Neil deGrasse Tyson: Astrology Explained Scientifically | With Kelly Clarkson

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Astrology Explained Scientifically | With Kelly Clarkson

Discovery Panda

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Diego Perez
Diego Perez - 15.09.2023 07:03

From a gravitational perspective everything does not influence you because of course stars dont revolve around you and also their effect on life on earth is near to zero (apart from the moon and sun). So i get where neil comes from, but, thats not the case of light. Light does ‘revolve’ around us from this perspective as if we were the center, and light doeas affect life, more that that, life was created because of the light and from it. Now going further from whats proven by science, what causes such complexity of evolution must not be the intensity of light but the information it carries at a quantum level, wich is a nature of light that cant yet be decoded (we just know wavelenghts and interpret the chemical source with an spectroscope). So doesnt matter how far away a planet is, it can have an effect on life here; by its very dim but whole light. I think its very possible.

RovingWind - 09.09.2023 19:25

Classic narcisim, disregard all data that you don't approve of. There have been hundreds of research projects that verify astrology associations.

Jack Kellerman
Jack Kellerman - 04.09.2023 22:41

So cringey watching a grown adult sheepishly ask if astrology is real, on national television. The telltale signs that our educational system failed us were here long before trumpism.

highdesertsukari - 01.09.2023 18:39

She's really trying to convince herself and support her belief.

Jamia Clabon
Jamia Clabon - 23.08.2023 22:03

Yeah people use it as a excuse to harm or be lazy.

It's honestly waste of time. Your birth chart doesn't make you who you are. I have a Virgo Moon and I don't act like it 😂 fake

Prad Gadagkar
Prad Gadagkar - 30.07.2023 16:15

Read KARMA is hidden by K2.......Will explain a lot more

oneoctavelow - 16.07.2023 01:36

"Do you think Mars gives a rat's arse about you?"... Science is no more than a method of inquiry into the natural world. I'm not denying science or it's methods. They are very valid. I'm saying that deGrasse is naive in his deliberations. Astrology is strictly interested in the correlation between the movement and geometry of astral bodies and the human experience. It doesn't aim to explain causation. Newton himself didn't explain what gravity was when he formulated the laws of gravity, it took Einstein to do this centuries later. Yet in spite of it gravity could nevertheless be accurately predicted by Newton without having an expressed idea of what it was. What erks me is the hypocrisy of scientists who promote ignorance. A simple thought for you to help you grasp Astrology can be along these lines... Have you noticed that generally when the clock indicators point at 12 on your clock dial you tend to feel hungry? By way of thought comparison De Grasse assumes that the movement of the planets must be shown to have a causal influence on the human experience in order for Astrology to be valid... it is like saying that unless you can show causality between the movement of the clock hands and your appetite you're just spreading falsehoods. In essence De Grasse wrongly assumes that it is the clock hands that causes the hunger....or that it is the planet Mars that must be shown to cause the specific experience in order for Astrology to be valid. He's got it back to front. Think of Astrology as a very big clock. The biggest clock imaginable in fact. It works on a universal principle called synchronicity (read Carl Yung) and unless you study it's history and origins you shouldn't just dismiss it off the cuff. It's been around for ever for a reason. The falacy De Grasse exposes us to is one where we risk failing to convince Newton that the universe is in fact relativistic. A little modesty might suit him better.

089_Neeraj Gangadharan
089_Neeraj Gangadharan - 29.06.2023 02:46

This is the stupidest thing Neil ever said that I've heard 👏

Francine Gee
Francine Gee - 09.06.2023 11:52

Just because he calls Ms. Clarkson out on it, Mr. Tyson was born (if the internet is correct) on October 5, 1958, nine years later than the baseball and crime writer Bill James.

Mahendra Das
Mahendra Das - 06.06.2023 14:21

You are born not when yr mother gave birth to you but the time she conceived.
To me Astrology is not science and guess-work based on assembled data.

Pedro Alvarez
Pedro Alvarez - 25.05.2023 10:40

Dumb ass idiot then why every Leo act like a fuckin Leo? Why every Pisces a simp? Science isn’t perfect we need spirituality to FILL THE GAPS

Victor Neely
Victor Neely - 16.05.2023 22:45

Neil deGrasse Tyson an ACTOR playing an astrophysicist.

La Haza
La Haza - 02.05.2023 18:47

I'm completely flummoxed that people still do astrology, but to be fair; the next question would be; maybe it's not about making it about "us" but maybe that those things "affect" us.

oneoctavelow - 01.05.2023 11:33

It is sad to see how ignorant Neil de Grasse is.

