing that a UK political party leader has seemingly declared support towards USA withdrawal of support for Ukraine. I refer to the leader of the conservative Party statement that she accepts that the vice president of the USA was misunderstood ( seemingly so supporting Trumps plan for ending the Ukraine war) . This plan has been studied and declared as political robbery of benefit only to Putin. I dont normally agree with Nigel . In this instance I do.
ОтветитьEverybody needs to remember when Dump and Macron was visiting the allies war graves in Paris he commented to Macron calling all the dead soldiers suckers and losers. Macron was absolutely horrified. Dump made exactly the same comment when he was visiting Arlington cemetery. As everyone knows Dump was a draft dodger during the Vietnam War, due to his father’s involvement. You can’t make deals with a narcissist!
ОтветитьLittle tottler Vance is frence kissing Trump 💋 😅
ОтветитьYes jd Vance had insulted the UK and France, jd Vance is an idiot ignorance thinking with the us interest in itself is the best security that is a complete paranoid arrogant statement from him, look at what they signed agreement or treaty in the past in Vietnam and after that they did not honour it they betrayed them blatantly. There is no difference this time.
ОтветитьUS executives would get out pretty quick if Russians invaded again.
ОтветитьHe also try to lecture Europe about freedom of speech it is ridiculous; whatever he said were all rubbish.
ОтветитьVance is not a smart man
ОтветитьBritain is discovering what its Special Relationship with the US is really worth... Britain supported America in its time of need and now that Europe needs its support, it's told to get out its cheque book or else the US will leave Europe to fend for itself... Some friend and ally !!
ОтветитьFarage cost the country millions so what’s he talking about
ОтветитьGood grief the Conservative DEI leader can't even get her own party speaking with one voice. The Conservatives are forcing Labour on to us for 10+ years. We are truly screwed.! Thanks to the 1922 committee.👎
ОтветитьA vote for Reform is a vote for the Kremlin.
ОтветитьI’m glad politicians from the UK are now saying That the UK and Europe came to America’s aid when they Evoked Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, the one and only time it’s been in place, American Politicians need a history lesson if they’ve forgotten what’s happened since 9/11 in military terms with the USA and Europe in respect of Iraq & Afghanistan etc
ОтветитьLet’s be real, the US hasn’t decisively won a war since WW2 (and even that’s debatable). From Vietnam to Afghanistan, they’ve spent trillions just to get humiliated by farmers with AKs and IEDs. The so-called greatest military on Earth ran for the exits while a bunch of goat herders strolled into Kabul without breaking a sweat
ОтветитьNigel is a traitor. Of course Nigel has to say he disagrees... but he's lying. Sorry Nigel: I don't vote for traitors.
ОтветитьPeople getting the wrong end of the stick yet again. Bunch of ballbags
ОтветитьFarage is soft on stopping Putin.