How to Reprogram Your Mind for Greatness | The Bedros Keuilian Show E042

How to Reprogram Your Mind for Greatness | The Bedros Keuilian Show E042

Bedros Keuilian

1 год назад

183,926 Просмотров

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@trunskyman2636 - 30.08.2023 12:19

This is the greatest comedy show I've ever seen

@DREWTENO - 02.09.2023 20:53

Lauren has to drive Lauren has to push Lauren has to want to be better. That loser didn’t want shit

@Tawotrading16 - 03.09.2023 21:50

A thing for me is spiritually I deal with it as in don’t beg don’t go out and be the rich man don’t push away anything let god help you. But at the same time I have this fire where I wanna destroy I wanna make it I have to. I don’t have a choice. But I am curious how you would look at how I am feeling

@retrodadstl - 04.09.2023 04:51


@Zagro420 - 08.09.2023 20:07

⚠️⚠️ I was subscribed until i hear that if someone not ready to get a ticket and book a hotel to come to California listening to your live show then you doubting him being serious having his 2.0 version , that’s tells me alot about what you are selling & im not buying it anymore so fk it , your live show and my 2.0 version that i would get from your show , unsubscribe 😂😂

@bjmuyano6931 - 19.09.2023 00:38

Hi Bedros, just wondering if youre hiring / sponsoring immigrants if they qualify to work for you? I am really interested in working for you to get free coaching and be able to go through the same high speed train!

@mattc8852 - 21.09.2023 15:09

Michael Tyson lol

@ChrisPatrick8199 - 26.09.2023 08:32

Interesting, I am a male and was molested for years as a kid, have ADHD and OCD as well, and was basically told by my teachers what a fucking lazy loser I was who doesn't apply himself all though school growing up, and I was always depressed, shameful and have hated myself and hated the majority of my life.

@Motivids23807 - 02.11.2023 21:48

Please tell me where I can apply to work for you

@AzhaanEbrahim - 18.11.2023 14:36

Stay hard Stay Relentless😎💪🏼🥇

@SiaseMonamane - 18.11.2023 22:09

Thank for for the rejuvenation of mind with the massage all the way from South Africa

@isabelbedon9316 - 20.11.2023 05:13


@jimmycrackkorn1596 - 30.11.2023 23:02

Hey Bedros,
Id be nice if you came to my town.

@anthonytroxell - 10.12.2023 04:04

I need friends like you in my life

@juliepichel9352 - 08.01.2024 20:01


@isabelbedon9316 - 22.02.2024 18:43


@billygreen3515 - 02.03.2024 21:18

I been watching a video daily to catch up, and it's plenty of information.

@alanluper9269 - 14.03.2024 17:17

Great video BK! 😊❤

@Linius777 - 23.03.2024 16:55

thanks for useful information man 👊 started listening daily now !

@frankschefer3677 - 29.03.2024 20:01

We have the same history. The only difference is that I am from Brazil.

@Jrich22 - 08.04.2024 21:06

Not sure if you have a video out on this or not. But you should do a list of your favorite self help books that you have read.

@BaranDanny - 08.05.2024 19:12

Back that 🫏 up

@TheHannibalTV - 02.07.2024 03:52

Sorry to hear about your story around the 11 mark

@TheOpportunityofaLifetime - 02.07.2024 08:47

I quit my 9-5 today, it feels so liberating!!! Thank you Bedros for keeping me company at work on Spotify!! now I have subscribed to your channel as I will be working on my business in the library most times so I will be watching you!, actually today was the first time I saw you talk. I want to say I am also quitting my soccer team today not because I don't love the sport but because they are not LIKE MINDED at all!!, they are mostly Aussie but you will be surprised the racism that exists, anyhow I am not here to talk negative just to thank you for your content and that because now I won't be playing on Sundays anymore I have decided to take Bedros Keullian's challenge!!! I will start tomorrow!! Also you mentioned you do JU JITSU and I looked it up and it is similar to wrestling and I was a wrestler in my 30s and that desire to be a wrestler again has sparkled in me 20 years later!!!! so thank you for the info! and all the info you share is so inspiring and I like the fact that you tell people how it is in BIG words that I think "My God!!!! if someone feels it is directed to them because the Shoe fits will be spewing at you! LOL" anyway THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! keep it up!!!