America - 11.04.2023 07:03

Sell out

Gabriel Garcia
Gabriel Garcia - 23.03.2023 15:39

Some valid points but some not so much. Wouldn’t January in Mexico be a bit different than January in Switzerland?

iAmaze87 - 05.03.2023 23:51

Egypt is origin

Marc Peterson
Marc Peterson - 21.02.2023 22:02

My take on this is that there is surely much that isn’t yet known on the effects of planets, orbits, etc… because we might not have the correct tools or approach or ressources put in to understanding this but when you look at « real » astrology which takes into account time and location of birth, it shows that everyone has a unique astrological setup. Taking into account planets and cosmic bodies that take centuries to orbit the sun, others that orbit multiple times a year, their interaction between each other, etc… you can imagine that this much have at least some impact, whether in terms of energy or gravitation or something else (I’m definitely not an astronomist or astrophysicist). But it is interesting when you take « pro software » and see every transit taking effect at one given moment, and see that there are general trends during pretty precise periods and when I look at this for people around me it seems to be pretty on par on those « nothing is going right regardless of my efforts » periods and « somehow everything is just clicking ». It won’t tell you your future but it seems to describe your current « atmosphere » surrounding you. There are long phases that are super challenging and that you have to survive through with brief « positive » transits that let you breathe and the opposite at other moments. I’d really like there to be a sort of scientific explanation one day on this « ancient art ». But people relying on « Daily horoscopes » based on just a star sign is definitely not reliable and it doesn’t serve the « art » 😅

Jordan - 17.02.2023 21:53

Kelly kinda kept interrupting it was really distracting lol

H Hustle
H Hustle - 04.02.2023 04:36

In other words, science hasn’t figured it out yet. But seriously he doesn’t even believe in God. so, I would have been surprised if he said he believed in astrology. 😂

Jason H.
Jason H. - 18.01.2023 13:49

Neil gives a great introduction to Science for those that have little understanding of it.

MojoKiss - 25.12.2022 21:35

Neil deGrasse Tyson just blew my mind in the field of psychology, of all things

Common Wunder
Common Wunder - 02.12.2022 23:59

Interesting 'off the cuff' remarks... but he's still not addressing,
the believers, or their faith adequately.

Nutritional 'seasonal' variants, as an 'ad hoc' hypnosis is just nonsense.
All babies were breastfeed for 'most' of history.
The Mothers dietary intake... would also not compensate,
for any fluctuations in repeatable yearly increments, vis-a-vis personality.

The 'believers' believe that the emotional temperament of a person,
is 'cast' at the exact moment of their birth. Not over days or weeks.

No Astrologer or follower believes that Mars or Saturn,
is a personification of a deity or has an entity.
Metaphors are used, as in 'god of war' etc,
but they realise it's a place holder for a certain type of 'energy'.

Astrology is separated into 'at least' two parts... one is all about your personality,
and the second is predicting how your personality will be affected,
by planets, stars and their positions, etc.
The second part is obviously far more precarious for believers,
to mount any kind of a defence of.
But the first part... that holds more 'surface' verity, than many would care to admit.
That's the real 'pull' and why it lasts so long in societies.
It offers a tangible glimpse into ours and others personalities.
It's a tool... that experts have not truly 'put to bed' as purely superstition.

Until a secular scholar understands the 'perceived' complexity of the subject...
and doesn't just belittle it... as below their pay grade.
This belief system will remain unchallenged.

Astrology is all about personality, that's why so many woman are 'intrigued' by it.
Women are far more interested in social interaction than men.
Males interested in science are usually either 'on the spectrum',
or sadly, too self-obsessed to care about how a belief system,
that is vital to so many... really operates or functions.

It is 'so human' to leave inexplicable behaviours uncontested.
Because they're beneath... those that should be guiding lights in society.
As of, the early twenty first century... these 'guiding lights' have debunked,
next to nothing of 'our' ancestral past and their beloved superstitions.

Missouri Plant Mom
Missouri Plant Mom - 22.11.2022 04:56

Your mother was pregnant for almost 10 months. When you were born is irrelevant, you were being created through several seasons.

tenj00 - 02.11.2022 11:05

Wow I didn't expect Kelly to be this cool. She is fun and smart. Very strange for popstars.

Alison A
Alison A - 31.10.2022 20:35

I can’t believe I used to think he was a brilliant man. He has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about. He acts like everything he knows didn’t come from astrologers. Astrologers, astronomers, mathematicians, philosophers, and a lot of the time doctors. were all one field at one time.
And he acts like humans went from ignorant to what we have now. There isn’t a single person alive today that could do what Ptolemy did. With all our gadgets and technology they still knew more than we do so to say they were ignorant enough to make seasonal correlations about health is f-being ridiculous.

lumoš Lumošovský.
lumoš Lumošovský. - 29.10.2022 03:24

Isn't he the guy who played Saul Goodman in breaking bad?

Jeff - 17.10.2022 01:09

The smartest word she knows is egocentric and it shows.

sovereign max
sovereign max - 10.10.2022 20:36

Ive been a christian then an atheist now im agnostic. Im 39, and im a pisces and when i look back at some of the instrumental people in my life one of the only things most have in common is Pisces and more specifically feb 25-mar 1. I cant explain it, i dont study it, i just believe there is something to it. Also ive had people try to guess my sign, by people that take astronomy seriously, and id say 60%ish have guessed pisces. So I respect it.

random commentator
random commentator - 08.10.2022 22:25

If astrology is true, it only proves that the world is a a dumb way

fallguyxlt - 25.09.2022 18:48

Wow! This is exactly what I've been saying to Astrology people for decades. Thank you Neil for having my back!

Shreesh Chhabbi
Shreesh Chhabbi - 19.09.2022 09:52

Universe doesn’t give a rat’s ass if Neil is right about this or wrong. It keeps on going! Neil - if you can’t explain bigger questions of the Universe, you have no right to say anything about astrology. Explain - the behavior of particles in quantum double slit experiment, delayed choice quantum eraser experiment, shape and size of Universe, what existed before Big Bang, where does matter go at singularity, why does electron have multiple positions for an energy state which path does it actually take around nucleus? We don’t understand rat’s ass about this world and we are ready to talk big about topics like astrology!

Ariondys Gray
Ariondys Gray - 22.08.2022 21:57

he's a loser who can't do enough research to figure out how to demonstrate astrology to himself. It's not that hard to figure out. There's no way he's a real astrophysicist.

Chantal M
Chantal M - 18.08.2022 01:21

Wow I find her so annoying.

Shane Bowles
Shane Bowles - 15.08.2022 23:07

Lol. Egocentric is the belief the Ego IMAGE is in control. And yet, it’s only an image and neurology and physics actually counter the illusion of free will.

J D1881
J D1881 - 12.08.2022 03:50

Fucking love this guy.

Wonky J
Wonky J - 07.08.2022 05:09

He literally proved it is real. We're born in a specific time and it changes our circumstances. It's not just nutrition. It's society and the flow of nature in general. Most people just don't understand the intricacies

Anthony Serr-Will
Anthony Serr-Will - 03.08.2022 04:11

Sometimes the matrix can really get ahold of me until this guy brings me back go reality lol

Ben Midas
Ben Midas - 30.07.2022 20:06

I dunno if im gunna agree with you there Neil, I hear you on the food and nutrition idea - but thats also extremely complex (in present-day America I can certainly get blueberries in winter for example, and provide vitamins for my child year round, unlike in the past). There are people born in California where its sunny every day, are they happier? Do they behave like their starsign based on their location? No. But Spookily and for no reason that nobody understands at all I personally have countless examples of people who act like their star sign says they should. I don't know why, nobody does, and don't even say it's a self fullfilling prophecy because many of them don't even know shit about astrology.

Austin Surname Withheld
Austin Surname Withheld - 27.07.2022 21:55

Neil’s explanations are shoddy on this one tbh. He’s probably gotten tired of astrology questions as a science communicator and gotten rusty on the actual breadth of the scientific method’s applications.

Jjgems - 22.07.2022 05:55

“You think mars gives a rats ass about YOU!” Lmao! That cracked me up. I’ve never believed in any of that crap and I’ve lived a pretty good life so far lol

Abhishek Bundela
Abhishek Bundela - 21.07.2022 20:00

He looks like a mix of Sagittarius and Piscean with a displaced Jupiter and Mars and an exalted Mercury in his 10th house of profession!

EYE 3 - 19.07.2022 22:35

this is not what astrology is... astrology is the science of studying the subtle body. The different signs are aspects of the soul and celestial events have a direct impact all our beings because As Above, So below

Sincere Apex El
Sincere Apex El - 09.07.2022 19:53

I kinda lost some respect for him for this.
All of his points were off and elementary in thinking.
Just because someone is smart in one area does not give them knowledge of everything. I would give constructive criticism to his points. But, it will go over many peoples head sadly.

Kim MacDermotRoe
Kim MacDermotRoe - 28.06.2022 05:23

The possible scientific basis for astrology deserves a more serious discussion.

J.R. Goralczyk
J.R. Goralczyk - 02.06.2022 09:38

This is a simple matter of definition, astrology is not a science in the way we chose to define the word since the claims being made are not testable! The leaps in logic are just too big. You can say that the stars send magnetic fields down to earth and that everything influences everything else through gravity, and this is the science of physics. These observations have lead to theories which represent our current, and most probable explanation of phenomenon. The leap to it influencing our personalities in predictable ways is untestable and unscientific, at least with our current tools and understanding. If astrologists really wanted to help their own cause, they would study something like astrophysics, in an attempt to bridge this gap. Unfortunately, those who try to prove their arguments using a series of disparate facts taken out of context likely also have little to no clue about how actual scientific research looks. We are supposed to be living in an enlightened world at this point, and the advent of modern science was supposed to wipe out all ideas of religion, yet people clung to it because of their ego. We live in a very exciting time when we may soon travel to other planets, synthesize new forms of life. Actual science takes time, it is difficult to learn, we often get it wrong, science is willing to admit that, but astrologists are not? Proper science is not a system of beliefs. A scientist must always be willing to alter their current understanding if a better explanation presents itself, unfortunately even in science ego might get in the way, and we do not do a perfect job. But the intention still stands.

Bullshitttttt - 01.06.2022 23:12 is not about YOU

Raja Faheem
Raja Faheem - 01.06.2022 09:24

Itz ist time, someone talks more than Dr Tyson