@theadmiralboom1713 - 04.07.2024 17:29


@jcm_studios_ - 16.08.2024 20:52

Thanks BK! 🫡🫡🫡

@mitchmoshiri1742 - 24.08.2024 07:10

Ya. That guy may have been a loser. But at least he quit and didn’t waste more of your time and money

@TwoWheels4ever - 08.09.2024 17:49


@theperfectprogression2294 - 25.09.2024 19:25

This was great until the end lmao talkin about “wokeness”.

@Humble_Bee. - 04.11.2024 21:11


@sidewinder7384 - 06.11.2024 22:08

Thank you!

@salvadorsaeztrombone - 19.11.2024 14:20

Thank you Bedros.

@gilyp4205 - 25.11.2024 02:13

To everyone trying to do their 110%, keep on reaching for your highest potential, tomorrow is a new da. If you fall, dust yourself off & get back up now. Remember this, Bedros is not perfect, hes just a man, just like you, just like the idiot whos at work, who thinks hes still in high school, tryin to break you down & bully others like a lame. Stay silent, keep to yourself, you don't need to be fake & have all the friends in the office, or high 5-ing all the meat heads & juicers at the gym. Do you! f-ck the next guy, this aint about who the alpha guy is or that he has the baddest car. Be humble, love your family, worship God & give Him the glory & be good to yourself. Again, this Bedtoast dude, just a man whos going to turn to dirt like you. HIT LIFE HARD, DONT TRUST ANYONE, F-CK FRIENDS, GOD OVER MONEY!!!!!!! (much love) ❤

@stephen-mac - 03.12.2024 22:52

What's more surprising is that Buster Douglas was knocked down by Mike Tyson, got up, and went on to knock Tyson out. No one had really done that before--Tyson was a hard hitter. Douglas demonstrated indomitable determination to make good on the promise made to his mother before she died. This single promise made Buster a force of nature, allowing him to survive a Tyson knockout and go on to beat the heavyweight champion in the same match

@shadowboxer6462 - 08.12.2024 01:41

Sorry man, ain’t spending my money on live events

@JasonBallou - 17.12.2024 19:50

Thank you. Your shows reminde me that we are SO MUCH more than taught. Our families amd friends thank you as well. You are a healer of men.. thank you.

@eliyahjnobaptiste2271 - 26.12.2024 06:52

"Pressure cooker high speed train" Embedded in my brain man..2.0 mentality self!!!!!! Big up to you BK👍

@SRicher8671 - 02.01.2025 02:37

Strong opinions. What are his Qualifications? And why didn't he help the 'Loser'? I thought he was a Motivation Coach 🤨

@AnthonyFluton - 05.01.2025 01:56

I’m 8 and I’m really motivated this vid helped a lot

@pr27lady - 06.02.2025 17:55

God Bless You!!! Love this show!! Such a blessing!! ❤

@zaynscott-d8t - 09.02.2025 06:12

@Marrkkyy_markk - 16.02.2025 01:05

One of your best videos, I’m going to watch this over and over. I was bashed and beat down many times, knife held up to me, people trying to steal from me. I relate to all this so hard and I’ve come a very long way.. thank you for this video

@Shae-k1c8n - 20.02.2025 02:33

A crop duster.. that’s got a couple layers

@igcowboy - 20.02.2025 04:49

Let's see

@bethanderson1300 - 23.02.2025 00:41

Just because we don’t have the ability to make it to your event doesn’t mean we aren’t serious😡

@MarcusWest0 - 01.03.2025 19:03

Been listening to you for two days now, I’m at a stage in my life where I’m transitioning my mindset and going for a better life. You happen to be on my feed at the right time. I just want to thank you. You keep it real and give me really good information.

@AnthonyAlexander-tu1cx - 07.03.2025 11:21

